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# Restrictions
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**Table of Contents**
- [Compatibility](#compatibility)
* [Cross Platform](#cross-platform)
* [Firefox Version](#firefox-version)
* [Side Effect](#side-effect)
* [RTL](#rtl)
* [`-moz-accent-color`](#-moz-accent-color)
* [Fork Browsers](#fork-browsers)
* [Add-ons](#add-ons)
* [SCSS](#scss)
- [Internals](#internals)
* [CSS Loading Order](#css-loading-order)
* [DOM structure cannot be modified](#dom-structure-cannot-be-modified)
* [Shadow DOM](#shadow-dom)
* [XUL](#xul)
* [Supports](#supports)
* [Namespace](#namespace)
* [Import](#import)
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## Compatibility
### Cross Platform
Different compatibility issues occur in Win7, Win8, Win10, KDE, Gnome, Mac, etc.
For example, The appearance of the context menu varies from platform to platform.
![context menu](
Consider compatibility as much as possible, but use [dedicated media queries]( in special cases.
Even the implementation is also different like [Context menu's image](
If you need to implement it in a variety of forms, make a sort of API using [`css var()`](
Problems that are not [`appearance: auto`]( may require emulation like [Win7, 8's menu active color](
Complex UI emulation is quite tricky. [[Linux's Proton UI Library Chrome](, [Linux's Proton UI Library Content](]
[Bookmark menu]( is also similar example([code](
In the case of the Mac native menu, there may be a menu that [cannot be displayed icon or added at the OS level](
### Firefox Version
There may be changes that change by version of Firefox.
It's [more frequent than your thought](, and we need to respond to compatibility between [Nightly]( and [ESR]( versions.
This project is using SCSS to make a [reusable compatible mixins](../src/utils).
@include OS($linux) {
// Your CSS
@include Dark {
// Your CSS
**Main compatibility bugs**
- `-moz-toolbar-prefers-color-scheme` -> `prefers-color-scheme` [#250](
- `:root[lwtheme-mozlightdark]` is removed [#288](
- `-moz-os-version` -> `-moz-platform` [#331](
- Breaking change with `-moz-accent-color`/`-moz-accent-color-foreground` -> `AccentColor`/`AccentColorText` [#433](
- `-moz-box` to `flex` layout [#670](
- Drop `windows7` and `windows8`[#744](
- `-moz-platform: windows-win7`, `-moz-platform: windows-win8`, `-moz-platform: windows-win10`, `-moz-windows-non-native-menus`
### Side Effect
Only CSS modifications can cause bugs that are hard to think of in the general web, such as the [context menu not appearing](
Sometimes there are times when there is a really hard to understand. [#503](
Especially be careful when customizing XUL elements.
The following code will cause extension panels fail to open and trying to open them might even crash Firefox. ([@MrOtherGuy]( reports)
#nav-bar {
display: flex;
Info: `#nav-bar` is [`toolbar`](
Another `display: flex`'s side effect examples. [#368]( [#372](
After FF `v107`, breakage due to `-moz-box` may occur.
- [Bug 1783934 - Add a way to incrementally migrate -moz-box layout to modern flexbox](
- [Bug 1790616 - Use modern flexbox in the browser toolbox.](
### RTL
It can be detected using [`:-moz-locale-dir(rtl)`]( on the interface(chrome) and [`:dir(rtl)`]( on the content.
[`margin-inline`]( and [`padding-inline`]( works as desired, but [`background-position-x`]( and [`translateX()`]( should use the opposite values.
### `-moz-accent-color`
I don't know the exact reason, but it can be a problem if it is not applied to [CSS Variable]( [#437](
### Fork Browsers
Fork browsers have a different installation location ([bash](, [powershell](, and there may be a menu that Firefox does not have.
List of fork browsers supported by this project:
- [Waterfox](
- [Floorp](
- [LibreWolf](
- [Tor Browser](
- [Pulse Browser](
- [Firedragon](
- [Ghostery Broser](
### Add-ons
**Web extentions**
You can apply [Web extentions]('s context menu icons.
At this time, we recommend that the [explicit ID]( is set.
If not, an anonymous ID is created in the local, so you need a [UUID replacer](
List of web extentions supported by this project:
- [Tree Style Tab](
- [Tab Center Reborn](
- [Sidebar Tabs](
**Legacy Addons**
We should consider [Legacy addons](, not web extentions.
Legacy addons can be loaded by [Auto config's feature](./ or [bootstrapLoder]( and can directly manipulate the DOM structure and style. [onemen/TabMixPlus#168](
List of legacy addons supported by this project:
- [Tab Mix Plus](
### SCSS
Due to [various compatibility](#firefox-version) and [option dependency]( requirements, we are using a CSS preprocessor, [SCSS](
[`-moz-document`]( has been [deprecated in SCSS](, and displays a lot of warnings.
