
372 lines
9.3 KiB

// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package concurrent
import (
func TestHashTrieMap(t *testing.T) {
testHashTrieMap(t, func() *HashTrieMap[string, int] {
return NewHashTrieMap[string, int]()
func TestHashTrieMapBadHash(t *testing.T) {
testHashTrieMap(t, func() *HashTrieMap[string, int] {
// Stub out the good hash function with a terrible one.
// Everything should still work as expected.
m := NewHashTrieMap[string, int]()
m.keyHash = func(_ unsafe.Pointer, _ uintptr) uintptr {
return 0
return m
func testHashTrieMap(t *testing.T, newMap func() *HashTrieMap[string, int]) {
t.Run("LoadEmpty", func(t *testing.T) {
m := newMap()
for _, s := range testData {
expectMissing(t, s, 0)(m.Load(s))
t.Run("LoadOrStore", func(t *testing.T) {
m := newMap()
for i, s := range testData {
expectMissing(t, s, 0)(m.Load(s))
expectStored(t, s, i)(m.LoadOrStore(s, i))
expectPresent(t, s, i)(m.Load(s))
expectLoaded(t, s, i)(m.LoadOrStore(s, 0))
for i, s := range testData {
expectPresent(t, s, i)(m.Load(s))
expectLoaded(t, s, i)(m.LoadOrStore(s, 0))
t.Run("CompareAndDeleteAll", func(t *testing.T) {
m := newMap()
for range 3 {
for i, s := range testData {
expectMissing(t, s, 0)(m.Load(s))
expectStored(t, s, i)(m.LoadOrStore(s, i))
expectPresent(t, s, i)(m.Load(s))
expectLoaded(t, s, i)(m.LoadOrStore(s, 0))
for i, s := range testData {
expectPresent(t, s, i)(m.Load(s))
expectNotDeleted(t, s, math.MaxInt)(m.CompareAndDelete(s, math.MaxInt))
expectDeleted(t, s, i)(m.CompareAndDelete(s, i))
expectNotDeleted(t, s, i)(m.CompareAndDelete(s, i))
expectMissing(t, s, 0)(m.Load(s))
for _, s := range testData {
expectMissing(t, s, 0)(m.Load(s))
t.Run("CompareAndDeleteOne", func(t *testing.T) {
m := newMap()
for i, s := range testData {
expectMissing(t, s, 0)(m.Load(s))
expectStored(t, s, i)(m.LoadOrStore(s, i))
expectPresent(t, s, i)(m.Load(s))
expectLoaded(t, s, i)(m.LoadOrStore(s, 0))
expectNotDeleted(t, testData[15], math.MaxInt)(m.CompareAndDelete(testData[15], math.MaxInt))
expectDeleted(t, testData[15], 15)(m.CompareAndDelete(testData[15], 15))
expectNotDeleted(t, testData[15], 15)(m.CompareAndDelete(testData[15], 15))
for i, s := range testData {
if i == 15 {
expectMissing(t, s, 0)(m.Load(s))
} else {
expectPresent(t, s, i)(m.Load(s))
t.Run("DeleteMultiple", func(t *testing.T) {
m := newMap()
for i, s := range testData {
expectMissing(t, s, 0)(m.Load(s))
expectStored(t, s, i)(m.LoadOrStore(s, i))
expectPresent(t, s, i)(m.Load(s))
expectLoaded(t, s, i)(m.LoadOrStore(s, 0))
for _, i := range []int{1, 105, 6, 85} {
expectNotDeleted(t, testData[i], math.MaxInt)(m.CompareAndDelete(testData[i], math.MaxInt))
expectDeleted(t, testData[i], i)(m.CompareAndDelete(testData[i], i))
expectNotDeleted(t, testData[i], i)(m.CompareAndDelete(testData[i], i))
for i, s := range testData {
if i == 1 || i == 105 || i == 6 || i == 85 {
expectMissing(t, s, 0)(m.Load(s))
} else {
expectPresent(t, s, i)(m.Load(s))
t.Run("All", func(t *testing.T) {
m := newMap()
testAll(t, m, testDataMap(testData[:]), func(_ string, _ int) bool {
return true
t.Run("AllDelete", func(t *testing.T) {
m := newMap()
testAll(t, m, testDataMap(testData[:]), func(s string, i int) bool {
expectDeleted(t, s, i)(m.CompareAndDelete(s, i))
return true
for _, s := range testData {
expectMissing(t, s, 0)(m.Load(s))
t.Run("ConcurrentLifecycleUnsharedKeys", func(t *testing.T) {
m := newMap()
gmp := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := range gmp {
go func(id int) {
defer wg.Done()
makeKey := func(s string) string {
return s + "-" + strconv.Itoa(id)
for _, s := range testData {
key := makeKey(s)
expectMissing(t, key, 0)(m.Load(key))
expectStored(t, key, id)(m.LoadOrStore(key, id))
expectPresent(t, key, id)(m.Load(key))
expectLoaded(t, key, id)(m.LoadOrStore(key, 0))
for _, s := range testData {
key := makeKey(s)
expectPresent(t, key, id)(m.Load(key))
expectDeleted(t, key, id)(m.CompareAndDelete(key, id))
expectMissing(t, key, 0)(m.Load(key))
for _, s := range testData {
key := makeKey(s)
expectMissing(t, key, 0)(m.Load(key))
t.Run("ConcurrentDeleteSharedKeys", func(t *testing.T) {
m := newMap()
// Load up the map.
