mirror of https://github.com/aptly-dev/aptly
666 lines
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666 lines
21 KiB
package api
import (
func getVerifier(keyRings []string) (pgp.Verifier, error) {
verifier := context.GetVerifier()
for _, keyRing := range keyRings {
err := verifier.InitKeyring(false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return verifier, nil
// @Summary List Mirrors
// @Description **Show list of currently available mirrors**
// @Description Each mirror is returned as in “show” API.
// @Tags Mirrors
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {array} deb.RemoteRepo
// @Router /api/mirrors [get]
func apiMirrorsList(c *gin.Context) {
collectionFactory := context.NewCollectionFactory()
collection := collectionFactory.RemoteRepoCollection()
result := []*deb.RemoteRepo{}
collection.ForEach(func(repo *deb.RemoteRepo) error {
result = append(result, repo)
return nil
c.JSON(200, result)
type mirrorCreateParams struct {
// Name of mirror to be created
Name string `binding:"required" json:"Name" example:"mirror2"`
// Url of the archive to mirror
ArchiveURL string `binding:"required" json:"ArchiveURL" example:"http://deb.debian.org/debian"`
// Distribution name to mirror
Distribution string ` json:"Distribution" example:"'buster', for flat repositories use './'"`
// Package query that is applied to mirror packages
Filter string ` json:"Filter" example:"xserver-xorg"`
// Components to mirror, if not specified aptly would fetch all components
Components []string ` json:"Components" example:"main"`
// Limit mirror to those architectures, if not specified aptly would fetch all architectures
Architectures []string ` json:"Architectures" example:"amd64"`
// Gpg keyring(s) for verifying Release file
Keyrings []string ` json:"Keyrings" example:"trustedkeys.gpg"`
// Set "true" to mirror source packages
DownloadSources bool ` json:"DownloadSources"`
// Set "true" to mirror udeb files
DownloadUdebs bool ` json:"DownloadUdebs"`
// Set "true" to mirror installer files
DownloadInstaller bool ` json:"DownloadInstaller"`
// Set "true" to include dependencies of matching packages when filtering
FilterWithDeps bool ` json:"FilterWithDeps"`
// Set "true" to skip if the given components are in the Release file
SkipComponentCheck bool ` json:"SkipComponentCheck"`
// Set "true" to skip the verification of architectures
SkipArchitectureCheck bool ` json:"SkipArchitectureCheck"`
// Set "true" to skip the verification of Release file signatures
IgnoreSignatures bool ` json:"IgnoreSignatures"`
// @Summary Create Mirror
// @Description **Create a mirror of a remote repository**
// @Tags Mirrors
// @Consume json
// @Param request body mirrorCreateParams true "Parameters"
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} deb.RemoteRepo
// @Failure 400 {object} Error "Bad Request"
// @Router /api/mirrors [post]
func apiMirrorsCreate(c *gin.Context) {
var err error
var b mirrorCreateParams
b.DownloadSources = context.Config().DownloadSourcePackages
b.IgnoreSignatures = context.Config().GpgDisableVerify
b.Architectures = context.ArchitecturesList()
if c.Bind(&b) != nil {
collectionFactory := context.NewCollectionFactory()
collection := collectionFactory.RemoteRepoCollection()
if strings.HasPrefix(b.ArchiveURL, "ppa:") {
b.ArchiveURL, b.Distribution, b.Components, err = deb.ParsePPA(b.ArchiveURL, context.Config())
if err != nil {
AbortWithJSONError(c, 400, err)
if b.Filter != "" {
_, err = query.Parse(b.Filter)
if err != nil {
AbortWithJSONError(c, 400, fmt.Errorf("unable to create mirror: %s", err))
repo, err := deb.NewRemoteRepo(b.Name, b.ArchiveURL, b.Distribution, b.Components, b.Architectures,
