
if (is_mac) {

      mac_deployment_target == "10.15",
      "Chromium has updated the mac_deployment_target, please update this assert, update the supported versions documentation (docs/tutorial/ and flag this as a breaking change")

if (is_linux) {

  pkg_config("gio_unix") {
    packages = [ "gio-unix-2.0" ]

  pkg_config("libnotify_config") {
    packages = [

  generate_library_loader("libnotify_loader") {
    name = "LibNotifyLoader"
    output_h = "libnotify_loader.h"
    output_cc = ""
    header = "<libnotify/notify.h>"
    config = ":libnotify_config"

    functions = [

  # Generates electron_gtk_stubs.h header which contains
  # stubs for extracting function ptrs from the gtk library.
  # Function signatures for which stubs are required should be
  # declared in electron_gtk.sigs, currently this file contains
  # signatures for the functions used with native file chooser
  # implementation. In future, this file can be extended to contain
  # gtk4 stubs to switch gtk version in runtime.
  generate_stubs("electron_gtk_stubs") {
    sigs = [
    extra_header = "shell/browser/ui/electron_gtk.fragment"
    output_name = "electron_gtk_stubs"
    public_deps = [ "//ui/gtk:gtk_config" ]
    logging_function = "LogNoop()"
    logging_include = "ui/gtk/log_noop.h"

branding = read_file("shell/app/BRANDING.json", "json")
electron_project_name = branding.project_name
electron_product_name = branding.product_name
electron_mac_bundle_id = branding.mac_bundle_id

if (override_electron_version != "") {
  electron_version = override_electron_version
} else {
  # When building from source code tarball there is no git tag available and
  # builders must explicitly pass override_electron_version in gn args.
  # This read_file call will assert if there is no git information, without it
  # gn will generate a malformed build configuration and ninja will get into
  # infinite loop.
  read_file(".git/packed-refs", "string")

  # Set electron version from git tag.
  electron_version = exec_script("script/",
                                 "trim string",

if (is_mas_build) {
         "It doesn't make sense to build a MAS build on a non-mac platform")

if (enable_pdf_viewer) {
  assert(enable_pdf, "PDF viewer support requires enable_pdf=true")
         "PDF viewer support requires enable_electron_extensions=true")

if (enable_electron_extensions) {
         "Chrome extension support requires enable_extensions=true")

config("branding") {
  defines = [

config("electron_lib_config") {
  include_dirs = [ "." ]

# We generate the definitions twice here, once in //electron/electron.d.ts
# and once in $target_gen_dir
# The one in $target_gen_dir is used for the actual TSC build later one
# and the one in //electron/electron.d.ts is used by your IDE (vscode)
# for typescript prompting
npm_action("build_electron_definitions") {
  script = "gn-typescript-definitions"
  args = [ rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/tsc/typings/electron.d.ts") ]
  inputs = auto_filenames.api_docs + [ "yarn.lock" ]

  outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/tsc/typings/electron.d.ts" ]

webpack_build("electron_asar_bundle") {
  deps = [ ":build_electron_definitions" ]

  inputs = auto_filenames.asar_bundle_deps

  config_file = "//electron/build/webpack/webpack.config.asar.js"
  out_file = "$target_gen_dir/js2c/asar_bundle.js"

webpack_build("electron_browser_bundle") {
  deps = [ ":build_electron_definitions" ]

  inputs = auto_filenames.browser_bundle_deps

  config_file = "//electron/build/webpack/webpack.config.browser.js"
  out_file = "$target_gen_dir/js2c/browser_init.js"

webpack_build("electron_renderer_bundle") {
  deps = [ ":build_electron_definitions" ]

  inputs = auto_filenames.renderer_bundle_deps

  config_file = "//electron/build/webpack/webpack.config.renderer.js"
  out_file = "$target_gen_dir/js2c/renderer_init.js"

webpack_build("electron_worker_bundle") {
  deps = [ ":build_electron_definitions" ]

