# Copyright (c) 2016 Dan Aloni
# Copyright (c) 2016 Jeff King

test_description='per-repo forced setting of email address'


. ./test-lib.sh

test_expect_success 'setup a likely user.useConfigOnly use case' '
	# we want to make sure a reflog is written, since that needs
	# a non-strict ident. So be sure we have an actual commit.
	test_commit foo &&

	git config user.name "test" &&
	git config --global user.useConfigOnly true

test_expect_success 'fails committing if clone email is not set' '
	test_must_fail git commit --allow-empty -m msg

test_expect_success 'fails committing if clone email is not set, but EMAIL set' '
	test_must_fail env EMAIL=test@fail.com git commit --allow-empty -m msg

test_expect_success 'succeeds committing if clone email is set' '
	test_config user.email "test@ok.com" &&
	git commit --allow-empty -m msg

test_expect_success 'succeeds cloning if global email is not set' '
	git clone . clone

test_expect_success 'set up rebase scenarios' '
	# temporarily enable an actual ident for this setup
	test_config user.email foo@example.com &&
	test_commit new &&
	git branch side-without-commit HEAD^ &&
	git checkout -b side-with-commit HEAD^ &&
	test_commit side

test_expect_success 'fast-forward rebase does not care about ident' '
	git checkout -B tmp side-without-commit &&
	git rebase main

test_expect_success 'non-fast-forward rebase refuses to write commits' '
	test_when_finished "git rebase --abort || true" &&
	git checkout -B tmp side-with-commit &&
	test_must_fail git rebase main

test_expect_success 'fast-forward rebase does not care about ident (interactive)' '
	git checkout -B tmp side-without-commit &&
	git rebase -i main

test_expect_success 'non-fast-forward rebase refuses to write commits (interactive)' '
	test_when_finished "git rebase --abort || true" &&
	git checkout -B tmp side-with-commit &&
	test_must_fail git rebase -i main

test_expect_success 'noop interactive rebase does not care about ident' '
	git checkout -B tmp side-with-commit &&
	git rebase -i HEAD^

test_expect_success 'author.name overrides user.name' '
	test_config user.name user &&
	test_config user.email user@example.com &&
	test_config author.name author &&
	test_commit author-name-override-user &&
	echo author user@example.com > expected-author &&
	echo user user@example.com > expected-committer &&
	git log --format="%an %ae" -1 > actual-author &&
	git log --format="%cn %ce" -1 > actual-committer &&
	test_cmp expected-author actual-author &&
	test_cmp expected-committer actual-committer

test_expect_success 'author.email overrides user.email' '
	test_config user.name user &&
	test_config user.email user@example.com &&
	test_config author.email author@example.com &&
	test_commit author-email-override-user &&
	echo user author@example.com > expected-author &&
	echo user user@example.com > expected-committer &&
	git log --format="%an %ae" -1 > actual-author &&
	git log --format="%cn %ce" -1 > actual-committer &&
	test_cmp expected-author actual-author &&
	test_cmp expected-committer actual-committer

test_expect_success 'committer.name overrides user.name' '
	test_config user.name user &&
	test_config user.email user@example.com &&
	test_config committer.name committer &&
	test_commit committer-name-override-user &&
	echo user user@example.com > expected-author &&
	echo committer user@example.com > expected-committer &&
	git log --format="%an %ae" -1 > actual-author &&
	git log --format="%cn %ce" -1 > actual-committer &&
	test_cmp expected-author actual-author &&
	test_cmp expected-committer actual-committer

test_expect_success 'committer.email overrides user.email' '
	test_config user.name user &&
	test_config user.email user@example.com &&
	test_config committer.email committer@example.com &&
	test_commit committer-email-override-user &&
	echo user user@example.com > expected-author &&
	echo user committer@example.com > expected-committer &&
	git log --format="%an %ae" -1 > actual-author &&
	git log --format="%cn %ce" -1 > actual-committer &&
	test_cmp expected-author actual-author &&
	test_cmp expected-committer actual-committer

test_expect_success 'author and committer environment variables override config settings' '
	test_config user.name user &&
	test_config user.email user@example.com &&
	test_config author.name author &&
	test_config author.email author@example.com &&
	test_config committer.name committer &&
	test_config committer.email committer@example.com &&
	GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=env_author && export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME &&
	GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=env_author@example.com && export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL &&
	GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=env_commit@example.com && export GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL &&
	test_commit env-override-conf &&
	echo env_author env_author@example.com > expected-author &&
	echo env_commit env_commit@example.com > expected-committer &&
	git log --format="%an %ae" -1 > actual-author &&
	git log --format="%cn %ce" -1 > actual-committer &&
	test_cmp expected-author actual-author &&
	test_cmp expected-committer actual-committer