b.DownloadSources, b.DownloadUdebs, b.DownloadInstaller)
if err != nil {
AbortWithJSONError(c, 400, fmt.Errorf("unable to create mirror: %s", err))
repo.Filter = b.Filter
repo.FilterWithDeps = b.FilterWithDeps
repo.SkipComponentCheck = b.SkipComponentCheck
repo.SkipArchitectureCheck = b.SkipArchitectureCheck
repo.DownloadSources = b.DownloadSources
repo.DownloadUdebs = b.DownloadUdebs
verifier, err := getVerifier(b.Keyrings)
if err != nil {
AbortWithJSONError(c, 400, fmt.Errorf("unable to initialize GPG verifier: %s", err))
downloader := context.NewDownloader(nil)
err = repo.Fetch(downloader, verifier, b.IgnoreSignatures)
if err != nil {
AbortWithJSONError(c, 400, fmt.Errorf("unable to fetch mirror: %s", err))
err = collection.Add(repo)
if err != nil {
AbortWithJSONError(c, 500, fmt.Errorf("unable to add mirror: %s", err))
c.JSON(201, repo)
// @Summary Delete Mirror
// @Description **Delete a mirror**
// @Tags Mirrors
// @Param name path string true "mirror name"
// @Param force query int true "force: 1 to enable"
// @Param _async query bool false "Run in background and return task object"
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} task.ProcessReturnValue
// @Failure 404 {object} Error "Mirror not found"
// @Failure 403 {object} Error "Unable to delete mirror with snapshots"
// @Failure 500 {object} Error "Unable to delete"
// @Router /api/mirrors/{name} [delete]
func apiMirrorsDrop(c *gin.Context) {
name := c.Params.ByName("name")
force := c.Request.URL.Query().Get("force") == "1"
collectionFactory := context.NewCollectionFactory()
mirrorCollection := collectionFactory.RemoteRepoCollection()
snapshotCollection := collectionFactory.SnapshotCollection()
repo, err := mirrorCollection.ByName(name)
if err != nil {
AbortWithJSONError(c, 404, fmt.Errorf("unable to drop: %s", err))
resources := []string{string(repo.Key())}
taskName := fmt.Sprintf("Delete mirror %s", name)
maybeRunTaskInBackground(c, taskName, resources, func(_ aptly.Progress, _ *task.Detail) (*task.ProcessReturnValue, error) {
err := repo.CheckLock()
if err != nil {
return &task.ProcessReturnValue{Code: http.StatusInternalServerError, Value: nil}, fmt.Errorf("unable to drop: %v", err)
if !force {
snapshots := snapshotCollection.ByRemoteRepoSource(repo)
if len(snapshots) > 0 {
return &task.ProcessReturnValue{Code: http.StatusForbidden, Value: nil}, fmt.Errorf("won't delete mirror with snapshots, use 'force=1' to override")
err = mirrorCollection.Drop(repo)
if err != nil {
return &task.ProcessReturnValue{Code: http.StatusInternalServerError, Value: nil}, fmt.Errorf("unable to drop: %v", err)
return &task.ProcessReturnValue{Code: http.StatusNoContent, Value: nil}, nil
// @Summary Get Mirror Info
// @Description **Get mirror information by name**
// @Tags Mirrors
// @Param name path string true "mirror name"
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} deb.RemoteRepo
// @Failure 404 {object} Error "Mirror not found"
// @Failure 500 {object} Error "Internal Error"
// @Router /api/mirrors/{name} [get]
func apiMirrorsShow(c *gin.Context) {
collectionFactory := context.NewCollectionFactory()
collection := collectionFactory.RemoteRepoCollection()
name := c.Params.ByName("name")
repo, err := collection.ByName(name)
if err != nil {
AbortWithJSONError(c, 404, fmt.Errorf("unable to show: %s", err))
err = collection.LoadComplete(repo)
if err != nil {
AbortWithJSONError(c, 500, fmt.Errorf("unable to show: %s", err))
c.JSON(200, repo)
// @Summary List Mirror Packages
// @Description **Get a list of packages from a mirror**
// @Tags Mirrors
// @Param name path string true "mirror name"
// @Param q query string false "search query"
// @Param format query string false "format: `details` for more detailed information"
