
81 lines
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import type { RenovateConfig, RepoGlobalConfig } from './types';
export class GlobalConfig {
// TODO: once global config work is complete, add a test to make sure this list includes all options with globalOnly=true (#9603)
private static readonly OPTIONS: (keyof RepoGlobalConfig)[] = [
private static config: RepoGlobalConfig = {};
static get(): RepoGlobalConfig;
static get<Key extends keyof RepoGlobalConfig>(
key: Key,
): RepoGlobalConfig[Key];
static get<Key extends keyof RepoGlobalConfig>(
key: Key,
defaultValue: Required<RepoGlobalConfig>[Key],
): Required<RepoGlobalConfig>[Key];
static get<Key extends keyof RepoGlobalConfig>(
key?: Key,
defaultValue?: RepoGlobalConfig[Key],
): RepoGlobalConfig | RepoGlobalConfig[Key] {
return key
? (GlobalConfig.config[key] ?? defaultValue)
: GlobalConfig.config;
static set(config: RenovateConfig | RepoGlobalConfig): RenovateConfig {
const result = { ...config };
for (const option of GlobalConfig.OPTIONS) {
GlobalConfig.config[option] = config[option] as never;
delete result[option];
return result;
static reset(): void {
GlobalConfig.config = {};