
28 lines
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WARN rustc_infer::infer::relate::generalize may incompletely handle alias type: AliasTy { args: [?1t, '^0.Named(DefId(0:15 ~ structually_relate_aliases[de75]::{impl#1}::'a), "'a")], def_id: DefId(0:5 ~ structually_relate_aliases[de75]::ToUnit::Unit) }
WARN rustc_infer::infer::relate::generalize may incompletely handle alias type: AliasTy { args: [?1t, !2_0.Named(DefId(0:15 ~ structually_relate_aliases[de75]::{impl#1}::'a), "'a")], def_id: DefId(0:5 ~ structually_relate_aliases[de75]::ToUnit::Unit) }
error[E0277]: the trait bound `for<'a> T: ToUnit<'a>` is not satisfied
--> $DIR/
LL | impl<T> Overlap<for<'a> fn(&'a (), Assoc<'a, T>)> for T {}
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `for<'a> ToUnit<'a>` is not implemented for `T`
help: consider restricting type parameter `T`
LL | impl<T: for<'a> ToUnit<'a>> Overlap<for<'a> fn(&'a (), Assoc<'a, T>)> for T {}
| ++++++++++++++++++++
error[E0277]: the trait bound `for<'a> T: ToUnit<'a>` is not satisfied
--> $DIR/
LL | impl<T> Overlap<for<'a> fn(&'a (), Assoc<'a, T>)> for T {}
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `for<'a> ToUnit<'a>` is not implemented for `T`
help: consider restricting type parameter `T`
LL | impl<T: for<'a> ToUnit<'a>> Overlap<for<'a> fn(&'a (), Assoc<'a, T>)> for T {}
| ++++++++++++++++++++
error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.