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {array} deb.Package "List of Packages"
// @Failure 400 {object} Error "Unable to determine list of architectures"
// @Failure 404 {object} Error "Mirror not found"
// @Failure 500 {object} Error "Internal Error"
// @Router /api/mirrors/{name}/packages [get]
func apiMirrorsPackages(c *gin.Context) {
collectionFactory := context.NewCollectionFactory()
collection := collectionFactory.RemoteRepoCollection()
name := c.Params.ByName("name")
repo, err := collection.ByName(name)
if err != nil {
AbortWithJSONError(c, 404, fmt.Errorf("unable to show: %s", err))
err = collection.LoadComplete(repo)
if err != nil {
AbortWithJSONError(c, 500, fmt.Errorf("unable to show: %s", err))
if repo.LastDownloadDate.IsZero() {
AbortWithJSONError(c, 404, fmt.Errorf("unable to show package list, mirror hasn't been downloaded yet"))
reflist := repo.RefList()
result := []*deb.Package{}
list, err := deb.NewPackageListFromRefList(reflist, collectionFactory.PackageCollection(), nil)
if err != nil {
AbortWithJSONError(c, 404, err)
queryS := c.Request.URL.Query().Get("q")
if queryS != "" {
q, err := query.Parse(c.Request.URL.Query().Get("q"))
if err != nil {
AbortWithJSONError(c, 400, err)
withDeps := c.Request.URL.Query().Get("withDeps") == "1"
architecturesList := []string{}
if withDeps {
if len(context.ArchitecturesList()) > 0 {
architecturesList = context.ArchitecturesList()
} else {
architecturesList = list.Architectures(false)
if len(architecturesList) == 0 {
AbortWithJSONError(c, 400, fmt.Errorf("unable to determine list of architectures, please specify explicitly"))
list, err = list.Filter(deb.FilterOptions{
Queries: []deb.PackageQuery{q},
WithDependencies: withDeps,
DependencyOptions: context.DependencyOptions(),
Architectures: architecturesList,
if err != nil {
AbortWithJSONError(c, 500, fmt.Errorf("unable to search: %s", err))
if c.Request.URL.Query().Get("format") == "details" {
list.ForEach(func(p *deb.Package) error {
result = append(result, p)
return nil
c.JSON(200, result)
} else {
c.JSON(200, list.Strings())
type mirrorUpdateParams struct {
// Change mirror name to `Name`
Name string ` json:"Name" example:"mirror1"`
// Url of the archive to mirror
ArchiveURL string ` json:"ArchiveURL" example:"http://deb.debian.org/debian"`
// Package query that is applied to mirror packages
Filter string ` json:"Filter" example:"xserver-xorg"`
// Limit mirror to those architectures, if not specified aptly would fetch all architectures
Architectures []string ` json:"Architectures" example:"amd64"`
// Components to mirror, if not specified aptly would fetch all components
Components []string ` json:"Components" example:"main"`
// Gpg keyring(s) for verifing Release file
Keyrings []string ` json:"Keyrings" example:"trustedkeys.gpg"`
// Set "true" to include dependencies of matching packages when filtering
FilterWithDeps bool ` json:"FilterWithDeps"`
// Set "true" to mirror source packages
DownloadSources bool ` json:"DownloadSources"`
// Set "true" to mirror udeb files
DownloadUdebs bool ` json:"DownloadUdebs"`
// Set "true" to skip checking if the given components are in the Release file
SkipComponentCheck bool ` json:"SkipComponentCheck"`
// Set "true" to skip checking if the given architectures are in the Release file
SkipArchitectureCheck bool ` json:"SkipArchitectureCheck"`
// Set "true" to ignore checksum errors
IgnoreChecksums bool ` json:"IgnoreChecksums"`
// Set "true" to skip the verification of Release file signatures
IgnoreSignatures bool ` json:"IgnoreSignatures"`
// Set "true" to force a mirror update even if another process is already updating the mirror (use with caution!)
