
49 lines
1.3 KiB

//@ needs-asm-support
#![crate_type = "lib"]
use std::arch::asm;
//~^ ERROR attribute should be applied to a struct, enum, or union [E0517]
extern "C" fn example1() {
//~^ NOTE not a struct, enum, or union
unsafe { asm!("", options(noreturn)) }
//~^ ERROR attribute should be applied to a struct, enum, or union [E0517]
extern "C" fn example2() {
//~^ NOTE not a struct, enum, or union
unsafe { asm!("", options(noreturn)) }
#[repr(align(16), C)]
//~^ ERROR attribute should be applied to a struct, enum, or union [E0517]
extern "C" fn example3() {
//~^ NOTE not a struct, enum, or union
unsafe { asm!("", options(noreturn)) }
// note: two errors because of packed and C
#[repr(C, packed)]
//~^ ERROR attribute should be applied to a struct or union [E0517]
//~| ERROR attribute should be applied to a struct, enum, or union [E0517]
extern "C" fn example4() {
//~^ NOTE not a struct, enum, or union
//~| NOTE not a struct or union
unsafe { asm!("", options(noreturn)) }
//~^ ERROR attribute should be applied to an enum [E0517]
extern "C" fn example5() {
//~^ NOTE not an enum
unsafe { asm!("", options(noreturn)) }