  inputs = auto_filenames.worker_bundle_deps

  config_file = "//electron/build/webpack/webpack.config.worker.js"
  out_file = "$target_gen_dir/js2c/worker_init.js"

webpack_build("electron_sandboxed_renderer_bundle") {
  deps = [ ":build_electron_definitions" ]

  inputs = auto_filenames.sandbox_bundle_deps

  config_file = "//electron/build/webpack/webpack.config.sandboxed_renderer.js"
  out_file = "$target_gen_dir/js2c/sandbox_bundle.js"

webpack_build("electron_isolated_renderer_bundle") {
  deps = [ ":build_electron_definitions" ]

  inputs = auto_filenames.isolated_bundle_deps

  config_file = "//electron/build/webpack/webpack.config.isolated_renderer.js"
  out_file = "$target_gen_dir/js2c/isolated_bundle.js"

webpack_build("electron_utility_bundle") {
  deps = [ ":build_electron_definitions" ]

  inputs = auto_filenames.utility_bundle_deps

  config_file = "//electron/build/webpack/webpack.config.utility.js"
  out_file = "$target_gen_dir/js2c/utility_init.js"

action("electron_js2c") {
  deps = [

  sources = [

  inputs = sources + [ "//third_party/electron_node/tools/" ]
  outputs = [ "$root_gen_dir/" ]

  script = "build/"
  args = [ rebase_path("//third_party/electron_node") ] +
         rebase_path(outputs, root_build_dir) +
         rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)

action("generate_config_gypi") {
  outputs = [ "$root_gen_dir/config.gypi" ]
  script = "script/"
  inputs = [ "//third_party/electron_node/" ]
  args = rebase_path(outputs) + [ target_cpu ]

target_gen_default_app_js = "$target_gen_dir/js/default_app"

typescript_build("default_app_js") {
  deps = [ ":build_electron_definitions" ]

  sources = filenames.default_app_ts_sources

  output_gen_dir = target_gen_default_app_js
  output_dir_name = "default_app"
  tsconfig = "tsconfig.default_app.json"

copy("default_app_static") {
  sources = filenames.default_app_static_sources
  outputs = [ "$target_gen_default_app_js/{{source}}" ]

copy("default_app_octicon_deps") {
  sources = filenames.default_app_octicon_sources
  outputs = [ "$target_gen_default_app_js/electron/default_app/octicon/{{source_file_part}}" ]

asar("default_app_asar") {
  deps = [

  root = "$target_gen_default_app_js/electron/default_app"
  sources = get_target_outputs(":default_app_js") +
            get_target_outputs(":default_app_static") +
  outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/resources/default_app.asar" ]

grit("resources") {
  source = "electron_resources.grd"

  outputs = [

  # Mojo manifest overlays are generated.
  grit_flags = [
    "target_gen_dir=" + rebase_path(target_gen_dir, root_build_dir),

  deps = [ ":copy_shell_devtools_discovery_page" ]

  output_dir = "$target_gen_dir"

copy("copy_shell_devtools_discovery_page") {
  sources = [ "//content/shell/resources/shell_devtools_discovery_page.html" ]
  outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/shell_devtools_discovery_page.html" ]

npm_action("electron_version_args") {
  script = "generate-version-json"

  outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/electron_version.args" ]

  args = rebase_path(outputs) + [ "$electron_version" ]

  inputs = [ "script/generate-version-json.js" ]

templated_file("electron_version_header") {
  deps = [ ":electron_version_args" ]

  template = "build/templates/electron_version.tmpl"
  output = "$target_gen_dir/electron_version.h"

  args_files = get_target_outputs(":electron_version_args")

templated_file("electron_win_rc") {
  deps = [ ":electron_version_args" ]

  template = "build/templates/electron_rc.tmpl"
  output = "$target_gen_dir/win-resources/electron.rc"

  args_files = get_target_outputs(":electron_version_args")

copy("electron_win_resource_files") {
  sources = [
  outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/win-resources/{{source_file_part}}" ]

templated_file("electron_version_file") {
  deps = [ ":electron_version_args" ]