Unlike normal cases, this project works because it is [at the UA sheet level](, and we have to [hide warnings]( to show other critical errors.
## Internals
### CSS Loading Order
User CSS (`userChrome.css`, `userContent.css`) is usually loaded first.
In many cases, overriding should be prevented with [`!important`](!important_exception) (Anti-pattern in general web), and side effects should also be considered. [#11](
### DOM structure cannot be modified
It is possible with [JS (Auto config)](./, but there are security and configuration issues, so we should make the most of CSS.
[`::before`]( and [`::after`]( can indirectly add CSS elements.
Many implementations using `::before`, `::after`.
- [Bottom Rounded Corner](
- [Dynamic Tab Separator](
- [Static Tab Separator](
- [Picture In Picture Indicator](
- [Container Indicator](
For icons, [`list-style-image`]( and [`background-image`]( are available.
It is recommended to use `list-style-image` when a layout is provided for the image.
`background-image` may require many calculations to fit the layout.
- [Replace Library Icon](
- [Panel Icon](
- [Menu Item Icon](
- [Error Illustration](
You can use [`-moz-box-ordinal-group`]( ([`-moz-box`]( and [`order`]( (at [flex]( to change the order of the layout.
In experience, the detailed actions of `-moz-box` and `flex` are different, so tests are required.
- [Separator Order](
- [Sync Menu Item's Image Order](
- [Tabs On Bottom](
Finally, it's time to respond to various states.
By default, [attribute selectors]( is used, and sometimes [hard coding]( according to [selector specificity]( may be required.
If there is no state attributes, you can bypass by using [both transitions and keyframes]( for animation.
### Shadow DOM
Firefox actively uses [shadow DOM]( internally.
To modify, it is often a roundabout approach or impossible to inherit.
One bypass method is to declare [`var()`]( to shadow root.
- [Scrollbutton Padding](
- [Audio, Video Player UI](
- [Video Player Twoline UI]( It is pretty difficult when the condition becomes complicated.
Another limitation of shadow DOM in user style is that you cannot use shadow DOM related selectors like [`:host`]( and [`::part`](
- [Using ::part() selector in userchrome.css?](
- [Can't change some shadow-dom properties](
- [Bug 1575507 - Shadow parts should work in user-origin stylesheets.](
### XUL
Sometimes firefox can use [XUL]( that have been written and bound with C++ for performance like a treeview of bookmarks.
XUL's [box model]( and [DOM]( are different from HTML.
There are a few appropriate documents, so we have to read the source code and work. (Ex. [1](, [2](
Available CSS features are also restricted.
Examples of legacy documents that will help:
- [UDN: ::-moz-tree-cell](
- [UDN: ::-moz-tree-cell-text](
Another case.
Like [`<toolbar align="end"></toolbar>`](, [`attributes`]( is set and CSS of same property may not be applied. (Ex. [`box-align: start`](
### Supports
[`@supports`]( change in CSS is not detected in real time. (Caching after checking only once)
So a restart is required, and if Mozilla needs real time changes, they are using `@media` to handle it.
If project only uses pure CSS, we cannot add `@media rules`.
- [Bug 1267890 - Support detecting bool preferences in chrome stylesheets](
- [Bug 1698132 - Improve caching behaviour of -moz-bool-pref](
This restriction is also related to the [Doc:](./
### Namespace
In older codes, the following [namespace]( is commonly seen:
@namespace url(;
However, it is [only applicable to XUL](, so it is recommended to use with `prefix`.
@namespace xul url("");
@namespace html url("");
/* Use */
xul|search-textbox {
border: 2px solid red !important;
html|input {
border: 2px solid green !important;
If you want to limit the coverage to some pages, you can use [`@-moz-document`](
/* Main browser UI */
@-moz-document url("chrome://browser/content/browser.xhtml") {
/* Your CSS */
/* Library UI */
@-moz-document url("chrome://browser/content/places/places.xhtml") {
/* Your CSS */
/* PageInfo UI */
@-moz-document url("chrome://browser/content/pageinfo/pageInfo.xhtml") {
/* Your CSS */
### Import
There are a few caveats when you [`@import`]( the CSS.
It's because of specification definition, not Firefox design, but to prevent some mistakes.
`@import` rule is not a [nested statement]( Therefore, it cannot be used inside [conditional group at-rules](
/* Precede */
@import url("YourFile.css"); /* Works */
/* Nested */
@supports -moz-bool-pref("userChrome.test.pref") {
@import url("AnotherFile.css"); /* Not Works */
Any [`@namespace`]( rules must follow all `@charset` and @import rules, and precede all other at-rules and style declarations in a style sheet.
/* Before - Namespace */
@import url("YourFile.css"); /* Works */
/* Declare - Namespace */
@namespace xul url("");
@namespace html url("");
/* After - Namespace */
@import url("YourFile.css"); /* Not Works */