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package s3
import (
awsauth "github.com/smira/go-aws-auth"
const errCodeNotFound = "NotFound"
// PublishedStorage abstract file system with published files (actually hosted on S3)
type PublishedStorage struct {
s3 *s3.S3
config *aws.Config
bucket string
acl string
prefix string
storageClass string
encryptionMethod string
plusWorkaround bool
disableMultiDel bool
pathCache map[string]string
// Check interface
var (
_ aptly.PublishedStorage = (*PublishedStorage)(nil)
// NewPublishedStorageRaw creates published storage from raw aws credentials
func NewPublishedStorageRaw(
bucket, defaultACL, prefix, storageClass, encryptionMethod string,
plusWorkaround, disabledMultiDel bool,
config *aws.Config,
) (*PublishedStorage, error) {
if defaultACL == "" {
defaultACL = "private"
} else if defaultACL == "none" {
defaultACL = ""
if storageClass == "STANDARD" {
storageClass = ""
sess, err := session.NewSession(config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result := &PublishedStorage{
s3: s3.New(sess),
bucket: bucket,
config: config,
acl: defaultACL,
prefix: prefix,
storageClass: storageClass,
encryptionMethod: encryptionMethod,
plusWorkaround: plusWorkaround,
disableMultiDel: disabledMultiDel,
return result, nil
// NewPublishedStorage creates new instance of PublishedStorage with specified S3 access
// keys, region and bucket name
func NewPublishedStorage(accessKey, secretKey, sessionToken, region, endpoint, bucket, defaultACL, prefix,
storageClass, encryptionMethod string, plusWorkaround, disableMultiDel, forceSigV2, debug bool) (*PublishedStorage, error) {
config := &aws.Config{
Region: aws.String(region),
if endpoint != "" {
config = config.WithEndpoint(endpoint).WithS3ForcePathStyle(true)
if accessKey != "" {
config.Credentials = credentials.NewStaticCredentials(accessKey, secretKey, sessionToken)
if debug {
config = config.WithLogLevel(aws.LogDebug)
result, err := NewPublishedStorageRaw(bucket, defaultACL, prefix, storageClass,
encryptionMethod, plusWorkaround, disableMultiDel, config)
if err == nil && forceSigV2 {
creds := []awsauth.Credentials{}
if accessKey != "" {
creds = append(creds, awsauth.Credentials{
AccessKeyID: accessKey,
SecretAccessKey: secretKey,
result.s3.Handlers.Sign.PushBack(func(req *request.Request) {
awsauth.SignS3(req.HTTPRequest, creds...)
return result, err
// String
func (storage *PublishedStorage) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("S3: %s:%s/%s", *storage.config.Region, storage.bucket, storage.prefix)
// MkDir creates directory recursively under public path
func (storage *PublishedStorage) MkDir(path string) error {
// no op for S3
return nil
// PutFile puts file into published storage at specified path
func (storage *PublishedStorage) PutFile(path string, sourceFilename string) error {
var (
source *os.File
err error
source, err = os.Open(sourceFilename)
if err != nil {
return err
defer source.Close()
err = storage.putFile(path, source, "")
if err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("error uploading %s to %s", sourceFilename, storage))
return err
// getMD5 retrieves MD5 stored in the metadata, if any
func (storage *PublishedStorage) getMD5(path string) (string, error) {
params := &s3.HeadObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String(storage.bucket),
Key: aws.String(filepath.Join(storage.prefix, path)),
output, err := storage.s3.HeadObject(params)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return aws.StringValue(output.Metadata["Md5"]), nil
// putFile uploads file-like object to
func (storage *PublishedStorage) putFile(path string, source io.ReadSeeker, sourceMD5 string) error {
params := &s3.PutObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String(storage.bucket),
Key: aws.String(filepath.Join(storage.prefix, path)),
Body: source,
ACL: aws.String(storage.acl),
if storage.storageClass != "" {
params.StorageClass = aws.String(storage.storageClass)
if storage.encryptionMethod != "" {
params.ServerSideEncryption = aws.String(storage.encryptionMethod)
if sourceMD5 != "" {
params.Metadata = map[string]*string{
"Md5": aws.String(sourceMD5),
_, err := storage.s3.PutObject(params)
if err != nil {
return err
if storage.plusWorkaround && strings.Contains(path, "+") {
