// Copyright 2015 Light Code Labs, LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package caddytls

import (


func init() {
	caddy.RegisterPlugin("tls", caddy.Plugin{Action: setupTLS})

	// ensure the default Storage implementation is plugged in
	caddy.RegisterClusterPlugin("file", constructDefaultClusterPlugin)

// setupTLS sets up the TLS configuration and installs certificates that
// are specified by the user in the config file. All the automatic HTTPS
// stuff comes later outside of this function.
func setupTLS(c *caddy.Controller) error {
	configGetter, ok := configGetters[c.ServerType()]
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("no caddytls.ConfigGetter for %s server type; must call RegisterConfigGetter", c.ServerType())
	config := configGetter(c)
	if config == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("no caddytls.Config to set up for %s", c.Key)

	config.Enabled = true

	// we use certmagic events to collect metrics for telemetry
	config.Manager.OnEvent = func(event string, data interface{}) {
		switch event {
		case "tls_handshake_started":
			clientHello := data.(*tls.ClientHelloInfo)
			if ClientHelloTelemetry && len(clientHello.SupportedVersions) > 0 {
				// If no other plugin (such as the HTTP server type) is implementing ClientHello telemetry, we do it.
				// NOTE: The values in the Go standard lib's ClientHelloInfo aren't guaranteed to be in order.
				info := ClientHelloInfo{
					Version:                   clientHello.SupportedVersions[0], // report the highest
					CipherSuites:              clientHello.CipherSuites,
					ExtensionsUnknown:         true, // no extension info... :(
					CompressionMethodsUnknown: true, // no compression methods... :(
					Curves:                    clientHello.SupportedCurves,
					Points:                    clientHello.SupportedPoints,
					// We also have, but do not yet use: SignatureSchemes, ServerName, and SupportedProtos (ALPN)
					// because the standard lib parses some extensions, but our MITM detector generally doesn't.
				go telemetry.SetNested("tls_client_hello", info.Key(), info)

		case "tls_handshake_completed":
			// TODO: This is a "best guess" for now - at this point, we only gave a
			// certificate to the client; we need something listener-level to be sure
			go telemetry.Increment("tls_handshake_count")

		case "acme_cert_obtained":
			go telemetry.Increment("tls_acme_certs_obtained")

		case "acme_cert_renewed":
			name := data.(string)
			caddy.EmitEvent(caddy.CertRenewEvent, name)
			go telemetry.Increment("tls_acme_certs_renewed")

		case "acme_cert_revoked":

		case "cached_managed_cert":

		case "cached_unmanaged_cert":

	for c.Next() {
		var certificateFile, keyFile, loadDir, maxCerts, askURL string
		var onDemand bool

		args := c.RemainingArgs()
		switch len(args) {
		case 1:
			// even if the email is one of the special values below,
			// it is still necessary for future analysis that we store
			// that value in the ACMEEmail field.
			config.ACMEEmail = args[0]

			switch args[0] {
			// user can force-disable managed TLS this way
			case "off":
				config.Enabled = false
				return nil
			// user might want a temporary, in-memory, self-signed cert
			case "self_signed":
				config.SelfSigned = true
				config.Manager.Email = args[0]
		case 2:
			certificateFile = args[0]
			keyFile = args[1]
			config.Manual = true

