import { expect } from 'chai'; import * as childProcess from 'child_process'; import * as path from 'path'; import { BrowserWindow, MessageChannelMain, utilityProcess, app } from 'electron/main'; import { ifit } from './lib/spec-helpers'; import { closeWindow } from './lib/window-helpers'; import { once } from 'events'; import { setImmediate } from 'timers/promises'; const fixturesPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'api', 'utility-process'); const isWindowsOnArm = process.platform === 'win32' && process.arch === 'arm64'; const isWindows32Bit = process.platform === 'win32' && process.arch === 'ia32'; describe('utilityProcess module', () => { describe('UtilityProcess constructor', () => { it('throws when empty script path is provided', async () => { expect(() => { utilityProcess.fork(''); }).to.throw(); }); it('throws when options.stdio is not valid', async () => { expect(() => { utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'empty.js'), [], { execArgv: ['--test', '--test2'], serviceName: 'test', stdio: 'ipc' }); }).to.throw(/stdio must be of the following values: inherit, pipe, ignore/); expect(() => { utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'empty.js'), [], { execArgv: ['--test', '--test2'], serviceName: 'test', stdio: ['ignore', 'ignore'] }); }).to.throw(/configuration missing for stdin, stdout or stderr/); expect(() => { utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'empty.js'), [], { execArgv: ['--test', '--test2'], serviceName: 'test', stdio: ['pipe', 'inherit', 'inherit'] }); }).to.throw(/stdin value other than ignore is not supported/); }); }); describe('lifecycle events', () => { it('emits \'spawn\' when child process successfully launches', async () => { const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'empty.js')); await once(child, 'spawn'); }); it('emits \'exit\' when child process exits gracefully', async () => { const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'empty.js')); const [code] = await once(child, 'exit'); expect(code).to.equal(0); }); ifit(!isWindows32Bit)('emits \'exit\' when child process crashes', async () => { const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'crash.js')); // Do not check for exit code in this case, // SIGSEGV code can be 139 or 11 across our different CI pipeline. await once(child, 'exit'); }); ifit(!isWindows32Bit)('emits \'exit\' corresponding to the child process', async () => { const child1 = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'endless.js')); await once(child1, 'spawn'); const child2 = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'crash.js')); await once(child2, 'exit'); expect(child1.kill()); await once(child1, 'exit'); }); it('emits \'exit\' when there is uncaught exception', async () => { const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'exception.js')); const [code] = await once(child, 'exit'); expect(code).to.equal(1); }); it('emits \'exit\' when process.exit is called', async () => { const exitCode = 2; const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'custom-exit.js'), [`--exitCode=${exitCode}`]); const [code] = await once(child, 'exit'); expect(code).to.equal(exitCode); }); }); describe('app \'child-process-gone\' event', () => { ifit(!isWindows32Bit)('with default serviceName', async () => { utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'crash.js')); const [, details] = await once(app, 'child-process-gone') as [any, Electron.Details]; expect(details.type).to.equal('Utility'); expect(details.serviceName).to.equal('node.mojom.NodeService'); expect('Node Utility Process'); expect(details.reason)['crashed', 'abnormal-exit']); }); ifit(!isWindows32Bit)('with custom serviceName', async () => { utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'crash.js'), [], { serviceName: 'Hello World!' }); const [, details] = await once(app, 'child-process-gone') as [any, Electron.Details]; expect(details.type).to.equal('Utility'); expect(details.serviceName).to.equal('node.mojom.NodeService'); expect('Hello World!'); expect(details.reason)['crashed', 'abnormal-exit']); }); }); describe('app.getAppMetrics()', () => { it('with default serviceName', async () => { const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'endless.js')); await once(child, 'spawn'); expect(; await setImmediate(); const details = app.getAppMetrics().find(item => ===!; expect(details)'object'); expect(details.type).to.equal('Utility'); expect(details.serviceName)'node.mojom.NodeService'); expect('Node Utility Process'); }); it('with custom serviceName', async () => { const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'endless.js'), [], { serviceName: 'Hello World!' }); await