# renovate Keep npm dependencies up-to-date. [](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/singapore/renovate/master/license) [](https://codecov.io/gh/singapore/renovate) [](https://gitter.im/renovate-app/Lobby?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) [](https://david-dm.org/singapore/renovate) [](https://renovateapp.com/) ## Why - Creates or updates Pull Requests for each dependency that needs updating - Discovers and processes all `package.json` files in repository (supports monorepo architecture) - Supports multiple major versions per-dependency at once - Configurable via file, environment, CLI, and `package.json` - Supports `yarn.lock` and `package-lock.json` files - Supports GitHub and GitLab - Open source and can be self-hosted ## GitHub App Renovate is now available as a free GitHub "App". Go to [https://github.com/apps/renovate](https://github.com/apps/renovate) to enable it now. ## Install ``` $ npm install -g renovate ``` ## Authentication You need to select a repository user for `renovate` to assume the identity of, and generate a Personal Access Token. It's recommended that you use a dedicated "bot" account for this to avoid user confusion. You can find instructions for GitHub [here](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-an-access-token-for-command-line-use/) (select "repo" permissions) You can find instructions for GitLab [here](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/README.html#personal-access-tokens). This token needs to be configured via file, environment variable, or CLI. See [docs/configuration.md](docs/configuration.md) for details. The simplest way is to expose it as `GITHUB_TOKEN` or `GITLAB_TOKEN`. ## Usage Run `renovate --help` for usage details. Note: The first time you run `renovate` on a repository, it will not upgrade any dependencies. Instead, it will create a Pull Request (Merge Request if GitLab) called 'Configure Renovate' and commit a default `renovate.json` file to the repository. This PR can be close unmerged if the default settings are fine for you. Also, this behaviour can be disabled if you set the `onboarding` configuration option to `false` before running. ## Deployment See [deployment docs](https://github.com/singapore/renovate/blob/master/docs/deployment.md) for details. ## Configuration The [Configuration](https://github.com/singapore/renovate/blob/master/docs/configuration.md) and [Configuration FAQ](https://github.com/singapore/renovate/blob/master/docs/faq.md) documents should be helpful. ## Design Decisions See [design decisions doc](https://github.com/singapore/renovate/blob/master/docs/design-decisions.md) for details.