		// Optional block with extra parameters
		var hadBlock bool
		for c.NextBlock() {
			hadBlock = true
			switch c.Val() {
			case "ca":
				arg := c.RemainingArgs()
				if len(arg) != 1 {
					return c.ArgErr()
				config.Manager.CA = arg[0]
			case "key_type":
				arg := c.RemainingArgs()
				value, ok := supportedKeyTypes[strings.ToUpper(arg[0])]
				if !ok {
					return c.Errf("Wrong key type name or key type not supported: '%s'", c.Val())
				config.Manager.KeyType = value
			case "protocols":
				args := c.RemainingArgs()
				if len(args) == 1 {
					value, ok := SupportedProtocols[strings.ToLower(args[0])]
					if !ok {
						return c.Errf("Wrong protocol name or protocol not supported: '%s'", args[0])
					config.ProtocolMinVersion, config.ProtocolMaxVersion = value, value
				} else {
					value, ok := SupportedProtocols[strings.ToLower(args[0])]
					if !ok {
						return c.Errf("Wrong protocol name or protocol not supported: '%s'", args[0])
					config.ProtocolMinVersion = value
					value, ok = SupportedProtocols[strings.ToLower(args[1])]
					if !ok {
						return c.Errf("Wrong protocol name or protocol not supported: '%s'", args[1])
					config.ProtocolMaxVersion = value
					if config.ProtocolMinVersion > config.ProtocolMaxVersion {
						return c.Errf("Minimum protocol version cannot be higher than maximum (reverse the order)")
			case "ciphers":
				for c.NextArg() {
					value, ok := SupportedCiphersMap[strings.ToUpper(c.Val())]
					if !ok {
						return c.Errf("Wrong cipher name or cipher not supported: '%s'", c.Val())
					config.Ciphers = append(config.Ciphers, value)
			case "curves":
				for c.NextArg() {
					value, ok := supportedCurvesMap[strings.ToUpper(c.Val())]
					if !ok {
						return c.Errf("Wrong curve name or curve not supported: '%s'", c.Val())
					config.CurvePreferences = append(config.CurvePreferences, value)
			case "clients":
				clientCertList := c.RemainingArgs()
				if len(clientCertList) == 0 {
					return c.ArgErr()

				listStart, mustProvideCA := 1, true
				switch clientCertList[0] {
				case "request":
					config.ClientAuth = tls.RequestClientCert
					mustProvideCA = false
				case "require":
					config.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAnyClientCert
					mustProvideCA = false
				case "verify_if_given":
					config.ClientAuth = tls.VerifyClientCertIfGiven
					config.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert
					listStart = 0
				if mustProvideCA && len(clientCertList) <= listStart {
					return c.ArgErr()

				config.ClientCerts = clientCertList[listStart:]
			case "load":
				config.Manual = true
			case "max_certs":
				onDemand = true
			case "ask":
				onDemand = true
			case "dns":
				args := c.RemainingArgs()
				if len(args) != 1 {
					return c.ArgErr()
				// TODO: we can get rid of DNS provider plugins with this one line
				// of code; however, currently (Dec. 2018) this adds about 20 MB
				// of bloat to the Caddy binary, doubling its size to ~40 MB...!
				// dnsProv, err := dns.NewDNSChallengeProviderByName(args[0])
				// if err != nil {
				// 	return c.Errf("Configuring DNS provider '%s': %v", args[0], err)
				// }
				dnsProvName := args[0]
				dnsProvConstructor, ok := dnsProviders[dnsProvName]
				if !ok {
					return c.Errf("Unknown DNS provider by name '%s'", dnsProvName)
				dnsProv, err := dnsProvConstructor()
				if err != nil {
					return c.Errf("Setting up DNS provider '%s': %v", dnsProvName, err)
				config.Manager.DNSProvider = dnsProv
			case "alpn":
				args := c.RemainingArgs()
				if len(args) == 0 {
					return c.ArgErr()
				for _, arg := range args {
					config.ALPN = append(config.ALPN, arg)
			case "must_staple":
				config.Manager.MustStaple = true
			case "wildcard":
				if !certmagic.HostQualifies(config.Hostname) {
					return c.Errf("Hostname '%s' does not qualify for managed TLS, so cannot manage wildcard certificate for it", config.Hostname)
				if strings.Contains(config.Hostname, "*") {
					return c.Errf("Cannot convert domain name '%s' to a valid wildcard: already has a wildcard label", config.Hostname)
				parts := strings.Split(config.Hostname, ".")
				if len(parts) < 3 {
					return c.Errf("Cannot convert domain name '%s' to a valid wildcard: too few labels", config.Hostname)
				parts[0] = "*"
				config.Hostname = strings.Join(parts, ".")
				return c.Errf("Unknown subdirective '%s'", c.Val())

		// tls requires at least one argument if a block is not opened
		if len(args) == 0 && !hadBlock {
			return c.ArgErr()