_, err = source.Seek(0, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
return storage.putFile(strings.Replace(path, "+", " ", -1), source, sourceMD5)
return nil
// Remove removes single file under public path
func (storage *PublishedStorage) Remove(path string) error {
params := &s3.DeleteObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String(storage.bucket),
Key: aws.String(filepath.Join(storage.prefix, path)),
_, err := storage.s3.DeleteObject(params)
if err != nil {
if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
if aerr.Code() == s3.ErrCodeNoSuchBucket {
// ignore 'no such bucket' errors on removal
return nil
return errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("error deleting %s from %s", path, storage))
if storage.plusWorkaround && strings.Contains(path, "+") {
// try to remove workaround version, but don't care about result
_ = storage.Remove(strings.Replace(path, "+", " ", -1))
return nil
// RemoveDirs removes directory structure under public path
func (storage *PublishedStorage) RemoveDirs(path string, progress aptly.Progress) error {
const page = 1000
filelist, _, err := storage.internalFilelist(path, false)
if err != nil {
if aerr, ok := errors.Cause(err).(awserr.Error); ok {
if aerr.Code() == s3.ErrCodeNoSuchBucket {
// ignore 'no such bucket' errors on removal
return nil
return err
if storage.disableMultiDel {
for i := range filelist {
params := &s3.DeleteObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String(storage.bucket),
Key: aws.String(filepath.Join(storage.prefix, path, filelist[i])),
_, err := storage.s3.DeleteObject(params)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error deleting path %s from %s: %s", filelist[i], storage, err)
} else {
numParts := (len(filelist) + page - 1) / page
for i := 0; i < numParts; i++ {
var part []string
if i == numParts-1 {
part = filelist[i*page:]
} else {
part = filelist[i*page : (i+1)*page]
paths := make([]*s3.ObjectIdentifier, len(part))
for i := range part {
paths[i] = &s3.ObjectIdentifier{
Key: aws.String(filepath.Join(storage.prefix, path, part[i])),
params := &s3.DeleteObjectsInput{
Bucket: aws.String(storage.bucket),
Delete: &s3.Delete{
Objects: paths,
Quiet: aws.Bool(true),
_, err := storage.s3.DeleteObjects(params)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error deleting multiple paths from %s: %s", storage, err)
return nil
// LinkFromPool links package file from pool to dist's pool location
// publishedDirectory is desired location in pool (like prefix/pool/component/liba/libav/)
// sourcePool is instance of aptly.PackagePool
// sourcePath is filepath to package file in package pool
// LinkFromPool returns relative path for the published file to be included in package index
func (storage *PublishedStorage) LinkFromPool(publishedDirectory, fileName string, sourcePool aptly.PackagePool,
sourcePath string, sourceChecksums utils.ChecksumInfo, force bool) error {
relPath := filepath.Join(publishedDirectory, fileName)
poolPath := filepath.Join(storage.prefix, relPath)
if storage.pathCache == nil {
paths, md5s, err := storage.internalFilelist("", true)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error caching paths under prefix")
storage.pathCache = make(map[string]string, len(paths))
for i := range paths {
storage.pathCache[paths[i]] = md5s[i]
destinationMD5, exists := storage.pathCache[relPath]
sourceMD5 := sourceChecksums.MD5
if exists {
if len(destinationMD5) != 32 {
// doesnt look like a valid MD5,
// attempt to fetch one from the metadata
var err error
destinationMD5, err = storage.getMD5(relPath)
if err != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("error verifying MD5 for %s: %s", storage, poolPath))
return err
storage.pathCache[relPath] = destinationMD5
if sourceMD5 == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to compare object, MD5 checksum missing")
if destinationMD5 == sourceMD5 {
return nil
if !force && destinationMD5 != sourceMD5 {
return fmt.Errorf("error putting file to %s: file already exists and is different: %s", poolPath, storage)
source, err := sourcePool.Open(sourcePath)
if err != nil {
return err
defer source.Close()
err = storage.putFile(relPath, source, sourceMD5)
if err == nil {
storage.pathCache[relPath] = sourceMD5
