Before you start any Pull Request, it's recommended that you raise an issue first if you have any doubts. That way you can be sure that the maintainer(s) agree on what to change and how, and you can hopefully get a quick merge afterwards.
`renovate` supports nodejs versions 6.11.1 and above. It is written using async/await so needs `babel` transpilation for nodejs 6. It is planned to drop support for nodejs 6 once nodejs 8 reaches LTS.
If running in nodejs 6, you need to run a transpiled version of the code. You can do this without an explicit transpilation step by running `yarn run start-babel`. Do not make the mistake of running `yarn run start` !
We wish to keep backwards-compatibility as often as possible, as well as make the code configurable, so most new functionality should be controllable via configuration options.
We use [Prettier]( for code formatting. If your code fails `yarn test` due to a `prettier` rule in `eslint` then it can be fixed by running `yarn run lint-fix`;