  template = "build/templates/version_string.tmpl"
  output = "$root_build_dir/version"

  args_files = get_target_outputs(":electron_version_args")

group("electron_win32_resources") {
  public_deps = [

action("electron_fuses") {
  script = "build/fuses/"

  inputs = [ "build/fuses/fuses.json5" ]

  outputs = [

  args = rebase_path(outputs)

action("electron_generate_node_defines") {
  script = "build/"

  inputs = [

  outputs = [

  args = [ rebase_path(target_gen_dir) ] + rebase_path(inputs)

source_set("electron_lib") {
  configs += [ "//v8:external_startup_data" ]
  configs += [ "//third_party/electron_node:node_internals" ]

  public_configs = [

  deps = [

  public_deps = [

  include_dirs = [

    # TODO(nornagon): replace usage of SchemeRegistry by an actually exported
    # API of blink, then remove this from the include_dirs.

  defines = [ "V8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS" ]
  libs = []

  if (is_linux) {

  if (!is_mas_build) {
    deps += [

  configs += [ "//electron/build/config:mas_build" ]

  sources = filenames.lib_sources
  if (is_win) {
    sources += filenames.lib_sources_win
  if (is_mac) {
    sources += filenames.lib_sources_mac
  if (is_posix) {
    sources += filenames.lib_sources_posix
  if (is_linux) {
    sources += filenames.lib_sources_linux
  if (!is_mac) {
    sources += filenames.lib_sources_views

  if (is_component_build) {
    defines += [ "NODE_SHARED_MODE" ]

  if (enable_fake_location_provider) {
    sources += [

  if (is_mac) {
    deps += [

    if (!is_mas_build) {
      deps += [ "//third_party/crashpad/crashpad/client" ]

    frameworks = [

    weak_frameworks = [ "QuickLookThumbnailing.framework" ]

    sources += [
    if (is_mas_build) {
      sources += [ "shell/browser/api/" ]
      sources -= [ "shell/browser/" ]
      sources -= [
    } else {
      frameworks += [

      deps += [

      # ReactiveObjC which is used by Squirrel requires using __weak.
      cflags_objcc = [ "-fobjc-weak" ]
  if (is_linux) {
    libs = [ "xshmfence" ]
    deps += [
    if (ozone_platform_x11) {
      sources += filenames.lib_sources_linux_x11
      public_deps += [
    configs += [ ":gio_unix" ]
    defines += [
      # Disable warnings for g_settings_list_schemas.

    sources += [
  if (is_win) {
    libs += [ "dwmapi.lib" ]
    deps += [
    public_deps += [

  if (enable_plugins) {
    deps += [ "chromium_src:plugins" ]
    sources += [

  if (enable_ppapi) {
    deps += [

  if (enable_views_api) {
    sources += [

  if (enable_printing) {
    sources += [
    deps += [
    if (is_mac) {
      deps += [ "//chrome/services/mac_notifications/public/mojom" ]

  if (enable_electron_extensions) {
    sources += filenames.lib_sources_extensions
    deps += [

  if (enable_pdf) {
    # Printing depends on some //pdf code, so it needs to be built even if the
    # pdf viewer isn't enabled.
    deps += [
  if (enable_pdf_viewer) {
    deps += [
    sources += [

  sources += get_target_outputs(":electron_fuses")

  if (allow_runtime_configurable_key_storage) {

electron_paks("packed_resources") {
  if (is_mac) {
    output_dir = "$root_gen_dir/electron_repack"
    copy_data_to_bundle = true
  } else {
    output_dir = root_out_dir

if (is_mac) {
  electron_framework_name = "$electron_product_name Framework"
  electron_helper_name = "$electron_product_name Helper"
  electron_login_helper_name = "$electron_product_name Login Helper"
  electron_framework_version = "A"

  mac_xib_bundle_data("electron_xibs") {
    sources = [ "shell/common/resources/mac/MainMenu.xib" ]

