
366 lines
12 KiB

error[E0658]: associated const equality is incomplete
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr3<N
| __________^
LL | |
LL | |
LL | |
LL | | = 42, T2 = Qux, T3 = usize> for Bar {
| |____^
= note: see issue #92827 <> for more information
= help: add `#![feature(associated_const_equality)]` to the crate attributes to enable
= note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
error[E0658]: associated const equality is incomplete
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr3<n = 42, T2 = Qux, T3 = usize> for Qux {
| ^^^^^^
= note: see issue #92827 <> for more information
= help: add `#![feature(associated_const_equality)]` to the crate attributes to enable
= note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
error[E0658]: associated const equality is incomplete
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr3<42, T2 = 42, T3 = usize> for Bar {
| ^^^^^^^
= note: see issue #92827 <> for more information
= help: add `#![feature(associated_const_equality)]` to the crate attributes to enable
= note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
error[E0658]: associated const equality is incomplete
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr3<X = 42, Y = Qux, Z = usize> for Bar {
| ^^^^^^
= note: see issue #92827 <> for more information
= help: add `#![feature(associated_const_equality)]` to the crate attributes to enable
= note: this compiler was built on YYYY-MM-DD; consider upgrading it if it is out of date
error[E0229]: associated type bindings are not allowed here
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr1<A = usize> for usize {
| ^^^^^^^^^ associated type not allowed here
help: consider removing this type binding
LL | impl Tr1<A = usize> for usize {
| ~~~~~~~~~~~
error[E0046]: not all trait items implemented, missing: `A`
--> $DIR/
LL | type A;
| ------ `A` from trait
LL | impl Tr1<A = usize> for usize {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ missing `A` in implementation
error[E0229]: associated type bindings are not allowed here
--> $DIR/
LL | fn baz<I: Tr1>(_x: &<I as Tr1<A=Bar>>::A) {}
| ^^^^^ associated type not allowed here
help: consider removing this type binding
LL | fn baz<I: Tr1>(_x: &<I as Tr1<A=Bar>>::A) {}
| ~~~~~~~
error[E0107]: trait takes 3 generic arguments but 1 generic argument was supplied
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr2<i32, T2 = Qux, T3 = usize> for Bar {
| ^^^ --- supplied 1 generic argument
| |
| expected 3 generic arguments
note: trait defined here, with 3 generic parameters: `T1`, `T2`, `T3`
--> $DIR/
LL | trait Tr2<T1, T2, T3> {
| ^^^ -- -- --
help: add missing generic arguments
LL | impl Tr2<i32, T2, T3, T2 = Qux, T3 = usize> for Bar {
| ++++++++
error[E0229]: associated type bindings are not allowed here
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr2<i32, T2 = Qux, T3 = usize> for Bar {
| ^^^^^^^^ associated type not allowed here
help: to use `Qux` as a generic argument specify it directly
LL | impl Tr2<i32, Qux, T3 = usize> for Bar {
| ~~~
error[E0107]: trait takes 3 generic arguments but 1 generic argument was supplied
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr2<i32, t2 = Qux, T3 = usize> for Qux {
| ^^^ --- supplied 1 generic argument
| |
| expected 3 generic arguments
note: trait defined here, with 3 generic parameters: `T1`, `T2`, `T3`
--> $DIR/
LL | trait Tr2<T1, T2, T3> {
| ^^^ -- -- --
help: add missing generic arguments
LL | impl Tr2<i32, T2, T3, t2 = Qux, T3 = usize> for Qux {
| ++++++++
error[E0229]: associated type bindings are not allowed here
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr2<i32, t2 = Qux, T3 = usize> for Qux {
| ^^^^^^^^ associated type not allowed here
help: consider removing this type binding
LL | impl Tr2<i32, t2 = Qux, T3 = usize> for Qux {
| ~~~~~~~~~~
error[E0107]: trait takes 3 generic arguments but 1 generic argument was supplied
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr2<i32, X = Qux, Y = usize> for Bar {
| ^^^ --- supplied 1 generic argument
| |
| expected 3 generic arguments
note: trait defined here, with 3 generic parameters: `T1`, `T2`, `T3`
--> $DIR/
LL | trait Tr2<T1, T2, T3> {
| ^^^ -- -- --
help: add missing generic arguments
LL | impl Tr2<i32, T2, T3, X = Qux, Y = usize> for Bar {
| ++++++++
error[E0229]: associated type bindings are not allowed here
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr2<i32, X = Qux, Y = usize> for Bar {
| ^^^^^^^ associated type not allowed here
help: consider removing this type binding
LL | impl Tr2<i32, X = Qux, Y = usize> for Bar {
| ~~~~~~~~~
error[E0107]: trait takes 3 generic arguments but 2 generic arguments were supplied
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr2<i32, Qux, T3 = GenericTerm<i32>> for Bar {
| ^^^ --- --- supplied 2 generic arguments
| |
| expected 3 generic arguments
note: trait defined here, with 3 generic parameters: `T1`, `T2`, `T3`
--> $DIR/
LL | trait Tr2<T1, T2, T3> {
| ^^^ -- -- --
help: add missing generic argument
LL | impl Tr2<i32, Qux, T3, T3 = GenericTerm<i32>> for Bar {
