mirror of https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate
159 lines
4.3 KiB
159 lines
4.3 KiB
import URL from 'node:url';
import type { SimpleGit } from 'simple-git';
import Git from 'simple-git';
import upath from 'upath';
import { GlobalConfig } from '../../../config/global';
import { logger } from '../../../logger';
import { getGitEnvironmentVariables } from '../../../util/git/auth';
import { simpleGitConfig } from '../../../util/git/config';
import { getHttpUrl } from '../../../util/git/url';
import { regEx } from '../../../util/regex';
import { GitRefsDatasource } from '../../datasource/git-refs';
import * as semVerVersioning from '../../versioning/semver';
import type { ExtractConfig, PackageFileContent } from '../types';
import type { GitModule } from './types';
async function getUrl(
git: SimpleGit,
gitModulesPath: string,
submoduleName: string,
): Promise<string> {
const path = (
await Git(simpleGitConfig()).raw([
if (!path?.startsWith('../')) {
return path;
const remoteUrl = (
await git.raw(['config', '--get', 'remote.origin.url'])
return URL.resolve(`${remoteUrl}/`, path);
const headRefRe = regEx(/ref: refs\/heads\/(?<branch>\w+)\s/);
async function getDefaultBranch(subModuleUrl: string): Promise<string> {
const gitSubmoduleAuthEnvironmentVariables = getGitEnvironmentVariables([
const gitEnv = {
// pass all existing env variables
// add all known git Variables
const val = await Git(simpleGitConfig())
.listRemote(['--symref', subModuleUrl, 'HEAD']);
return headRefRe.exec(val)?.groups?.branch ?? 'master';
async function getBranch(
git: SimpleGit,
gitModulesPath: string,
submoduleName: string,
subModuleUrl: string,
): Promise<string> {
const branchFromConfig = (
await Git(simpleGitConfig()).raw([
return branchFromConfig === '.'
? (await git.branch(['--list'])).current.trim()
: branchFromConfig || (await getDefaultBranch(subModuleUrl)).trim();
async function getModules(
git: SimpleGit,
gitModulesPath: string,
): Promise<GitModule[]> {
const res: GitModule[] = [];
try {
const modules = (
(await git.raw([
])) ?? /* istanbul ignore next: should never happen */ ''
.filter((s) => !!s);
for (const line of modules) {
const [, name, path] = line.split(regEx(/submodule\.(.+?)\.path\s(.+)/));
res.push({ name, path });
} catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ {
logger.warn({ err }, 'Error getting git submodules during extract');
return res;
export default async function extractPackageFile(
_content: string,
packageFile: string,
_config: ExtractConfig,
): Promise<PackageFileContent | null> {
const localDir = GlobalConfig.get('localDir');
const git = Git(localDir, simpleGitConfig());
const gitModulesPath = upath.join(localDir, packageFile);
const depNames = await getModules(git, gitModulesPath);
if (!depNames.length) {
return null;
const deps = [];
for (const { name, path } of depNames) {
try {
const [currentDigest] = (
await git.subModule(['status', '--cached', path])
.replace(regEx(/^[-+]/), '')
const subModuleUrl = await getUrl(git, gitModulesPath, name);
const httpSubModuleUrl = getHttpUrl(subModuleUrl);
const currentValue = await getBranch(
depName: path,
packageName: httpSubModuleUrl,
? { versioning: semVerVersioning.id }
: {}),
} catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ {
{ err, packageFile },
'Error mapping git submodules during extraction',
return { deps, datasource: GitRefsDatasource.id };