--- title: 'ASAR Integrity' description: 'An experimental feature that ensures the validity of ASAR contents at runtime.' slug: asar-integrity hide_title: false --- ## Platform Support Currently ASAR integrity checking is only supported on macOS. ## Requirements ### Electron Forge / Electron Packager If you are using `>= electron-packager@15.4.0` or `>= @electron-forge/core@6.0.0-beta.61` then all these requirements are met for you automatically and you can skip to [Toggling the Fuse](#toggling-the-fuse). ### Other build systems In order to enable ASAR integrity checking you need to ensure that your `app.asar` file was generated by a version of the `asar` npm package that supports asar integrity. Support was introduced in version `3.1.0`. Your must then populate a valid `ElectronAsarIntegrity` dictionary block in your packaged apps `Info.plist`. An example is included below. ```plist <key>ElectronAsarIntegrity</key> <dict> <key>Resources/app.asar</key> <dict> <key>algorithm</key> <string>SHA256</string> <key>hash</key> <string>9d1f61ea03c4bb62b4416387a521101b81151da0cfbe18c9f8c8b818c5cebfac</string> </dict> </dict> ``` Valid `algorithm` values are currently `SHA256` only. The `hash` is a hash of the ASAR header using the given algorithm. The `asar` package exposes a `getRawHeader` method whose result can then be hashed to generate this value. ## Toggling the Fuse ASAR integrity checking is currently disabled by default and can be enabled by toggling a fuse. See [Electron Fuses](fuses.md) for more information on what Electron Fuses are and how they work. When enabling this fuse you typically also want to enable the `onlyLoadAppFromAsar` fuse otherwise the validity checking can be bypassed via the Electron app code search path. ```js @ts-nocheck const { flipFuses, FuseVersion, FuseV1Options } = require('@electron/fuses') flipFuses( // E.g. /a/b/Foo.app pathToPackagedApp, { version: FuseVersion.V1, [FuseV1Options.EnableEmbeddedAsarIntegrityValidation]: true, [FuseV1Options.OnlyLoadAppFromAsar]: true } ) ```