
52 lines
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//@ check-pass
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::iter::Empty;
use std::ops::Range;
trait Lam<Binder> { type App; }
struct L1;
impl<'a> Lam<&'a u8> for L1 { type App = u8; }
struct L2;
impl<'a, 'b> Lam<&'a &'b u8> for L2 { type App = u8; }
trait Case1 {
type A: Iterator<Item: Debug>;
type B: Iterator<Item: 'static>;
pub struct S1;
impl Case1 for S1 {
type A = Empty<String>;
type B = Range<u16>;
// Ensure we don't have opaque `impl Trait` desugaring:
// What is this supposed to mean? Rustc currently lowers `: Default` in the
// bounds of `Out`, but trait selection can't find the bound since it applies
// to a type other than `Self::Out`.
pub trait Foo { type Out: Baz<Assoc: Default>; }
pub trait Baz { type Assoc; }
struct S2;
struct S3;
struct S4;
struct S5;
struct S6;
struct S7;
impl Foo for S6 { type Out = S4; }
impl Foo for S7 { type Out = S5; }
impl Baz for S4 { type Assoc = S2; }
impl Baz for S5 { type Assoc = S3; }
fn main() {}