ForceUpdate bool ` json:"ForceUpdate"`
// Set "true" to skip downloading already downloaded packages
SkipExistingPackages bool ` json:"SkipExistingPackages"`
// @Summary Update Mirror
// @Description **Update Mirror and download packages**
// @Tags Mirrors
// @Param name path string true "mirror name to update"
// @Consume json
// @Param request body mirrorUpdateParams true "Parameters"
// @Param _async query bool false "Run in background and return task object"
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} task.ProcessReturnValue "Mirror was updated successfully"
// @Success 202 {object} task.Task "Mirror is being updated"
// @Failure 400 {object} Error "Unable to determine list of architectures"
// @Failure 404 {object} Error "Mirror not found"
// @Failure 500 {object} Error "Internal Error"
// @Router /api/mirrors/{name} [put]
func apiMirrorsUpdate(c *gin.Context) {
var (
err error
remote *deb.RemoteRepo
b mirrorUpdateParams
collectionFactory := context.NewCollectionFactory()
collection := collectionFactory.RemoteRepoCollection()
remote, err = collection.ByName(c.Params.ByName("name"))
if err != nil {
AbortWithJSONError(c, 404, err)
b.Name = remote.Name
b.DownloadUdebs = remote.DownloadUdebs
b.DownloadSources = remote.DownloadSources
b.SkipComponentCheck = remote.SkipComponentCheck
b.SkipArchitectureCheck = remote.SkipArchitectureCheck
b.FilterWithDeps = remote.FilterWithDeps
b.Filter = remote.Filter
b.Architectures = remote.Architectures
b.Components = remote.Components
b.IgnoreSignatures = context.Config().GpgDisableVerify
log.Info().Msgf("%s: Starting mirror update", b.Name)
if c.Bind(&b) != nil {
if b.Name != remote.Name {
_, err = collection.ByName(b.Name)
if err == nil {
AbortWithJSONError(c, 409, fmt.Errorf("unable to rename: mirror %s already exists", b.Name))
if b.DownloadUdebs != remote.DownloadUdebs {
if remote.IsFlat() && b.DownloadUdebs {
AbortWithJSONError(c, 400, fmt.Errorf("unable to update: flat mirrors don't support udebs"))
if b.ArchiveURL != "" {
remote.Name = b.Name
remote.DownloadUdebs = b.DownloadUdebs
remote.DownloadSources = b.DownloadSources
remote.SkipComponentCheck = b.SkipComponentCheck
remote.SkipArchitectureCheck = b.SkipArchitectureCheck
remote.FilterWithDeps = b.FilterWithDeps
remote.Filter = b.Filter
remote.Architectures = b.Architectures
remote.Components = b.Components
verifier, err := getVerifier(b.Keyrings)
if err != nil {
AbortWithJSONError(c, 400, fmt.Errorf("unable to initialize GPG verifier: %s", err))
resources := []string{string(remote.Key())}
maybeRunTaskInBackground(c, "Update mirror "+b.Name, resources, func(out aptly.Progress, detail *task.Detail) (*task.ProcessReturnValue, error) {
downloader := context.NewDownloader(out)
err := remote.Fetch(downloader, verifier, b.IgnoreSignatures)
if err != nil {
return &task.ProcessReturnValue{Code: http.StatusInternalServerError, Value: nil}, fmt.Errorf("unable to update: %s", err)
if !b.ForceUpdate {
err = remote.CheckLock()
if err != nil {
return &task.ProcessReturnValue{Code: http.StatusInternalServerError, Value: nil}, fmt.Errorf("unable to update: %s", err)
err = remote.DownloadPackageIndexes(out, downloader, verifier, collectionFactory, b.IgnoreSignatures, b.SkipComponentCheck)
if err != nil {
return &task.ProcessReturnValue{Code: http.StatusInternalServerError, Value: nil}, fmt.Errorf("unable to update: %s", err)
if remote.Filter != "" {
var filterQuery deb.PackageQuery
filterQuery, err = query.Parse(remote.Filter)
if err != nil {
return &task.ProcessReturnValue{Code: http.StatusInternalServerError, Value: nil}, fmt.Errorf("unable to update: %s", err)
_, _, err = remote.ApplyFilter(context.DependencyOptions(), filterQuery, out)
if err != nil {
return &task.ProcessReturnValue{Code: http.StatusInternalServerError, Value: nil}, fmt.Errorf("unable to update: %s", err)
