
127 lines
2.8 KiB

package cmd
import (
func aptlyPublishShow(cmd *commander.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) < 1 || len(args) > 2 {
return commander.ErrCommandError
jsonFlag := cmd.Flag.Lookup("json").Value.Get().(bool)
if jsonFlag {
return aptlyPublishShowJSON(cmd, args)
return aptlyPublishShowTxt(cmd, args)
func aptlyPublishShowTxt(_ *commander.Command, args []string) error {
var err error
distribution := args[0]
param := "."
if len(args) == 2 {
param = args[1]
storage, prefix := deb.ParsePrefix(param)
collectionFactory := context.NewCollectionFactory()
repo, err := collectionFactory.PublishedRepoCollection().ByStoragePrefixDistribution(storage, prefix, distribution)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to show: %s", err)
if repo.Storage != "" {
fmt.Printf("Storage: %s\n", repo.Storage)
fmt.Printf("Prefix: %s\n", repo.Prefix)
if repo.Distribution != "" {
fmt.Printf("Distribution: %s\n", repo.Distribution)
fmt.Printf("Architectures: %s\n", strings.Join(repo.Architectures, " "))
for component, sourceID := range repo.Sources {
var name string
if repo.SourceKind == deb.SourceSnapshot {
source, e := collectionFactory.SnapshotCollection().ByUUID(sourceID)
if e != nil {
name = source.Name
} else if repo.SourceKind == deb.SourceLocalRepo {
source, e := collectionFactory.LocalRepoCollection().ByUUID(sourceID)
if e != nil {
name = source.Name
if name != "" {
fmt.Printf(" %s: %s [%s]\n", component, name, repo.SourceKind)
return err
func aptlyPublishShowJSON(_ *commander.Command, args []string) error {
var err error
distribution := args[0]
param := "."
if len(args) == 2 {
param = args[1]
storage, prefix := deb.ParsePrefix(param)
repo, err := context.NewCollectionFactory().PublishedRepoCollection().ByStoragePrefixDistribution(storage, prefix, distribution)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to show: %s", err)
err = context.NewCollectionFactory().PublishedRepoCollection().LoadComplete(repo, context.NewCollectionFactory())
if err != nil {
return err
var output []byte
if output, err = json.MarshalIndent(repo, "", " "); err == nil {
return err
func makeCmdPublishShow() *commander.Command {
cmd := &commander.Command{
Run: aptlyPublishShow,
UsageLine: "show <distribution> [[<endpoint>:]<prefix>]",
Short: "shows details of published repository",
Long: `
Command show displays full information of a published repository.
$ aptly publish show wheezy
cmd.Flag.Bool("json", false, "display record in JSON format")
return cmd