once(child, 'spawn'); expect(; await setImmediate(); const details = app.getAppMetrics().find(item => ===!; expect(details)'object'); expect(details.type).to.equal('Utility'); expect(details.serviceName)'node.mojom.NodeService'); expect('Hello World!'); }); }); describe('kill() API', () => { it('terminates the child process gracefully', async () => { const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'endless.js'), [], { serviceName: 'endless' }); await once(child, 'spawn'); expect(child.kill()); await once(child, 'exit'); }); }); describe('pid property', () => { it('is valid when child process launches successfully', async () => { const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'empty.js')); await once(child, 'spawn'); expect(; }); it('is undefined when child process fails to launch', async () => { const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'does-not-exist.js')); expect(; }); }); describe('stdout property', () => { it('is null when child process launches with default stdio', async () => { const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'log.js')); await once(child, 'spawn'); expect(child.stdout); expect(child.stderr); await once(child, 'exit'); }); it('is null when child process launches with ignore stdio configuration', async () => { const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'log.js'), [], { stdio: 'ignore' }); await once(child, 'spawn'); expect(child.stdout); expect(child.stderr); await once(child, 'exit'); }); it('is valid when child process launches with pipe stdio configuration', async () => { const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'log.js'), [], { stdio: 'pipe' }); await once(child, 'spawn'); expect(child.stdout); let log = ''; child.stdout!.on('data', (chunk) => { log += chunk.toString('utf8'); }); await once(child, 'exit'); expect(log).to.equal('hello\n'); }); }); describe('stderr property', () => { it('is null when child process launches with default stdio', async () => { const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'log.js')); await once(child, 'spawn'); expect(child.stdout); expect(child.stderr); await once(child, 'exit'); }); it('is null when child process launches with ignore stdio configuration', async () => { const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'log.js'), [], { stdio: 'ignore' }); await once(child, 'spawn'); expect(child.stderr); await once(child, 'exit'); }); ifit(!isWindowsOnArm)('is valid when child process launches with pipe stdio configuration', async () => { const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'log.js'), [], { stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe'] }); await once(child, 'spawn'); expect(child.stderr); let log = ''; child.stderr!.on('data', (chunk) => { log += chunk.toString('utf8'); }); await once(child, 'exit'); expect(log).to.equal('world'); }); }); describe('postMessage() API', () => { it('establishes a default ipc channel with the child process', async () => { const result = 'I will be echoed.'; const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'post-message.js')); await once(child, 'spawn'); child.postMessage(result); const [data] = await once(child, 'message'); expect(data).to.equal(result); const exit = once(child, 'exit'); expect(child.kill()); await exit; }); it('supports queuing messages on the receiving end', async () => { const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'post-message-queue.js')); const p = once(child, 'spawn'); child.postMessage('This message'); child.postMessage(' is'); child.postMessage(' queued'); await p; const [data] = await once(child, 'message'); expect(data).to.equal('This message is queued'); const exit = once(child, 'exit'); expect(child.kill()); await exit; }); }); describe('behavior', () => { it('supports starting the v8 inspector with --inspect-brk', (done) => { const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'log.js'), [], { stdio: 'pipe', execArgv: ['--inspect-brk'] }); let output = ''; const cleanup = () => { child.stderr!.removeListener('data', listener); child.stdout!.removeListener('data', listener); child.once('exit', () => { done(); }); child.kill(); }; const listener = (data: Buffer) => { output += data; if (/Debugger listening on ws:/m.test(output)) { cleanup(); } }; child.stderr!.on('data', listener); child.stdout!.on('data', listener); }); it('supports starting the v8 inspector with --inspect and a provided port', (done) => { const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'log.js'), [], { stdio: 'pipe', execArgv: ['--inspect=17364'] }); let output = ''; const cleanup = () => { child.stderr!.removeListener('data', listener); child.stdout!.removeListener('data', listener); child.once('exit', () => { done(); }); child.kill(); }; const