
39 lines
985 B

#![move_size_limit = "1000"]
//@ build-fail
//@ only-64bit
//@ edition:2018
//@ compile-flags: -Zmir-opt-level=1
use std::{sync::Arc, rc::Rc};
fn main() {
let data = [0; 9999];
// Looking at --emit mir, we can see that all parameters below are passed by
// copy. But it requires at least mir-opt-level=1.
let _ = Arc::new(data); // OK!
let _ = Box::new(data); // OK!
let _ = Rc::new(data); // OK!
// Looking at --emit llvm-ir, we can see that a memcpy is involved in the
// parameter passing. So we want the lint to trigger here.
let _ = NotBox::new(data); //~ ERROR large_assignments
struct NotBox {
data: [u8; 9999],
impl NotBox {
fn new(data: [u8; 9999]) -> Self {
// Looking at --emit llvm-ir, we can see that a memcpy is involved.
// So we want the lint to trigger here.
Self { //~ ERROR large_assignments