  bundle_data("electron_framework_resources") {
    public_deps = [ ":packed_resources" ]
    sources = []
    if (icu_use_data_file) {
      sources += [ "$root_out_dir/icudtl.dat" ]
      public_deps += [ "//third_party/icu:icudata" ]
    if (v8_use_external_startup_data) {
      public_deps += [ "//v8" ]
      if (use_v8_context_snapshot) {
        sources += [ "$root_out_dir/$v8_context_snapshot_filename" ]
        public_deps += [ "//tools/v8_context_snapshot" ]
      } else {
        sources += [ "$root_out_dir/snapshot_blob.bin" ]
    outputs = [ "{{bundle_resources_dir}}/{{source_file_part}}" ]

  if (!is_component_build && is_component_ffmpeg) {
    bundle_data("electron_framework_libraries") {
      sources = []
      public_deps = []
      sources += [ "$root_out_dir/libffmpeg.dylib" ]
      public_deps += [ "//third_party/ffmpeg:ffmpeg" ]
      outputs = [ "{{bundle_contents_dir}}/Libraries/{{source_file_part}}" ]
  } else {
    group("electron_framework_libraries") {
  if (use_egl) {
    # Add the ANGLE .dylibs in the Libraries directory of the Framework.
    bundle_data("electron_angle_binaries") {
      sources = [
      outputs = [ "{{bundle_contents_dir}}/Libraries/{{source_file_part}}" ]
      public_deps = [ "//ui/gl:angle_library_copy" ]

    # Add the SwiftShader .dylibs in the Libraries directory of the Framework.
    bundle_data("electron_swiftshader_binaries") {
      sources = [
      outputs = [ "{{bundle_contents_dir}}/Libraries/{{source_file_part}}" ]
      public_deps = [ "//ui/gl:swiftshader_vk_library_copy" ]
  group("electron_angle_library") {
    if (use_egl) {
      deps = [ ":electron_angle_binaries" ]

  group("electron_swiftshader_library") {
    if (use_egl) {
      deps = [ ":electron_swiftshader_binaries" ]

  bundle_data("electron_crashpad_helper") {
    sources = [ "$root_out_dir/chrome_crashpad_handler" ]

    outputs = [ "{{bundle_contents_dir}}/Helpers/{{source_file_part}}" ]

    public_deps = [ "//components/crash/core/app:chrome_crashpad_handler" ]

    if (is_asan) {
      # crashpad_handler requires the ASan runtime at its @executable_path.
      sources += [ "$root_out_dir/libclang_rt.asan_osx_dynamic.dylib" ]
      public_deps += [ "//build/config/sanitizers:copy_asan_runtime" ]

  mac_framework_bundle("electron_framework") {
    output_name = electron_framework_name
    framework_version = electron_framework_version
    framework_contents = [
    if (!is_mas_build) {
      framework_contents += [ "Helpers" ]
    public_deps = [
    deps = [
    if (!is_mas_build) {
      deps += [ ":electron_crashpad_helper" ]
    info_plist = "shell/common/resources/mac/Info.plist"

    extra_substitutions = [

    include_dirs = [ "." ]
    sources = filenames.framework_sources
    frameworks = [ "IOSurface.framework" ]

    ldflags = [

      # Required for exporting all symbols of libuv.
    if (is_component_build) {
      ldflags += [

    # For component ffmpeg under non-component build, it is linked from
    # @loader_path. However the ffmpeg.dylib is moved to a different place
    # when generating app bundle, and we should change to link from @rpath.
    if (is_component_ffmpeg && !is_component_build) {
      ldflags += [ "-Wcrl,installnametool,-change,@loader_path/libffmpeg.dylib,@rpath/libffmpeg.dylib" ]

  template("electron_helper_app") {
    mac_app_bundle(target_name) {

      output_name = electron_helper_name + invoker.helper_name_suffix
      deps = [ ":electron_framework+link" ]
      if (!is_mas_build) {
        deps += [ "//sandbox/mac:seatbelt" ]
      defines = [ "HELPER_EXECUTABLE" ]
      configs += [ "//electron/build/config:mas_build" ]
      sources = [
      include_dirs = [ "." ]
      info_plist = "shell/renderer/resources/mac/Info.plist"
      extra_substitutions =
          [ "ELECTRON_BUNDLE_ID=$electron_mac_bundle_id.helper" ]
      ldflags = [
      if (is_component_build) {
        ldflags += [