queue, downloadSize, err := remote.BuildDownloadQueue(context.PackagePool(), collectionFactory.PackageCollection(),
collectionFactory.ChecksumCollection(nil), b.SkipExistingPackages)
if err != nil {
return &task.ProcessReturnValue{Code: http.StatusInternalServerError, Value: nil}, fmt.Errorf("unable to update: %s", err)
defer func() {
// on any interruption, unlock the mirror
e := context.ReOpenDatabase()
if e == nil {
err = collection.Update(remote)
if err != nil {
return &task.ProcessReturnValue{Code: http.StatusInternalServerError, Value: nil}, fmt.Errorf("unable to update: %s", err)
count := len(queue)
taskDetail := struct {
TotalDownloadSize int64
RemainingDownloadSize int64
TotalNumberOfPackages int
RemainingNumberOfPackages int
downloadSize, downloadSize, count, count,
downloadQueue := make(chan int)
taskFinished := make(chan *deb.PackageDownloadTask)
var (
errors []string
errLock sync.Mutex
pushError := func(err error) {
errors = append(errors, err.Error())
go func() {
for idx := range queue {
select {
case downloadQueue <- idx:
case <-context.Done():
// update of task details need to be done in order
go func() {
for {
task, ok := <-taskFinished
if !ok {
taskDetail.RemainingDownloadSize -= task.File.Checksums.Size
log.Info().Msgf("%s: Spawning background processes...", b.Name)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < context.Config().DownloadConcurrency; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for {
select {
case idx, ok := <-downloadQueue:
if !ok {
task := &queue[idx]
var e error
// provision download location
if pp, ok := context.PackagePool().(aptly.LocalPackagePool); ok {
task.TempDownPath, e = pp.GenerateTempPath(task.File.Filename)
} else {
var file *os.File
file, e = os.CreateTemp("", task.File.Filename)
if e == nil {
task.TempDownPath = file.Name()
if e != nil {
// download file...
e = context.Downloader().DownloadWithChecksum(
if e != nil {
// and import it back to the pool
task.File.PoolPath, err = context.PackagePool().Import(task.TempDownPath, task.File.Filename, &task.File.Checksums, true, collectionFactory.ChecksumCollection(nil))
if err != nil {
//return &task.ProcessReturnValue{Code: http.StatusInternalServerError, Value: nil}, fmt.Errorf("unable to import file: %s", err)
// update "attached" files if any
for _, additionalAtask := range task.Additional {
additionalAtask.File.PoolPath = task.File.PoolPath
additionalAtask.File.Checksums = task.File.Checksums
task.Done = true
taskFinished <- task
case <-context.Done():
// Wait for all download goroutines to finish
log.Info().Msgf("%s: Waiting for background processes to finish...", b.Name)
log.Info().Msgf("%s: Background processes finished", b.Name)
defer func() {
for _, task := range queue {
if task.TempDownPath == "" {
if err := os.Remove(task.TempDownPath); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to delete %s: %v\n", task.TempDownPath, err)
select {
case <-context.Done():
return &task.ProcessReturnValue{Code: http.StatusInternalServerError, Value: nil}, fmt.Errorf("unable to update: interrupted")
if len(errors) > 0 {
log.Info().Msgf("%s: Unable to update because of previous errors", b.Name)
return &task.ProcessReturnValue{Code: http.StatusInternalServerError, Value: nil}, fmt.Errorf("unable to update: download errors:\n %s", strings.Join(errors, "\n "))
log.Info().Msgf("%s: Finalizing download...", b.Name)
remote.FinalizeDownload(collectionFactory, out)
err = collectionFactory.RemoteRepoCollection().Update(remote)
if err != nil {
return &task.ProcessReturnValue{Code: http.StatusInternalServerError, Value: nil}, fmt.Errorf("unable to update: %s", err)
log.Info().Msgf("%s: Mirror updated successfully", b.Name)
return &task.ProcessReturnValue{Code: http.StatusNoContent, Value: nil}, nil