
46 lines
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// rust-lang/rust#61631: Uses of `Self` in the defaults of generic
// types for ADT's are not allowed. We justify this because the `Self`
// type could be considered the "final" type parameter, that is only
// well-defined after all of the other type parameters on the ADT have
// been instantiated.
// These were previously were ICE'ing at the usage point anyway (see
// `demo_usages` below), so there should not be any backwards
// compatibility concern.
struct Snobound<'a, P = Self> { x: Option<&'a P> }
//~^ ERROR generic parameters cannot use `Self` in their defaults [E0735]
enum Enobound<'a, P = Self> { A, B(Option<&'a P>) }
//~^ ERROR generic parameters cannot use `Self` in their defaults [E0735]
union Unobound<'a, P = Self> { x: i32, y: Option<&'a P> }
//~^ ERROR generic parameters cannot use `Self` in their defaults [E0735]
// Disallowing `Self` in defaults sidesteps need to check the bounds
// on the defaults in cases like these.
struct Ssized<'a, P: Sized = [Self]> { x: Option<&'a P> }
//~^ ERROR generic parameters cannot use `Self` in their defaults [E0735]
enum Esized<'a, P: Sized = [Self]> { A, B(Option<&'a P>) }
//~^ ERROR generic parameters cannot use `Self` in their defaults [E0735]
union Usized<'a, P: Sized = [Self]> { x: i32, y: Option<&'a P> }
//~^ ERROR generic parameters cannot use `Self` in their defaults [E0735]
fn demo_usages() {
// An ICE means you only get the error from the first line of the
// demo; comment each out to observe the other ICEs when trying
// this out on older versions of Rust.
let _ice: Snobound;
let _ice: Enobound;
let _ice: Unobound;
let _ice: Ssized;
let _ice: Esized;
let _ice: Usized;