
154 lines
4.3 KiB

use crate::fmt;
use crate::future::Future;
use crate::pin::Pin;
use crate::task::{Context, Poll};
/// Creates a future that wraps a function returning [`Poll`].
/// Polling the future delegates to the wrapped function. If the returned future is pinned, then the
/// captured environment of the wrapped function is also pinned in-place, so as long as the closure
/// does not move out of its captures it can soundly create pinned references to them.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # async fn run() {
/// use core::future::poll_fn;
/// use std::task::{Context, Poll};
/// fn read_line(_cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<String> {
/// Poll::Ready("Hello, World!".into())
/// }
/// let read_future = poll_fn(read_line);
/// assert_eq!(read_future.await, "Hello, World!".to_owned());
/// # }
/// ```
/// ## Capturing a pinned state
/// Example of a closure wrapping inner futures:
/// ```
/// # async fn run() {
/// use core::future::{self, Future};
/// use core::task::Poll;
/// /// Resolves to the first future that completes. In the event of a tie, `a` wins.
/// fn naive_select<T>(
/// a: impl Future<Output = T>,
/// b: impl Future<Output = T>,
/// ) -> impl Future<Output = T>
/// {
/// let (mut a, mut b) = (Box::pin(a), Box::pin(b));
/// future::poll_fn(move |cx| {
/// if let Poll::Ready(r) = a.as_mut().poll(cx) {
/// Poll::Ready(r)
/// } else if let Poll::Ready(r) = b.as_mut().poll(cx) {
/// Poll::Ready(r)
/// } else {
/// Poll::Pending
/// }
/// })
/// }
/// let a = async { 42 };
/// let b = future::pending();
/// let v = naive_select(a, b).await;
/// assert_eq!(v, 42);
/// let a = future::pending();
/// let b = async { 27 };
/// let v = naive_select(a, b).await;
/// assert_eq!(v, 27);
/// let a = async { 42 };
/// let b = async { 27 };
/// let v = naive_select(a, b).await;
/// assert_eq!(v, 42); // biased towards `a` in case of tie!
/// # }
/// ```
/// This time without [`Box::pin`]ning:
/// [`Box::pin`]: ../../std/boxed/
/// ```
/// # async fn run() {
/// use core::future::{self, Future};
/// use core::pin::pin;
/// use core::task::Poll;
/// /// Resolves to the first future that completes. In the event of a tie, `a` wins.
/// fn naive_select<T>(
/// a: impl Future<Output = T>,
/// b: impl Future<Output = T>,
/// ) -> impl Future<Output = T>
/// {
/// async {
/// let (mut a, mut b) = (pin!(a), pin!(b));
/// future::poll_fn(move |cx| {
/// if let Poll::Ready(r) = a.as_mut().poll(cx) {
/// Poll::Ready(r)
/// } else if let Poll::Ready(r) = b.as_mut().poll(cx) {
/// Poll::Ready(r)
/// } else {
/// Poll::Pending
/// }
/// }).await
/// }
/// }
/// let a = async { 42 };
/// let b = future::pending();
/// let v = naive_select(a, b).await;
/// assert_eq!(v, 42);
/// # }
/// ```
/// - Notice how, by virtue of being in an `async` context, we have been able to make the [`pin!`]
/// macro work, thereby avoiding any need for the `unsafe`
/// <code>[Pin::new_unchecked](&mut fut)</code> constructor.
/// [`pin!`]: crate::pin::pin!
#[stable(feature = "future_poll_fn", since = "1.64.0")]
pub fn poll_fn<T, F>(f: F) -> PollFn<F>
F: FnMut(&mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<T>,
PollFn { f }
/// A Future that wraps a function returning [`Poll`].
/// This `struct` is created by [`poll_fn()`]. See its
/// documentation for more.
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
#[stable(feature = "future_poll_fn", since = "1.64.0")]
pub struct PollFn<F> {
f: F,
#[stable(feature = "future_poll_fn", since = "1.64.0")]
impl<F: Unpin> Unpin for PollFn<F> {}
#[stable(feature = "future_poll_fn", since = "1.64.0")]
impl<F> fmt::Debug for PollFn<F> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
#[stable(feature = "future_poll_fn", since = "1.64.0")]
impl<T, F> Future for PollFn<F>
F: FnMut(&mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<T>,
type Output = T;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<T> {
// SAFETY: We are not moving out of the pinned field.
(unsafe { &mut self.get_unchecked_mut().f })(cx)