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Configuration Methods

Renovate global config can be defined via any of these methods:

  • Configuration file
  • Environment variables
  • CLI parameters

The above are listed in reverse order of preference. e.g. CLI values will override environment values if they conflict.

Default Configuration

The default configuration values can be found in lib/config/options/index.ts. Options which have "globalOnly": true are reserved only for bot global configuration and cannot be configured within repository config files.

Configuration File

You can override default configuration using a configuration file, with default name config.js in the working directory. If you need an alternate location or name, set it in the environment variable RENOVATE_CONFIG_FILE.

Note: RENOVATE_CONFIG_FILE must be provided with an explicit file extension. For example RENOVATE_CONFIG_FILE=myconfig.js or RENOVATE_CONFIG_FILE=myconfig.json and not RENOVATE_CONFIG_FILE=myconfig. If none is provided, or the file type is invalid, Renovate will fail.

If you are in an ESM repo ("type": "module" in package.json) then you must use a .cjs extension and set RENOVATE_CONFIG_FILE. For example RENOVATE_CONFIG_FILE=myconfig.cjs.

Using a configuration file gives you very granular configuration options. For instance, you can override most settings at the global (file), repository, or package level. e.g. apply one set of labels for backend/package.json and a different set of labels for frontend/package.json in the same repository.

module.exports = {
  npmrc: '//',
  baseDir: '/tmp/renovate',
  forkProcessing: 'enabled',
  gradle: { enabled: false },


node renovate --help

To configure any <list> items, separate with commas. E.g. renovate --labels=renovate,dependency.

To enable debug logging export LOG_LEVEL=debug to your environment.


If you add a renovate.json file to the root of your repository, you can use this to override default settings.


If you add configuration options to your package.json then these will override any other settings above.

  "renovate": {
    "labels": ["upgrade", "bot"]

Configuration Options

Please read our list of user-facing configuration options.

For further options when running your own instance of Renovate, please see the full config options file at lib/config/options/index.ts.