  foreach(helper_params, content_mac_helpers) {
    _helper_target = helper_params[0]
    _helper_bundle_id = helper_params[1]
    _helper_suffix = helper_params[2]
    electron_helper_app("electron_helper_app_${_helper_target}") {
      helper_name_suffix = _helper_suffix

  template("stripped_framework") {
    action(target_name) {

      script = "//electron/build/"

      forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "deps" ])
      inputs = [ "$root_out_dir/" + invoker.framework ]
      outputs = [ "$target_out_dir/stripped_frameworks/" + invoker.framework ]

      args = rebase_path(inputs) + rebase_path(outputs)

  stripped_framework("stripped_mantle_framework") {
    framework = "Mantle.framework"
    deps = [ "//third_party/squirrel.mac:mantle_framework" ]

  stripped_framework("stripped_reactiveobjc_framework") {
    framework = "ReactiveObjC.framework"
    deps = [ "//third_party/squirrel.mac:reactiveobjc_framework" ]

  stripped_framework("stripped_squirrel_framework") {
    framework = "Squirrel.framework"
    deps = [ "//third_party/squirrel.mac:squirrel_framework" ]

  bundle_data("electron_app_framework_bundle_data") {
    sources = [ "$root_out_dir/$electron_framework_name.framework" ]
    if (!is_mas_build) {
      sources += get_target_outputs(":stripped_mantle_framework") +
                 get_target_outputs(":stripped_reactiveobjc_framework") +
    outputs = [ "{{bundle_contents_dir}}/Frameworks/{{source_file_part}}" ]
    public_deps = [

    foreach(helper_params, content_mac_helpers) {
      sources +=
          [ "$root_out_dir/${electron_helper_name}${helper_params[2]}.app" ]
      public_deps += [ ":electron_helper_app_${helper_params[0]}" ]

  mac_app_bundle("electron_login_helper") {
    output_name = electron_login_helper_name
    sources = filenames.login_helper_sources
    include_dirs = [ "." ]
    frameworks = [ "AppKit.framework" ]
    info_plist = "shell/app/resources/mac/loginhelper-Info.plist"
    extra_substitutions =
        [ "ELECTRON_BUNDLE_ID=$electron_mac_bundle_id.loginhelper" ]

  bundle_data("electron_login_helper_app") {
    public_deps = [ ":electron_login_helper" ]
    sources = [ "$root_out_dir/$" ]
    outputs =
        [ "{{bundle_contents_dir}}/Library/LoginItems/{{source_file_part}}" ]

  action("electron_app_lproj_dirs") {
    outputs = []

    foreach(locale, locales_as_apple_outputs) {
      outputs += [ "$target_gen_dir/app_infoplist_strings/$locale.lproj" ]
    script = "build/mac/"
    args = rebase_path(outputs)

  foreach(locale, locales_as_apple_outputs) {
    bundle_data("electron_app_strings_${locale}_bundle_data") {
      sources = [ "$target_gen_dir/app_infoplist_strings/$locale.lproj" ]
      outputs = [ "{{bundle_resources_dir}}/$locale.lproj" ]
      public_deps = [ ":electron_app_lproj_dirs" ]
  group("electron_app_strings_bundle_data") {
    public_deps = []
    foreach(locale, locales_as_apple_outputs) {
      public_deps += [ ":electron_app_strings_${locale}_bundle_data" ]

  bundle_data("electron_app_resources") {
    public_deps = [
    sources = [
    outputs = [ "{{bundle_resources_dir}}/{{source_file_part}}" ]

  asar_hashed_info_plist("electron_app_plist") {
    hash_targets = [ ":default_app_asar_header_hash" ]
    plist_file = "shell/browser/resources/mac/Info.plist"