		// configure on-demand TLS, if enabled
		if onDemand {
			config.Manager.OnDemand = new(certmagic.OnDemandConfig)
			if maxCerts != "" {
				maxCertsNum, err := strconv.Atoi(maxCerts)
				if err != nil || maxCertsNum < 1 {
					return c.Err("max_certs must be a positive integer")
				config.Manager.OnDemand.MaxObtain = int32(maxCertsNum)
			if askURL != "" {
				parsedURL, err := url.Parse(askURL)
				if err != nil {
					return c.Err("ask must be a valid url")
				if parsedURL.Scheme != "http" && parsedURL.Scheme != "https" {
					return c.Err("ask URL must use http or https")
				config.Manager.OnDemand.AskURL = parsedURL

		// don't try to load certificates unless we're supposed to
		if !config.Enabled || !config.Manual {

		// load a single certificate and key, if specified
		if certificateFile != "" && keyFile != "" {
			err := config.Manager.CacheUnmanagedCertificatePEMFile(certificateFile, keyFile)
			if err != nil {
				return c.Errf("Unable to load certificate and key files for '%s': %v", c.Key, err)
			log.Printf("[INFO] Successfully loaded TLS assets from %s and %s", certificateFile, keyFile)

		// load a directory of certificates, if specified
		if loadDir != "" {
			err := loadCertsInDir(config, c, loadDir)
			if err != nil {
				return err


	// generate self-signed cert if needed
	if config.SelfSigned {
		ssCert, err := newSelfSignedCertificate(selfSignedConfig{
			SAN:     []string{config.Hostname},
			KeyType: config.Manager.KeyType,
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("self-signed certificate generation: %v", err)
		err = config.Manager.CacheUnmanagedTLSCertificate(ssCert)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("self-signed: %v", err)

	return nil

// loadCertsInDir loads all the certificates/keys in dir, as long as
// the file ends with .pem. This method of loading certificates is
// modeled after haproxy, which expects the certificate and key to
// be bundled into the same file:
// https://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/configuration-1.5.html#5.1-crt
// This function may write to the log as it walks the directory tree.
func loadCertsInDir(cfg *Config, c *caddy.Controller, dir string) error {
	return filepath.Walk(dir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("[WARNING] Unable to traverse into %s; skipping", path)
			return nil
		if info.IsDir() {
			return nil
		if strings.HasSuffix(strings.ToLower(info.Name()), ".pem") {
			certBuilder, keyBuilder := new(bytes.Buffer), new(bytes.Buffer)
			var foundKey bool // use only the first key in the file

			bundle, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			for {
				// Decode next block so we can see what type it is
				var derBlock *pem.Block
				derBlock, bundle = pem.Decode(bundle)
				if derBlock == nil {

				if derBlock.Type == "CERTIFICATE" {
					// Re-encode certificate as PEM, appending to certificate chain
					pem.Encode(certBuilder, derBlock)
				} else if derBlock.Type == "EC PARAMETERS" {
					// EC keys generated from openssl can be composed of two blocks:
					// parameters and key (parameter block should come first)
					if !foundKey {
						// Encode parameters
						pem.Encode(keyBuilder, derBlock)

						// Key must immediately follow
						derBlock, bundle = pem.Decode(bundle)
						if derBlock == nil || derBlock.Type != "EC PRIVATE KEY" {
							return c.Errf("%s: expected elliptic private key to immediately follow EC parameters", path)
						pem.Encode(keyBuilder, derBlock)
						foundKey = true
				} else if derBlock.Type == "PRIVATE KEY" || strings.HasSuffix(derBlock.Type, " PRIVATE KEY") {
					// RSA key
					if !foundKey {
						pem.Encode(keyBuilder, derBlock)
						foundKey = true
				} else {
					return c.Errf("%s: unrecognized PEM block type: %s", path, derBlock.Type)

			certPEMBytes, keyPEMBytes := certBuilder.Bytes(), keyBuilder.Bytes()
			if len(certPEMBytes) == 0 {
				return c.Errf("%s: failed to parse PEM data", path)
			if len(keyPEMBytes) == 0 {
				return c.Errf("%s: no private key block found", path)

			err = cfg.Manager.CacheUnmanagedCertificatePEMBytes(certPEMBytes, keyPEMBytes)
			if err != nil {
				return c.Errf("%s: failed to load cert and key for '%s': %v", path, c.Key, err)
			log.Printf("[INFO] Successfully loaded TLS assets from %s", path)
		return nil

func constructDefaultClusterPlugin() (certmagic.Storage, error) {
	return &certmagic.FileStorage{Path: caddy.AssetsPath()}, nil