listener = (data: Buffer) => { output += data; if (/Debugger listening on ws:/m.test(output)) { expect(output.trim()).to.contain(':17364', 'should be listening on port 17364'); cleanup(); } }; child.stderr!.on('data', listener); child.stdout!.on('data', listener); }); it('supports changing dns verbatim with --dns-result-order', (done) => { const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'dns-result-order.js'), [], { stdio: 'pipe', execArgv: ['--dns-result-order=ipv4first'] }); let output = ''; const cleanup = () => { child.stderr!.removeListener('data', listener); child.stdout!.removeListener('data', listener); child.once('exit', () => { done(); }); child.kill(); }; const listener = (data: Buffer) => { output += data; expect(output.trim()).to.contain('ipv4first', 'default verbatim should be ipv4first'); cleanup(); }; child.stderr!.on('data', listener); child.stdout!.on('data', listener); }); ifit(process.platform !== 'win32')('supports redirecting stdout to parent process', async () => { const result = 'Output from utility process'; const appProcess = childProcess.spawn(process.execPath, [path.join(fixturesPath, 'inherit-stdout'), `--payload=${result}`]); let output = ''; appProcess.stdout.on('data', (data: Buffer) => { output += data; }); await once(appProcess, 'exit'); expect(output).to.equal(result); }); ifit(process.platform !== 'win32')('supports redirecting stderr to parent process', async () => { const result = 'Error from utility process'; const appProcess = childProcess.spawn(process.execPath, [path.join(fixturesPath, 'inherit-stderr'), `--payload=${result}`]); let output = ''; appProcess.stderr.on('data', (data: Buffer) => { output += data; }); await once(appProcess, 'exit'); expect(output).to.include(result); }); it('can establish communication channel with sandboxed renderer', async () => { const result = 'Message from sandboxed renderer'; const w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { preload: path.join(fixturesPath, 'preload.js') } }); await w.loadFile(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'blank.html')); // Create Message port pair for Renderer <-> Utility Process. const { port1: rendererPort, port2: childPort1 } = new MessageChannelMain(); w.webContents.postMessage('port', result, [rendererPort]); // Send renderer and main channel port to utility process. const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'receive-message.js')); await once(child, 'spawn'); child.postMessage('', [childPort1]); const [data] = await once(child, 'message'); expect(data).to.equal(result); // Cleanup. const exit = once(child, 'exit'); expect(child.kill()); await exit; await closeWindow(w); }); ifit(process.platform === 'linux')('allows executing a setuid binary with child_process', async () => { const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(fixturesPath, 'suid.js')); await once(child, 'spawn'); const [data] = await once(child, 'message'); expect(data); const exit = once(child, 'exit'); expect(child.kill()); await exit; }); it('inherits parent env as default', async () => { const appProcess = childProcess.spawn(process.execPath, [path.join(fixturesPath, 'env-app')], { env: { FROM: 'parent', ...process.env } }); let output = ''; appProcess.stdout.on('data', (data: Buffer) => { output += data; }); await once(appProcess.stdout, 'end'); const result = process.platform === 'win32' ? '\r\nparent' : 'parent'; expect(output).to.equal(result); }); it('does not inherit parent env when custom env is provided', async () => { const appProcess = childProcess.spawn(process.execPath, [path.join(fixturesPath, 'env-app'), '--create-custom-env'], { env: { FROM: 'parent', ...process.env } }); let output = ''; appProcess.stdout.on('data', (data: Buffer) => { output += data; }); await once(appProcess.stdout, 'end'); const result = process.platform === 'win32' ? '\r\nchild' : 'child'; expect(output).to.equal(result); }); it('changes working directory with cwd', async () => { const child = utilityProcess.fork('./log.js', [], { cwd: fixturesPath, stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'ignore'] }); await once(child, 'spawn'); expect(child.stdout); let log = ''; child.stdout!.on('data', (chunk) => { log += chunk.toString('utf8'); }); await once(child, 'exit'); expect(log).to.equal('hello\n'); }); it('does not crash when running eval', async () => { const child = utilityProcess.fork('./eval.js', [], { cwd: fixturesPath, stdio: 'ignore' }); await once(child, 'spawn'); const [data] = await once(child, 'message'); expect(data).to.equal(42); // Cleanup. const exit = once(child, 'exit'); expect(child.kill()); await exit; }); }); });