  mac_app_bundle("electron_app") {
    output_name = electron_product_name
    sources = [
    include_dirs = [ "." ]
    deps = [
    if (is_mas_build) {
      deps += [ ":electron_login_helper_app" ]
    info_plist_target = ":electron_app_plist"
    extra_substitutions = [
    ldflags = [
    configs += [ "//electron/build/config:mas_build" ]

  if (enable_dsyms) {
    extract_symbols("electron_framework_syms") {
      binary = "$root_out_dir/$electron_framework_name.framework/Versions/$electron_framework_version/$electron_framework_name"
      symbol_dir = "$root_out_dir/breakpad_symbols"
      dsym_file = "$root_out_dir/$electron_framework_name.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/$electron_framework_name"
      deps = [ ":electron_framework" ]

    foreach(helper_params, content_mac_helpers) {
      _helper_target = helper_params[0]
      _helper_bundle_id = helper_params[1]
      _helper_suffix = helper_params[2]
      extract_symbols("electron_helper_syms_${_helper_target}") {
        binary = "$root_out_dir/$electron_helper_name${_helper_suffix}.app/Contents/MacOS/$electron_helper_name${_helper_suffix}"
        symbol_dir = "$root_out_dir/breakpad_symbols"
        dsym_file = "$root_out_dir/$electron_helper_name${_helper_suffix}.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/$electron_helper_name${_helper_suffix}"
        deps = [ ":electron_helper_app_${_helper_target}" ]

    extract_symbols("electron_app_syms") {
      binary = "$root_out_dir/$$electron_product_name"
      symbol_dir = "$root_out_dir/breakpad_symbols"
      dsym_file = "$root_out_dir/$electron_product_name.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/$electron_product_name"
      deps = [ ":electron_app" ]

    extract_symbols("egl_syms") {
      binary = "$root_out_dir/libEGL.dylib"
      symbol_dir = "$root_out_dir/breakpad_symbols"
      dsym_file = "$root_out_dir/libEGL.dylib.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/libEGL.dylib"
      deps = [ "//third_party/angle:libEGL" ]

    extract_symbols("gles_syms") {
      binary = "$root_out_dir/libGLESv2.dylib"
      symbol_dir = "$root_out_dir/breakpad_symbols"
      dsym_file = "$root_out_dir/libGLESv2.dylib.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/libGLESv2.dylib"
      deps = [ "//third_party/angle:libGLESv2" ]

    extract_symbols("crashpad_handler_syms") {
      binary = "$root_out_dir/chrome_crashpad_handler"
      symbol_dir = "$root_out_dir/breakpad_symbols"
      dsym_file = "$root_out_dir/chrome_crashpad_handler.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/chrome_crashpad_handler"
      deps = [ "//components/crash/core/app:chrome_crashpad_handler" ]

    group("electron_symbols") {
      deps = [

      if (!is_mas_build) {
        deps += [ ":crashpad_handler_syms" ]

      foreach(helper_params, content_mac_helpers) {
        _helper_target = helper_params[0]
        deps += [ ":electron_helper_syms_${_helper_target}" ]
  } else {
    group("electron_symbols") {
} else {
  windows_manifest("electron_app_manifest") {
    sources = [

  executable("electron_app") {
    output_name = electron_project_name
    if (is_win) {
      sources = [ "shell/app/" ]
    } else if (is_linux) {
      sources = [
    include_dirs = [ "." ]
    deps = [

    data = []
    data_deps = []

    data += [ "$root_out_dir/resources.pak" ]
    data += [ "$root_out_dir/chrome_100_percent.pak" ]
    if (enable_hidpi) {
      data += [ "$root_out_dir/chrome_200_percent.pak" ]
    foreach(locale, platform_pak_locales) {
      data += [ "$root_out_dir/locales/$locale.pak" ]

    if (!is_mac) {
      data += [ "$root_out_dir/resources/default_app.asar" ]

    if (use_v8_context_snapshot) {
      public_deps = [ "//tools/v8_context_snapshot:v8_context_snapshot" ]