| ++++
error[E0229]: associated type bindings are not allowed here
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr2<i32, Qux, T3 = GenericTerm<i32>> for Bar {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ associated type not allowed here
help: to use `GenericTerm<i32>` as a generic argument specify it directly
LL | impl Tr2<i32, Qux, GenericTerm<i32>> for Bar {
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
error[E0107]: trait takes 3 generic arguments but 0 generic arguments were supplied
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr3<N
| ^^^ expected 3 generic arguments
note: trait defined here, with 3 generic parameters: `N`, `T2`, `T3`
--> $DIR/
LL | trait Tr3<const N: i32, T2, T3> {
| ^^^ ------------ -- --
help: add missing generic arguments
LL | impl Tr3<N, T2, T3, N
| ++++++++++
error[E0229]: associated type bindings are not allowed here
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr3<N
| __________^
LL | |
LL | |
LL | |
LL | | = 42, T2 = Qux, T3 = usize> for Bar {
| |____^ associated type not allowed here
help: to use `42` as a generic argument specify it directly
LL | impl Tr3<42, T2 = Qux, T3 = usize> for Bar {
| ~~
error[E0107]: trait takes 3 generic arguments but 0 generic arguments were supplied
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr3<n = 42, T2 = Qux, T3 = usize> for Qux {
| ^^^ expected 3 generic arguments
note: trait defined here, with 3 generic parameters: `N`, `T2`, `T3`
--> $DIR/
LL | trait Tr3<const N: i32, T2, T3> {
| ^^^ ------------ -- --
help: add missing generic arguments
LL | impl Tr3<N, T2, T3, n = 42, T2 = Qux, T3 = usize> for Qux {
| ++++++++++
error[E0229]: associated type bindings are not allowed here
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr3<n = 42, T2 = Qux, T3 = usize> for Qux {
| ^^^^^^ associated type not allowed here
help: consider removing this type binding
LL | impl Tr3<n = 42, T2 = Qux, T3 = usize> for Qux {
| ~~~~~~~
error[E0107]: trait takes 3 generic arguments but 0 generic arguments were supplied
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr3<N = u32, T2 = Qux, T3 = usize> for Bar {
| ^^^ expected 3 generic arguments
note: trait defined here, with 3 generic parameters: `N`, `T2`, `T3`
--> $DIR/
LL | trait Tr3<const N: i32, T2, T3> {
| ^^^ ------------ -- --
help: add missing generic arguments
LL | impl Tr3<N, T2, T3, N = u32, T2 = Qux, T3 = usize> for Bar {
| ++++++++++
error[E0229]: associated type bindings are not allowed here
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr3<N = u32, T2 = Qux, T3 = usize> for Bar {
| ^^^^^^^ associated type not allowed here
help: consider removing this type binding
LL | impl Tr3<N = u32, T2 = Qux, T3 = usize> for Bar {
| ~~~~~~~~
error[E0107]: trait takes 3 generic arguments but 1 generic argument was supplied
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr3<42, T2 = 42, T3 = usize> for Bar {
| ^^^ -- supplied 1 generic argument
| |
| expected 3 generic arguments
note: trait defined here, with 3 generic parameters: `N`, `T2`, `T3`
--> $DIR/
LL | trait Tr3<const N: i32, T2, T3> {
| ^^^ ------------ -- --
help: add missing generic arguments
LL | impl Tr3<42, T2, T3, T2 = 42, T3 = usize> for Bar {
| ++++++++
error[E0229]: associated type bindings are not allowed here
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr3<42, T2 = 42, T3 = usize> for Bar {
| ^^^^^^^ associated type not allowed here
help: consider removing this type binding
LL | impl Tr3<42, T2 = 42, T3 = usize> for Bar {
| ~~~~~~~~~
error[E0107]: trait takes 3 generic arguments but 0 generic arguments were supplied
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr3<X = 42, Y = Qux, Z = usize> for Bar {
| ^^^ expected 3 generic arguments
note: trait defined here, with 3 generic parameters: `N`, `T2`, `T3`
--> $DIR/
LL | trait Tr3<const N: i32, T2, T3> {
| ^^^ ------------ -- --
help: add missing generic arguments
LL | impl Tr3<N, T2, T3, X = 42, Y = Qux, Z = usize> for Bar {
| ++++++++++
error[E0229]: associated type bindings are not allowed here
--> $DIR/
LL | impl Tr3<X = 42, Y = Qux, Z = usize> for Bar {
| ^^^^^^ associated type not allowed here
help: consider removing this type binding
LL | impl Tr3<X = 42, Y = Qux, Z = usize> for Bar {
| ~~~~~~~
error[E0107]: struct takes 1 generic argument but 0 generic arguments were supplied
--> $DIR/
LL | impl<'a, T> St<'a , T = Qux> {
| ^^ expected 1 generic argument
note: struct defined here, with 1 generic parameter: `T`
--> $DIR/
LL | struct St<'a, T> { v: &'a T }
| ^^ -
help: add missing generic argument
LL | impl<'a, T> St<'a, T , T = Qux> {
| +++
error[E0229]: associated type bindings are not allowed here
--> $DIR/
LL | impl<'a, T> St<'a , T = Qux> {
| ^^^^^^^ associated type not allowed here
help: to use `Qux` as a generic argument specify it directly
LL | impl<'a, T> St<'a , Qux> {
| ~~~
error: aborting due to 27 previous errors
Some errors have detailed explanations: E0046, E0107, E0229, E0658.
For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0046`.