import fs from 'fs-extra'; import { glob } from 'glob'; import { getOptions } from '../lib/config/options'; import { regEx } from '../lib/util/regex'; const options = getOptions(); const markdownGlob = '{docs,lib}/**/*.md'; describe('documentation', () => { it('has no invalid links', async () => { const markdownFiles = await glob(markdownGlob); await Promise.all( (markdownFile) => { const markdownText = await fs.readFile(markdownFile, 'utf8'); expect(markdownText).not.toMatch(regEx(/\.md\/#/)); }), ); }); describe('website-documentation', () => { function getConfigOptionSubHeaders( file: string, configOption: string, ): string[] { const subHeadings = []; const content = fs.readFileSync(`docs/usage/${file}`, 'utf8'); const reg = regEx(`##\\s${configOption}[\\s\\S]+?\n##\\s`); const match = reg.exec(content); const subHeadersMatch = match?.[0]?.matchAll(/\n###\s(?<child>\w+)\n/g); if (subHeadersMatch) { for (const subHeaderStr of subHeadersMatch) { if (subHeaderStr?.groups?.child) { subHeadings.push(subHeaderStr.groups.child); } } } return subHeadings; } describe('docs/usage/', () => { function getConfigHeaders(file: string): string[] { const content = fs.readFileSync(`docs/usage/${file}`, 'utf8'); const matches = content.match(/\n## (.*?)\n/g) ?? []; return => match.substring(4, match.length - 1)); } function getRequiredConfigOptions(): string[] { return options .filter((option) => !option.globalOnly) .filter((option) => !option.parents) .filter((option) => !option.autogenerated) .map((option) => .sort(); } it('has doc headers sorted alphabetically', () => { expect(getConfigHeaders('')).toEqual( getConfigHeaders('').sort(), ); }); it('has headers for every required option', () => { expect(getConfigHeaders('')).toEqual( getRequiredConfigOptions(), ); }); function getConfigSubHeaders(file: string): string[] { const content = fs.readFileSync(`docs/usage/${file}`, 'utf8'); const matches = content.match(/\n### (.*?)\n/g) ?? []; return matches .map((match) => match.substring(5, match.length - 1)) .sort(); } function getRequiredConfigSubOptions(): string[] { return options .filter((option) => option.stage !== 'global') .filter((option) => !option.globalOnly) .filter((option) => option.parents) .map((option) => .sort(); } function getParentNames(): Set<string> { const childrens = options .filter((option) => option.stage !== 'global') .filter((option) => !option.globalOnly) .filter((option) => option.parents); const parentNames = new Set<string>(); for (const children of childrens) { const parents = children.parents ?? []; for (const parent of parents) { parentNames.add(parent); } } return parentNames; } it('has headers for every required sub-option', () => { expect(getConfigSubHeaders('')).toEqual( getRequiredConfigSubOptions(), ); }); it.each([...getParentNames()])( '%s has sub-headers sorted alphabetically', (parentName: string) => { expect( getConfigOptionSubHeaders('', parentName), ).toEqual( getConfigOptionSubHeaders( '', parentName, ).sort(), ); }, ); }); describe('docs/usage/', () => { function getSelfHostedHeaders(file: string): string[] { const content = fs.readFileSync(`docs/usage/${file}`, 'utf8'); const matches = content.match(/\n## (.*?)\n/g) ?? []; return => match.substring(4, match.length - 1)); } function getRequiredSelfHostedOptions(): string[] { return options .filter((option) => option.globalOnly) .map((option) => .sort(); } it('has headers sorted alphabetically', () => { expect(getSelfHostedHeaders('')).toEqual( getSelfHostedHeaders('').sort(), ); }); it('has headers for every required option', () => { expect(getSelfHostedHeaders('')).toEqual( getRequiredSelfHostedOptions(), ); }); }); describe('docs/usage/', () => { function getSelfHostedExperimentalConfigHeaders(file: string): string[] { const content = fs.readFileSync(`docs/usage/${file}`, 'utf8'); const matches = content.match(/\n## (.*?)\n/g) ?? []; return => match.substring(4, match.length - 1)); } it('has headers sorted alphabetically', () => { expect( getSelfHostedExperimentalConfigHeaders(''), ).toEqual( getSelfHostedExperimentalConfigHeaders( '', ).sort(), ); }); }); }); });