} else {
err = errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("error uploading %s to %s: %s", sourcePath, storage, poolPath))
return err
// Filelist returns list of files under prefix
func (storage *PublishedStorage) Filelist(prefix string) ([]string, error) {
paths, _, err := storage.internalFilelist(prefix, true)
return paths, err
func (storage *PublishedStorage) internalFilelist(prefix string, hidePlusWorkaround bool) (paths []string, md5s []string, err error) {
paths = make([]string, 0, 1024)
md5s = make([]string, 0, 1024)
prefix = filepath.Join(storage.prefix, prefix)
if prefix != "" {
prefix += "/"
params := &s3.ListObjectsInput{
Bucket: aws.String(storage.bucket),
Prefix: aws.String(prefix),
MaxKeys: aws.Int64(1000),
err = storage.s3.ListObjectsPages(params, func(contents *s3.ListObjectsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
for _, key := range contents.Contents {
if storage.plusWorkaround && hidePlusWorkaround && strings.Contains(*key.Key, " ") {
// if we use plusWorkaround, we want to hide those duplicates
/// from listing
if prefix == "" {
paths = append(paths, *key.Key)
} else {
paths = append(paths, (*key.Key)[len(prefix):])
md5s = append(md5s, strings.Replace(*key.ETag, "\"", "", -1))
return true
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.WithMessagef(err, "error listing under prefix %s in %s: %s", prefix, storage, err)
return paths, md5s, nil
// RenameFile renames (moves) file
func (storage *PublishedStorage) RenameFile(oldName, newName string) error {
source := fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", storage.bucket, filepath.Join(storage.prefix, oldName))
params := &s3.CopyObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String(storage.bucket),
CopySource: aws.String(source),
Key: aws.String(filepath.Join(storage.prefix, newName)),
ACL: aws.String(storage.acl),
if storage.storageClass != "" {
params.StorageClass = aws.String(storage.storageClass)
if storage.encryptionMethod != "" {
params.ServerSideEncryption = aws.String(storage.encryptionMethod)
_, err := storage.s3.CopyObject(params)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error copying %s -> %s in %s: %s", oldName, newName, storage, err)
return storage.Remove(oldName)
// SymLink creates a copy of src file and adds link information as meta data
func (storage *PublishedStorage) SymLink(src string, dst string) error {
params := &s3.CopyObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String(storage.bucket),
CopySource: aws.String(filepath.Join(storage.bucket, storage.prefix, src)),
Key: aws.String(filepath.Join(storage.prefix, dst)),
ACL: aws.String(storage.acl),
Metadata: map[string]*string{
"SymLink": aws.String(src),
MetadataDirective: aws.String("REPLACE"),
if storage.storageClass != "" {
params.StorageClass = aws.String(storage.storageClass)
if storage.encryptionMethod != "" {
params.ServerSideEncryption = aws.String(storage.encryptionMethod)
_, err := storage.s3.CopyObject(params)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error symlinking %s -> %s in %s: %s", src, dst, storage, err)
return err
// HardLink using symlink functionality as hard links do not exist
func (storage *PublishedStorage) HardLink(src string, dst string) error {
return storage.SymLink(src, dst)
// FileExists returns true if path exists
func (storage *PublishedStorage) FileExists(path string) (bool, error) {
params := &s3.HeadObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String(storage.bucket),
Key: aws.String(filepath.Join(storage.prefix, path)),
_, err := storage.s3.HeadObject(params)
if err != nil {
aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error)
if ok && aerr.Code() == errCodeNotFound {
return false, nil
return false, err
return true, nil
// ReadLink returns the symbolic link pointed to by path.
// This simply reads text file created with SymLink
func (storage *PublishedStorage) ReadLink(path string) (string, error) {
params := &s3.HeadObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String(storage.bucket),
Key: aws.String(filepath.Join(storage.prefix, path)),
output, err := storage.s3.HeadObject(params)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return aws.StringValue(output.Metadata["SymLink"]), nil