for i, s := range testData {
expectMissing(t, s, 0)(m.Load(s))
expectStored(t, s, i)(m.LoadOrStore(s, i))
gmp := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := range gmp {
go func(id int) {
defer wg.Done()
for i, s := range testData {
expectNotDeleted(t, s, math.MaxInt)(m.CompareAndDelete(s, math.MaxInt))
m.CompareAndDelete(s, i)
expectMissing(t, s, 0)(m.Load(s))
for _, s := range testData {
expectMissing(t, s, 0)(m.Load(s))
func testAll[K, V comparable](t *testing.T, m *HashTrieMap[K, V], testData map[K]V, yield func(K, V) bool) {
for k, v := range testData {
expectStored(t, k, v)(m.LoadOrStore(k, v))
visited := make(map[K]int)
m.All()(func(key K, got V) bool {
want, ok := testData[key]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("unexpected key %v in map", key)
return false
if got != want {
t.Errorf("expected key %v to have value %v, got %v", key, want, got)
return false
return yield(key, got)
for key, n := range visited {
if n > 1 {
t.Errorf("visited key %v more than once", key)
func expectPresent[K, V comparable](t *testing.T, key K, want V) func(got V, ok bool) {
return func(got V, ok bool) {
if !ok {
t.Errorf("expected key %v to be present in map", key)
if ok && got != want {
t.Errorf("expected key %v to have value %v, got %v", key, want, got)
func expectMissing[K, V comparable](t *testing.T, key K, want V) func(got V, ok bool) {
if want != *new(V) {
// This is awkward, but the want argument is necessary to smooth over type inference.
// Just make sure the want argument always looks the same.
panic("expectMissing must always have a zero value variable")
return func(got V, ok bool) {
if ok {
t.Errorf("expected key %v to be missing from map, got value %v", key, got)
if !ok && got != want {
t.Errorf("expected missing key %v to be paired with the zero value; got %v", key, got)
func expectLoaded[K, V comparable](t *testing.T, key K, want V) func(got V, loaded bool) {
return func(got V, loaded bool) {
if !loaded {
t.Errorf("expected key %v to have been loaded, not stored", key)
if got != want {
t.Errorf("expected key %v to have value %v, got %v", key, want, got)
func expectStored[K, V comparable](t *testing.T, key K, want V) func(got V, loaded bool) {
return func(got V, loaded bool) {
if loaded {
t.Errorf("expected inserted key %v to have been stored, not loaded", key)
if got != want {
t.Errorf("expected inserted key %v to have value %v, got %v", key, want, got)
func expectDeleted[K, V comparable](t *testing.T, key K, old V) func(deleted bool) {
return func(deleted bool) {
if !deleted {
t.Errorf("expected key %v with value %v to be in map and deleted", key, old)
func expectNotDeleted[K, V comparable](t *testing.T, key K, old V) func(deleted bool) {
return func(deleted bool) {
if deleted {
t.Errorf("expected key %v with value %v to not be in map and thus not deleted", key, old)
func testDataMap(data []string) map[string]int {
m := make(map[string]int)
for i, s := range data {
m[s] = i
return m
var (
testDataSmall [8]string
testData [128]string
testDataLarge [128 << 10]string
func init() {
for i := range testDataSmall {
testDataSmall[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%b", i)
for i := range testData {
testData[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%b", i)
for i := range testDataLarge {
testDataLarge[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%b", i)
func dumpMap[K, V comparable](ht *HashTrieMap[K, V]) {
dumpNode(ht, &ht.root.node, 0)
func dumpNode[K, V comparable](ht *HashTrieMap[K, V], n *node[K, V], depth int) {
var sb strings.Builder
for range depth {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "\t")
prefix := sb.String()
if n.isEntry {
e := n.entry()
for e != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s%p [Entry Key=%v Value=%v Overflow=%p, Hash=%016x]\n", prefix, e, e.key, e.value, e.overflow.Load(), ht.keyHash(unsafe.Pointer(&e.key), ht.seed))
e = e.overflow.Load()
i := n.indirect()
fmt.Printf("%s%p [Indirect Parent=%p Dead=%t Children=[", prefix, i, i.parent, i.dead.Load())
for j := range i.children {
c := i.children[j].Load()
fmt.Printf("%p", c)
if j != len(i.children)-1 {
fmt.Printf(", ")
for j := range i.children {
c := i.children[j].Load()
if c != nil {
dumpNode(ht, c, depth+1)