i.e. `package.json` settings will override `renovate.json` settings, CLI, which overrides env, which overrides the config file, which overrides defaults.
You can override default configuration using a configuration file, with default name `config.js` in the working directory. If you need an alternate location or name, set it in the environment variable `RENOVATE_CONFIG_FILE`.
Using a configuration file gives you very granular configuration options. For instance, you can override most settings at the global (file), repository, or package level. e.g. apply one set of labels for `backend/package.json` and a different set for `frontend/package.json` in the same repository.
| `pinVersions` | Convert ranged versions in package.json to pinned versions | boolean | `true` | `RENOVATE_PIN_VERSIONS` | `--pin-versions` |
| `separateMajorReleases` | If set to false, it will upgrade dependencies to latest release only, and not separate major/minor branches | boolean | `true` | `RENOVATE_SEPARATE_MAJOR_RELEASES` | `--separate-major-releases` |
| `prCreation` | When to create the PR for a branch. Values: immediate, not-pending, status-success. | string | `"immediate"` | `RENOVATE_PR_CREATION` | `--pr-creation` |
| `automerge` | What types of upgrades to merge to base branch automatically. Values: none, minor or any | string | `"none"` | `RENOVATE_AUTOMERGE` | `--automerge` |
| `automergeType` | How to automerge - "branch-merge-commit", "branch-push" or "pr". Branch support is GitHub-only | string | `"pr"` | `RENOVATE_AUTOMERGE_TYPE` | `--automerge-type` |
| `prBody` | Pull Request body template | string | `"This {{#if isGitHub}}Pull{{else}}Merge{{/if}} Request updates dependency [{{depName}}]({{repositoryUrl}}) from version `{{currentVersion}}` to `{{newVersion}}`\n{{#if releases.length}}\n\n### Commits\n\n<details>\n<summary>{{githubName}}</summary>\n\n{{#each releases as |release|}}\n#### {{release.version}}\n{{#each release.commits as |commit|}}\n- [`{{commit.shortSha}}`]({{commit.url}}) {{commit.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/each}}\n\n</details>\n{{/if}}\n<br/>\n\nThis {{#if isGitHub}}PR{{else}}MR{{/if}} has been generated by [Renovate Bot](https://keylocation.sg/our-tech/renovate)."` | `RENOVATE_PR_BODY` | |
| `yarnCacheFolder` | Location of yarn cache folder to use. Set to empty string to disable | string | `"/tmp/yarn-cache"` | `RENOVATE_YARN_CACHE_FOLDER` | `--yarn-cache-folder` |
| `groupName` | Human understandable name for the dependency group | string | `null` | `RENOVATE_GROUP_NAME` | `--group-name` |
| `groupSlug` | Slug to use for group (e.g. in branch name). Will be calculated from groupName if null | string | `null` | `RENOVATE_GROUP_SLUG` | `--group-slug` |
| `groupPrBody` | Pull Request body template for the group | string | `"This {{#if isGitHub}}Pull{{else}}Merge{{/if}} Request renovates the package group \"{{groupName}}\".\n\n{{#each upgrades as |upgrade|}}\n- [{{upgrade.depName}}]({{upgrade.repositoryUrl}}): from `{{upgrade.currentVersion}}` to `{{upgrade.newVersion}}`\n{{/each}}\n\n{{#unless isPin}}\n### Commits\n\n{{#each upgrades as |upgrade|}}\n{{#if upgrade.releases.length}}\n<details>\n<summary>{{upgrade.githubName}}</summary>\n{{#each upgrade.releases as |release|}}\n\n#### {{release.version}}\n{{#each release.commits as |commit|}}\n- [`{{commit.shortSha}}`]({{commit.url}}){{commit.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/each}}\n\n</details>\n{{/if}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/unless}}\n<br/>\n\nThis {{#if isGitHub}}PR{{else}}MR{{/if}} has been generated by [Renovate Bot](https://keylocation.sg/our-tech/renovate)."` | `RENOVATE_GROUP_PR_BODY` | |