    if (is_linux) {
      data_deps += [ "//components/crash/core/app:chrome_crashpad_handler" ]

    if (is_win) {
      sources += [

      deps += [

      ldflags = []

      libs = [

      configs -= [ "//build/config/win:console" ]
      configs += [

      if (current_cpu == "x86") {
        # Set the initial stack size to 0.5MiB, instead of the 1.5MiB needed by
        # Chrome's main thread. This saves significant memory on threads (like
        # those in the Windows thread pool, and others) whose stack size we can
        # only control through this setting. Because Chrome's main thread needs
        # a minimum 1.5 MiB stack, the main thread (in 32-bit builds only) uses
        # fibers to switch to a 1.5 MiB stack before running any other code.
        ldflags += [ "/STACK:0x80000" ]
      } else {
        # Increase the initial stack size. The default is 1MB, this is 8MB.
        ldflags += [ "/STACK:0x800000" ]

      # This is to support renaming of electron.exe. node-gyp has hard-coded
      # executable names which it will recognise as node. This module definition
      # file claims that the electron executable is in fact named "node.exe",
      # which is one of the executable names that node-gyp recognizes.
      # See
      ldflags += [ "/DEF:" + rebase_path("build/electron.def", root_build_dir) ]
      inputs = [
    if (is_linux) {
      ldflags = [

        # Required for exporting all symbols of libuv.

      if (!is_component_build && is_component_ffmpeg) {
        configs += [ "//build/config/gcc:rpath_for_built_shared_libraries" ]

      if (is_linux) {
        deps += [ "//sandbox/linux:chrome_sandbox" ]

  if (is_official_build) {
    if (is_linux) {
      _target_executable_suffix = ""
      _target_shared_library_suffix = ".so"
    } else if (is_win) {
      _target_executable_suffix = ".exe"
      _target_shared_library_suffix = ".dll"

    extract_symbols("electron_app_symbols") {
      binary = "$root_out_dir/$electron_project_name$_target_executable_suffix"
      symbol_dir = "$root_out_dir/breakpad_symbols"
      deps = [ ":electron_app" ]

    extract_symbols("egl_symbols") {
      binary = "$root_out_dir/libEGL$_target_shared_library_suffix"
      symbol_dir = "$root_out_dir/breakpad_symbols"
      deps = [ "//third_party/angle:libEGL" ]

    extract_symbols("gles_symbols") {
      binary = "$root_out_dir/libGLESv2$_target_shared_library_suffix"
      symbol_dir = "$root_out_dir/breakpad_symbols"
      deps = [ "//third_party/angle:libGLESv2" ]

    group("electron_symbols") {
      deps = [

test("shell_browser_ui_unittests") {
  sources = [

  configs += [ ":electron_lib_config" ]

  deps = [

template("dist_zip") {
  _runtime_deps_target = "${target_name}__deps"
  _runtime_deps_file =
      "$root_out_dir/gen.runtime/" + get_label_info(target_name, "dir") + "/" +
      get_label_info(target_name, "name") + ".runtime_deps"

  group(_runtime_deps_target) {
    write_runtime_deps = _runtime_deps_file

  action(target_name) {
    script = "//electron/build/"
    deps = [ ":$_runtime_deps_target" ]
    flatten = false
    flatten_relative_to = false
    if (defined(invoker.flatten)) {
      flatten = invoker.flatten
      if (defined(invoker.flatten_relative_to)) {
        flatten_relative_to = invoker.flatten_relative_to
    args = rebase_path(outputs + [ _runtime_deps_file ], root_build_dir) + [

copy("electron_license") {
  sources = [ "LICENSE" ]
  outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/{{source_file_part}}" ]
copy("chromium_licenses") {
  deps = [ "//components/resources:about_credits" ]
  sources = [ "$root_gen_dir/components/resources/about_credits.html" ]
  outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/LICENSES.chromium.html" ]

