
201 lines
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* File related plugin functions : find plugins, activate, deactivate, uninstall.
* @group plugins
class Plugin_Files_Tests extends PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
* Reset active plugin list
public static function tearDownAfterClass(): void {
yourls_get_db()->set_plugins( array() );
* Return array of files from tests/data/plugins/invalid-code
public function get_invalid_code_plugins() {
$plugins = array();
foreach ( glob(YOURLS_PLUGINDIR . '/invalid-code/*.php') as $file ) {
$plugins[] = array($file);
return $plugins;
* Return one of the "valid" test plugins from tests/data/plugins
public function pick_a_plugin() {
$plugins = array_keys( yourls_get_plugins() );
$plugin = $plugins[ array_rand( $plugins ) ];
return $plugin;
* Check that only 2 "valid" plugins are found in tests/data/plugins
public function test_get_plugins() {
$plugins = array_keys( yourls_get_plugins() );
$expected = [
'0' => 'test-plugin/plugin.php',
'1' => 'test-plugin2/plugin.php',
$this->assertSame($expected, $plugins);
* Check that a random "valid" plugin file validates as a plugin file
public function test_plugin_validate() {
$plugin = $this->pick_a_plugin();
$this->assertTrue( yourls_is_a_plugin_file(YOURLS_PLUGINDIR . '/' . $plugin ) );
* Check that a nonexistent plugin file does not validate as a plugin file
public function test_missing_plugin_validate() {
$plugin = rand_str();
$this->assertFalse( yourls_is_a_plugin_file(YOURLS_PLUGINDIR . '/' . $plugin ) );
* Check that an invalid plugin file does not validate as a plugin file
* @dataProvider get_invalid_code_plugins
public function test_invalid_plugin_validate($plugin) {
$this->assertFalse( yourls_is_a_plugin_file($plugin) );
* Check that a random valid plugin activates correctly
public function test_plugin_activate() {
$plugin = $this->pick_a_plugin();
// Make sure the plugin.php is NOT present in get_included_files()
// We sanitize the array to deal with different platforms (D:\hello\Windows vs /home/user/hello/Linux)
array_map('yourls_sanitize_filename', get_included_files())));
// Activate the plugin
$this->assertTrue( yourls_activate_plugin( $plugin ) );
$this->assertGreaterThan( 0, yourls_has_active_plugins() );
$this->assertTrue( yourls_is_active_plugin( $plugin ) );
// Make sure the plugin.php is now present in get_included_files()
$included_files = array_map('yourls_sanitize_filename', get_included_files()) ;
$this->assertTrue(in_array(yourls_sanitize_filename(YOURLS_PLUGINDIR.'/'.$plugin), $included_files));
// Make sure the plugin's uninstall.php is NOT present in get_included_files()
// We should NOT have YOURLS_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN defined
return $plugin;
* Check that an active plugin does not activate
* @depends test_plugin_activate
public function test_plugin_activate_twice( $plugin ) {
$this->assertNotSame( true, yourls_activate_plugin( $plugin ) );
// Note: we assertNotSame() with true because the function either returns true or a string
return $plugin;
* Simulate initial plugin loading
* @depends test_plugin_activate
public function test_load_plugins( $plugin ) {
$ydb = yourls_get_db();
// at this point, we have exactly 1 plugin activated
$this->assertSame( $ydb->get_plugins(), array( $plugin ) );
// Register a nonexistent plugin to simulate one that was once activated but deleted since
$fake_plugin = rand_str() . '/plugin.php';
// Register a broken code plugin to simulate one that was once activated but now is broken
$broken_plugin = $this->get_invalid_code_plugins()[ array_rand( $this->get_invalid_code_plugins() ) ][0];
yourls_update_option( 'active_plugins', $ydb->get_plugins() );
// Check we have 1 activated and 2 removed
$load = yourls_load_plugins();
$this->assertTrue( $load['loaded'] );
$this->assertSame( $load['info'], '1 activated, 2 removed' );
// Check only our valid plugin is left registered
$this->assertSame( $ydb->get_plugins(), array( $plugin ) );
$this->assertSame( 1, yourls_has_active_plugins() );
* Check that valid plugin deactivates correctly
* @depends test_plugin_activate
public function test_plugin_deactivate( $plugin ) {
$this->assertTrue( yourls_deactivate_plugin($plugin) );
$this->assertSame( 0, yourls_has_active_plugins() );
$this->assertFalse( yourls_is_active_plugin($plugin) );
return $plugin;
* Check that deactivating a plugin correctly ran the uninstall script
* @depends test_plugin_deactivate
public function test_plugin_uninstall( $plugin ) {
// Make sure uninstall.php is NOW present in get_included_files()
$this->assertTrue( in_array( yourls_sanitize_filename(YOURLS_PLUGINDIR . '/' . dirname($plugin) . '/uninstall.php'),
array_map('yourls_sanitize_filename', get_included_files())) );
// we should now have YOURLS_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN set to true
* Check that an missing plugin does not activate
public function test_invalid_plugin_activate() {
$plugin = rand_str();
$this->assertNotSame( true, yourls_activate_plugin( $plugin ) );
$this->assertFalse( yourls_is_active_plugin( $plugin ) );
* Check that a missing plugin does not deactivate
public function test_invalid_plugin_deactivate() {
$plugin = rand_str();
$this->assertFalse( yourls_is_active_plugin( $plugin ) );
$this->assertNotSame( true, yourls_deactivate_plugin( $plugin ) );
* Check that a plugin with invalid code does not activate
* @dataProvider get_invalid_code_plugins
public function test_invalid_plugin_does_not_activate($plugin) {
$this->assertNotTrue( yourls_include_file_sandbox( $plugin ) );
$this->assertNotTrue( yourls_activate_plugin( $plugin ) );
$this->assertNotTrue( yourls_is_active_plugin( $plugin ) );