This PR adds the capability to run Renovate in a new "fork mode". This new mode must be configured by the Renovate admin, and cannot be configured within repositories themselves (for now). Example use: `renovate --autodiscover --fork-mode`
In this mode:
* Renovate will fork the repository if necessary (first run only)
* If the fork already existed, Renovate will ensure that its base branch is up to date with the source repository's
* Branches will be created within the fork, PRs will be created in the source
This feature enables signing of git commits on GitHub. To achieve this, Renovate must be configured with a gitPrivateKey in format supported by openpgp. There must also be a gitAuthor configured to enable this feature.
This PR adds the capability to specify a custom author for git commits on GitHub. Setting this field will mean GitHub uses this value for author and commit instead of the token’s identity. For instance if you are running hosted mode you may set the gitAuthor to “Renovate Bot <>” to have commits appear as coming from the renovate-bot account.
This PR adds support for bazel WORKSPACE package files, as suggested
Renovate will:
1. Detect `WORKSPACE` files anywhere in the repository
2. Look for all `git_repository()` sections in the file
3. Extract any dependencies with name, remote and tag values
4. Look up any dependencies that (a) have a github https remote, and (b) a valid semver as tag
5. Update the tag to the latest available
This PR adds support for renovating the `node_js` versions in `.travis.yml` configuration files. Important notes:
- Functionality is disabled by default and hence opt-in via configuration
- Added a new manager type `node` because it is anticipated to support more than just Travis in future, with mostly unified logic
- Added the config option "policy" with supported values: lts, active, current, lts_latest and lts_active
- Policy is actually an array, to allow additive combining, e.g. `["lts_latest", "current"]`
- Actual node versions are *hardcoded*. There is no perfect metadata source for this and they change infrequently enough that it is definitely not a problem for now (next change will be in April 2018)
- If node versions need updating, they are listed from newest to oldest
- Replacing function attempts to detect the indention (spacing) in file and use that
To enable, configure `node.enabled=true` and optionally `node.policy=["<policy>"]` if you want something other than `lts`.
If we have in a package.json links to some local lib file:../path/to/folder
Then the local lib package.json will be copied to the tmp folder to be able to generate the right yarn lock file. This is not working with tgz files, only folder reference.
With this PR, Renovate will default to raising only one major PR at a time. e.g. if you have Webpack 1.x then you will get only one major PR for webpack v3 and not also for v2. set multipleMajorPrs=true to get multiple.
This adds a configuration option unstablePattern - used only by Docker currently - that can be used to define a regex patternt to identify “unstable” versions.
99% of the time we should not Renovate forked repositories. Previously, we skipped onboarding them unless a renovate.json was present. However, that meant that if someone forked a repository where the source was using Renovate, then the fork gets renovated automatically too. After this change, forked repositories need to set renovateFork=true in their renovate.json
BREAKING CHANGE: Forked repositories now need to configure renovateFork=true in renovate.json
By defaulting pinVersions to null, this allows Renover to autodetect on a per-package file basis. Users may still manually configure (override autodetection) pinning enabled or disabled via config.
BREAKING CHANGE: Renovate will no longer default to pinning versions - instead it will autodetect whether to pin, unless overrided.
This feature enables docker tag "upgrading". Examples:
- From `node:6` to `node:8`
- From `node:6.10` to `node:6.11`
- From `node:6.11.1` to `node:6.11.3`
- From `node:6.10-onbuild` to `node:6.11-onbuild`
Currently these are disabled by default so they are opt-in, you can enable them by setting e.g. `{ docker: { minor: { enabled: true }, major: { enabled: true }}`
By default, Renovate will now continue *updating* - but not creating - branches even if off-schedule. This applies to features such as (a) rebasing branches if master changes, (b) updating if new version comes, (c) creating PRs if tests pass, (d) automerging. It is planned that (b) will be configurable in a future feature. To disable this behaviour altogether, set updateNotScheduled to false.
This feature adds initial support for renovating Dockerfiles. Renovate now:
- Detects all `Dockerfile`s in repo
- Searches for `FROM x` in first non-comment line, breaks x into image, tag, digest
- Queries public Docker registry for image:tag combination to find latest digest
- Patches Dockerfile if necessary
- Creates branches/PRs as like with npm
This feature adds support for renovating Meteor's `package.js` files. Meteor config is disabled by default so must be manually enabled to work. If enabled, Renovate uses GitHub's search API to look for any files named `package.js` that include the text `Npm.depends`. If so then the file is parsed using Regex to extract its dependencies and check them for updates.
Renovate config can now support the fields `npmToken`, `npmrc` and `yarnrc`. `npmrc` and `yarnrc` (note no `.` prefix) can be used as an alternative to checking the respective files into the repo and have the same effect. `npmToken` is a shorter alternative and allows for just the npm token to be added, defaulting to the public npm registry.
We should not leave the PR unopened forever if the branch remains in not-pending state too long. Some status checks may leave the status as “pending” instead of “failed”. Defaults to 12 hours but is configurable.
The ignoreNodeModules feature is replaced with a generic ignorePaths one and allows any array of strings to be defined and package.json file matching them will be skipped/ignored. Also migrates any existing config/presets.
Refactored the `automerge` field to change it to boolean. Existing string will be migrated to new config. Automerging lock files is now possible by adding `”lockFileMaintenance”: { ”automerge”: true}` to config.
This PR implements eslint-inspired shareable configs. With this feature, we:
- Add new config option "extends"
* This is an array of preset config names that the current config or preset extends/inherits from
- Add new config option "description"
* Each preset config should include a description of its functionality that is human-readable
- Provide a set of commonly use configs called "preset defaults"
- Provide two "full" preset configs: "app" and "library"
* Almost the same but app pins *all* version numbers while library only pins devdependencies
- Replace regular config in onboarding with one of these two presets
- Generate human-readable description of config in Onboarding PR
- Support npm for hosting configs (both scoped and non-scoped)
Closes#657, Closes#671, Closes#647
Renovate now adds a status check renovate/unpublish-safe that has the following behaviour:
If any upgrade in the branch is < 24 hours old then the status check state is "pending"
If all upgrades in the branch are 24 hours or more old then the status check state is "success"
This is able to be disabled via a new option "unpublishSafe".