
39 lines
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pub struct S;
pub mod char {}
// Ensure this doesn't ICE due to trying to slice off non-existent backticks from "S"
/// See [S] and [`S`]
pub struct MyStruct1;
// Ensure that link texts are replaced correctly even if there are multiple links with
// the same target but different text
/// See also [crate::char] and [mod@char] and [prim@char]
//@ has issue_108459/struct.MyStruct2.html '//*[@href="char/index.html"]' 'crate::char'
//@ has - '//*[@href="char/index.html"]' 'char'
//@ has - '//*[@href="{{channel}}/std/primitive.char.html"]' 'char'
pub struct MyStruct2;
/// See also [mod@char] and [prim@char] and [crate::char]
//@ has issue_108459/struct.MyStruct3.html '//*[@href="char/index.html"]' 'crate::char'
//@ has - '//*[@href="char/index.html"]' 'char'
//@ has - '//*[@href="{{channel}}/std/primitive.char.html"]' 'char'
pub struct MyStruct3;
// Ensure that links are correct even if there are multiple links with the same text but
// different targets
/// See also [char][mod@char] and [char][prim@char]
//@ has issue_108459/struct.MyStruct4.html '//*[@href="char/index.html"]' 'char'
//@ has - '//*[@href="{{channel}}/std/primitive.char.html"]' 'char'
pub struct MyStruct4;
/// See also [char][prim@char] and [char][crate::char]
//@ has issue_108459/struct.MyStruct5.html '//*[@href="char/index.html"]' 'char'
//@ has - '//*[@href="{{channel}}/std/primitive.char.html"]' 'char'
pub struct MyStruct5;