i.e. `package.json` settings will override `renovate.json` settings, CLI, which overrides env, which overrides the config file, which overrides defaults.
You can override default configuration using a configuration file, with default name `config.js` in the working directory. If you need an alternate location or name, set it in the environment variable `RENOVATE_CONFIG_FILE`.
Using a configuration file gives you very granular configuration options. For instance, you can override most settings at the global (file), repository, or package level. e.g. apply one set of labels for `backend/package.json` and a different set for `frontend/package.json` in the same repository.
<td><pre>"This Pull Request {{#if isRollback}}rolls back{{else}}updates{{/if}} dependency {{#if repositoryUrl}}[{{depName}}]({{repositoryUrl}}){{else}}`{{depName}}`{{/if}} from `{{#unless isRange}}{{#unless isPin}}v{{/unless}}{{/unless}}{{currentVersion}}` to `{{#unless isRange}}v{{/unless}}{{newVersion}}`{{#if isRollback}}. This is necessary and important because `v{{currentVersion}}` cannot be found in the npm registry - probably because of it being unpublished.{{/if}}\n{{#if releases.length}}\n\n{{#if schedule}}\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\"{{schedule}}\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone `{{timezone}}`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\n{{/if}}\n\n### Commits\n\n<details>\n<summary>{{githubName}}</summary>\n\n{{#each releases as |release|}}\n#### {{release.version}}\n{{#each release.commits as |commit|}}\n- [`{{commit.shortSha}}`]({{commit.url}}) {{commit.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/each}}\n\n</details>\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#if hasErrors}}\n\n---\n\n### Errors\n\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\n\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\n- `{{error.depName}}`: {{error.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\n\n---\n\n### Warnings\n\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\n\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\n- `{{warning.depName}}`: {{warning.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n---\n\nThis PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot](https://renovateapp.com)."</pre></td>
"prBody": "This Pull Request updates `package.json` lock files to use the latest dependency versions.\n\n{{#if schedule}}\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\"{{schedule}}\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone `{{timezone}}`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#if hasErrors}}\n\n---\n\n### Errors\n\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\n\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\n- `{{error.depName}}`: {{error.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\n\n---\n\n### Warnings\n\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\n\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\n- `{{warning.depName}}`: {{warning.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n---\n\nThis PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot](https://renovateapp.com).",
"prBody": "This Pull Request renovates the package group \"{{groupName}}\".\n\n{{#if schedule}}\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\"{{schedule}}\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone `{{timezone}}`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#each upgrades as |upgrade|}}\n- {{#if repositoryUrl}}[{{upgrade.depName}}]({{upgrade.repositoryUrl}}){{else}}`{{depName}}`{{/if}}: from `{{upgrade.currentVersion}}` to `{{upgrade.newVersion}}`\n{{/each}}\n\n{{#unless isPin}}\n### Commits\n\n{{#each upgrades as |upgrade|}}\n{{#if upgrade.releases.length}}\n<details>\n<summary>{{upgrade.githubName}}</summary>\n{{#each upgrade.releases as |release|}}\n\n#### {{release.version}}\n{{#each release.commits as |commit|}}\n- [`{{commit.shortSha}}`]({{commit.url}}){{commit.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/each}}\n\n</details>\n{{/if}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/unless}}\n<br/>\n\n{{#if hasErrors}}\n\n---\n\n### Errors\n\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\n\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\n- `{{error.depName}}`: {{error.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\n\n---\n\n### Warnings\n\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\n\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\n- `{{warning.depName}}`: {{warning.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n---\n\nThis PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot](https://renovateapp.com)."
"prBody": "This Pull Request updates Docker base image `{{depName}}` from tag `{{currentTag}}` to new tag `{{newTag}}`. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit https://renovateapp.com/docs/language-support/docker\n\n{{#if schedule}}\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\"{{schedule}}\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone `{{timezone}}`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#if hasErrors}}\n\n---\n\n### Errors\n\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\n\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\n- `{{error.depName}}`: {{error.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\n\n---\n\n### Warnings\n\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\n\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\n- `{{warning.depName}}`: {{warning.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n---\n\nThis PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot](https://renovateapp.com).",
"prBody": "This Pull Request updates Docker base image `{{depName}}:{{currentTag}}` to the latest digest (`{{newDigest}}`). For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit https://renovateapp.com/docs/language-support/docker\n\n{{#if schedule}}\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\"{{schedule}}\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone `{{timezone}}`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#if hasErrors}}\n\n---\n\n### Errors\n\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\n\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\n- `{{error.depName}}`: {{error.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\n\n---\n\n### Warnings\n\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\n\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\n- `{{warning.depName}}`: {{warning.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n---\n\nThis PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot](https://renovateapp.com).",
"prBody": "This Pull Request pins Docker base image `{{depName}}:{{currentTag}}` to use a digest (`{{newDigest}}`).\nThis digest will then be kept updated via Pull Requests whenever the image is updated on the Docker registry. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit https://renovateapp.com/docs/language-support/docker\n\n{{#if schedule}}\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\"{{schedule}}\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone `{{timezone}}`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#if hasErrors}}\n\n---\n\n### Errors\n\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\n\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\n- `{{error.depName}}`: {{error.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\n\n---\n\n### Warnings\n\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\n\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\n- `{{warning.depName}}`: {{warning.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n---\n\nThis PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot](https://renovateapp.com).",
"prBody": "This Pull Request pins Dockerfiles to use image digests. For details on Renovate's Docker support, please visit https://renovateapp.com/docs/language-support/docker\n\n{{#if schedule}}\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\"{{schedule}}\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone `{{timezone}}`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#each upgrades as |upgrade|}}\n- {{#if repositoryUrl}}[{{upgrade.depName}}]({{upgrade.repositoryUrl}}){{else}}`{{depName}}`{{/if}}: `{{upgrade.newDigest}}`\n{{/each}}\n\n{{#if hasErrors}}\n\n---\n\n### Errors\n\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\n\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\n- `{{error.depName}}`: {{error.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\n\n---\n\n### Warnings\n\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\n\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\n- `{{warning.depName}}`: {{warning.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n---\n\nThis PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot](https://renovateapp.com)."
"prBody": "This Pull Request updates Dockerfiles to use image digests.\n\n{{#if schedule}}\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\"{{schedule}}\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone `{{timezone}}`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#each upgrades as |upgrade|}}\n- {{#if repositoryUrl}}[{{upgrade.depName}}]({{upgrade.repositoryUrl}}){{else}}`{{depName}}`{{/if}}: `{{upgrade.newDigest}}`\n{{/each}}\n\n{{#if hasErrors}}\n\n---\n\n### Errors\n\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\n\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\n- `{{error.depName}}`: {{error.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\n\n---\n\n### Warnings\n\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\n\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\n- `{{warning.depName}}`: {{warning.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n---\n\nThis PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot](https://renovateapp.com)."