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// Package aptly provides common infrastructure that doesn't depend directly on
// Debian or CentOS
package aptly
import (
// ReadSeekerCloser = ReadSeeker + Closer
type ReadSeekerCloser interface {
// PackagePool is asbtraction of package pool storage.
// PackagePool stores all the package files, deduplicating them.
type PackagePool interface {
// Verify checks whether file exists in the pool and fills back checksum info
// if poolPath is empty, poolPath is generated automatically based on checksum info (if available)
// in any case, if function returns true, it also fills back checksums with complete information about the file in the pool
Verify(poolPath, basename string, checksums *utils.ChecksumInfo, checksumStorage ChecksumStorage) (string, bool, error)
// Import copies file into package pool
// - srcPath is full path to source file as it is now
// - basename is desired human-readable name (canonical filename)
// - checksums are used to calculate file placement
// - move indicates whether srcPath can be removed
Import(srcPath, basename string, checksums *utils.ChecksumInfo, move bool, storage ChecksumStorage) (path string, err error)
// LegacyPath returns legacy (pre 1.1) path to package file (relative to root)
LegacyPath(filename string, checksums *utils.ChecksumInfo) (string, error)
// Stat returns Unix stat(2) info
Stat(path string) (os.FileInfo, error)
// Open returns ReadSeekerCloser to access the file
Open(path string) (ReadSeekerCloser, error)
// FilepathList returns file paths of all the files in the pool
FilepathList(progress Progress) ([]string, error)
// Remove deletes file in package pool returns its size
Remove(path string) (size int64, err error)
// LocalPackagePool is implemented by PackagePools residing on the same filesystem
type LocalPackagePool interface {
// GenerateTempPath generates temporary path for download (which is fast to import into package pool later on)
GenerateTempPath(filename string) (string, error)
// Link generates hardlink to destination path
Link(path, dstPath string) error
// Symlink generates symlink to destination path
Symlink(path, dstPath string) error
// FullPath generates full path to the file in pool
// Please use with care: it's not supposed to be used to access files
FullPath(path string) string
// PublishedStorage is abstraction of filesystem storing all published repositories
type PublishedStorage interface {
// MkDir creates directory recursively under public path
MkDir(path string) error
// PutFile puts file into published storage at specified path
PutFile(path string, sourceFilename string) error
// RemoveDirs removes directory structure under public path
RemoveDirs(path string, progress Progress) error
// Remove removes single file under public path
Remove(path string) error
// LinkFromPool links package file from pool to dist's pool location
LinkFromPool(publishedPrefix, publishedRelPath, fileName string, sourcePool PackagePool, sourcePath string, sourceChecksums utils.ChecksumInfo, force bool) error
// Filelist returns list of files under prefix
Filelist(prefix string) ([]string, error)
// RenameFile renames (moves) file
RenameFile(oldName, newName string) error
// SymLink creates a symbolic link, which can be read with ReadLink
SymLink(src string, dst string) error
// HardLink creates a hardlink of a file
HardLink(src string, dst string) error
// FileExists returns true if path exists
FileExists(path string) (bool, error)
// ReadLink returns the symbolic link pointed to by path
ReadLink(path string) (string, error)
// FileSystemPublishedStorage is published storage on filesystem
type FileSystemPublishedStorage interface {
// PublicPath returns root of public part
PublicPath() string
// PublishedStorageProvider is a thing that returns PublishedStorage by name
type PublishedStorageProvider interface {
// GetPublishedStorage returns PublishedStorage by name
GetPublishedStorage(name string) PublishedStorage
// BarType used to differentiate between different progress bars
type BarType int
const (
// BarGeneralBuildPackageList identifies bar for building package list
BarGeneralBuildPackageList BarType = iota
// BarGeneralVerifyDependencies identifies bar for verifying dependencies
// BarGeneralBuildFileList identifies bar for building file list
// BarCleanupBuildList identifies bar for building list to cleanup
// BarCleanupDeleteUnreferencedFiles identifies bar for deleting unreferenced files
// BarMirrorUpdateDownloadIndexes identifies bar for downloading index files
// BarMirrorUpdateDownloadPackages identifies bar for downloading packages
// BarMirrorUpdateBuildPackageList identifies bar for building package list of downloaded files
// BarMirrorUpdateImportFiles identifies bar for importing package files
// BarMirrorUpdateFinalizeDownload identifies bar for finalizing downloads
// BarPublishGeneratePackageFiles identifies bar for generating package files to publish
// BarPublishFinalizeIndexes identifies bar for finalizing index files
// Progress is a progress displaying entity, it allows progress bars & simple prints
type Progress interface {
// Writer interface to support progress bar ticking
// Start makes progress start its work
// Shutdown shuts down progress display
// Flush returns when all queued messages are sent
// InitBar starts progressbar for count bytes or count items
InitBar(count int64, isBytes bool, barType BarType)
// ShutdownBar stops progress bar and hides it
// AddBar increments progress for progress bar
AddBar(count int)
// SetBar sets current position for progress bar
SetBar(count int)
// Printf does printf but in safe manner: not overwriting progress bar
Printf(msg string, a ...interface{})
// ColoredPrintf does printf in colored way + newline
ColoredPrintf(msg string, a ...interface{})
// PrintfStdErr does printf but in safe manner to stderr
PrintfStdErr(msg string, a ...interface{})
// Downloader is parallel HTTP fetcher
type Downloader interface {
// Download starts new download task
Download(ctx context.Context, url string, destination string) error
// DownloadWithChecksum starts new download task with checksum verification
DownloadWithChecksum(ctx context.Context, url string, destination string, expected *utils.ChecksumInfo, ignoreMismatch bool) error
// GetProgress returns Progress object
GetProgress() Progress
// GetLength returns size by heading object with url
GetLength(ctx context.Context, url string) (int64, error)
// ChecksumStorageProvider creates ChecksumStorage based on DB
type ChecksumStorageProvider func(db database.ReaderWriter) ChecksumStorage
// ChecksumStorage is stores checksums in some (persistent) storage
type ChecksumStorage interface {
// Get finds checksums in DB by path
Get(path string) (*utils.ChecksumInfo, error)
// Update adds or updates information about checksum in DB
Update(path string, c *utils.ChecksumInfo) error