group("licenses") {
  data_deps = [

dist_zip("electron_dist_zip") {
  data_deps = [
  if (is_linux) {
    data_deps += [ "//sandbox/linux:chrome_sandbox" ]
  deps = data_deps
  outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/" ]

dist_zip("electron_ffmpeg_zip") {
  data_deps = [ "//third_party/ffmpeg" ]
  deps = data_deps
  outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/" ]

electron_chromedriver_deps = [

group("electron_chromedriver") {
  testonly = true
  public_deps = electron_chromedriver_deps

dist_zip("electron_chromedriver_zip") {
  testonly = true
  data_deps = electron_chromedriver_deps
  deps = data_deps
  outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/" ]

mksnapshot_deps = [

if (use_v8_context_snapshot) {
  mksnapshot_deps += [ "//tools/v8_context_snapshot:v8_context_snapshot_generator($v8_snapshot_toolchain)" ]

group("electron_mksnapshot") {
  public_deps = mksnapshot_deps

dist_zip("electron_mksnapshot_zip") {
  data_deps = mksnapshot_deps
  deps = data_deps
  outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/" ]

copy("hunspell_dictionaries") {
  sources = hunspell_dictionaries + hunspell_licenses
  outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/electron_hunspell/{{source_file_part}}" ]

dist_zip("hunspell_dictionaries_zip") {
  data_deps = [ ":hunspell_dictionaries" ]
  deps = data_deps
  flatten = true

  outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/" ]

copy("libcxx_headers") {
  sources = libcxx_headers + libcxx_licenses +
            [ "//buildtools/third_party/libc++/__config_site" ]
  outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/electron_libcxx_include/{{source_root_relative_dir}}/{{source_file_part}}" ]

dist_zip("libcxx_headers_zip") {
  data_deps = [ ":libcxx_headers" ]
  deps = data_deps
  flatten = true
  flatten_relative_to =

  outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/" ]

copy("libcxxabi_headers") {
  sources = libcxxabi_headers + libcxxabi_licenses
  outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/electron_libcxxabi_include/{{source_root_relative_dir}}/{{source_file_part}}" ]

dist_zip("libcxxabi_headers_zip") {
  data_deps = [ ":libcxxabi_headers" ]
  deps = data_deps
  flatten = true
  flatten_relative_to = rebase_path(

  outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/" ]

action("libcxx_objects_zip") {
  deps = [ "//buildtools/third_party/libc++" ]
  script = "build/"
  outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/" ]
  args = rebase_path(outputs)

group("electron") {
  public_deps = [ ":electron_app" ]

##### node_headers

node_dir = "../third_party/electron_node"
node_files = read_file("$node_dir/filenames.json", "json")
node_headers_dir = "$root_gen_dir/node_headers"

header_group_index = 0
header_groups = []
foreach(header_group, node_files.headers) {
  copy("node_headers_${header_group_index}") {
    sources = rebase_path(header_group.files, ".", node_dir)
    outputs =
        [ "$node_headers_dir/${header_group.dest_dir}/{{source_file_part}}" ]
  header_groups += [ ":node_headers_${header_group_index}" ]
  header_group_index += 1

copy("zlib_headers") {
  sources = [
  outputs = [ "$node_headers_dir/include/node/{{source_file_part}}" ]

copy("node_gypi_headers") {
  deps = [ ":generate_config_gypi" ]
  sources = [
  outputs = [ "$node_headers_dir/include/node/{{source_file_part}}" ]

action("node_version_header") {
  inputs = [ "$node_dir/src/node_version.h" ]
  outputs = [ "$node_headers_dir/include/node/node_version.h" ]
  script = "script/"
  args = rebase_path(inputs) + rebase_path(outputs)
  if (node_module_version != "") {
    args += [ "$node_module_version" ]

action("tar_node_headers") {
  deps = [ ":copy_node_headers" ]
  outputs = [ "$root_gen_dir/node_headers.tar.gz" ]
  script = "script/"
  args = [

group("copy_node_headers") {
  public_deps = header_groups + [

group("node_headers") {
  public_deps = [ ":tar_node_headers" ]