
263 lines
9.0 KiB

error: `extern` block uses type `Foo`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn ptr_type1(size: *const Foo);
| ^^^^^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
= help: consider adding a `#[repr(C)]` or `#[repr(transparent)]` attribute to this struct
= note: this struct has unspecified layout
note: the type is defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | pub struct Foo;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: the lint level is defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | #![deny(improper_ctypes)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: `extern` block uses type `Foo`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn ptr_type2(size: *const Foo);
| ^^^^^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
= help: consider adding a `#[repr(C)]` or `#[repr(transparent)]` attribute to this struct
= note: this struct has unspecified layout
note: the type is defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | pub struct Foo;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: `extern` block uses type `((),)`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn ptr_tuple(p: *const ((),));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
= help: consider using a struct instead
= note: tuples have unspecified layout
error: `extern` block uses type `[u32]`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn slice_type(p: &[u32]);
| ^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
= help: consider using a raw pointer instead
= note: slices have no C equivalent
error: `extern` block uses type `str`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn str_type(p: &str);
| ^^^^ not FFI-safe
= help: consider using `*const u8` and a length instead
= note: string slices have no C equivalent
error: `extern` block uses type `Box<u32>`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn box_type(p: Box<u32>);
| ^^^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
= help: consider adding a `#[repr(C)]` or `#[repr(transparent)]` attribute to this struct
= note: this struct has unspecified layout
error: `extern` block uses type `Option<Box<u32>>`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn opt_box_type(p: Option<Box<u32>>);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
= help: consider adding a `#[repr(C)]`, `#[repr(transparent)]`, or integer `#[repr(...)]` attribute to this enum
= note: enum has no representation hint
error: `extern` block uses type `char`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn char_type(p: char);
| ^^^^ not FFI-safe
= help: consider using `u32` or `libc::wchar_t` instead
= note: the `char` type has no C equivalent
error: `extern` block uses type `i128`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn i128_type(p: i128);
| ^^^^ not FFI-safe
= note: 128-bit integers don't currently have a known stable ABI
error: `extern` block uses type `u128`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn u128_type(p: u128);
| ^^^^ not FFI-safe
= note: 128-bit integers don't currently have a known stable ABI
error: `extern` block uses type `dyn Bar`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn trait_type(p: &dyn Bar);
| ^^^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
= note: trait objects have no C equivalent
error: `extern` block uses type `(i32, i32)`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn tuple_type(p: (i32, i32));
| ^^^^^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
= help: consider using a struct instead
= note: tuples have unspecified layout
error: `extern` block uses type `(i32, i32)`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn tuple_type2(p: I32Pair);
| ^^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
= help: consider using a struct instead
= note: tuples have unspecified layout
error: `extern` block uses type `ZeroSize`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn zero_size(p: ZeroSize);
| ^^^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
= help: consider adding a member to this struct
= note: this struct has no fields
note: the type is defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | pub struct ZeroSize;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: `extern` block uses type `ZeroSizeWithPhantomData`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn zero_size_phantom(p: ZeroSizeWithPhantomData);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
= note: composed only of `PhantomData`
note: the type is defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | pub struct ZeroSizeWithPhantomData(::std::marker::PhantomData<i32>);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: `extern` block uses type `PhantomData<bool>`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | -> ::std::marker::PhantomData<bool>;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
= note: composed only of `PhantomData`
error: `extern` block uses type `fn()`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn fn_type(p: RustFn);
| ^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
= help: consider using an `extern fn(...) -> ...` function pointer instead
= note: this function pointer has Rust-specific calling convention
error: `extern` block uses type `fn()`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn fn_type2(p: fn());
| ^^^^ not FFI-safe
= help: consider using an `extern fn(...) -> ...` function pointer instead
= note: this function pointer has Rust-specific calling convention
error: `extern` block uses type `Box<u32>`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn fn_contained(p: RustBadRet);
| ^^^^^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
= help: consider adding a `#[repr(C)]` or `#[repr(transparent)]` attribute to this struct
= note: this struct has unspecified layout
error: `extern` block uses type `i128`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn transparent_i128(p: TransparentI128);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
= note: 128-bit integers don't currently have a known stable ABI
error: `extern` block uses type `str`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn transparent_str(p: TransparentStr);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
= help: consider using `*const u8` and a length instead
= note: string slices have no C equivalent
error: `extern` block uses type `Box<u32>`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn transparent_fn(p: TransparentBadFn);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
= help: consider adding a `#[repr(C)]` or `#[repr(transparent)]` attribute to this struct
= note: this struct has unspecified layout
error: `extern` block uses type `[u8; 8]`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn raw_array(arr: [u8; 8]);
| ^^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
= help: consider passing a pointer to the array
= note: passing raw arrays by value is not FFI-safe
error: `extern` block uses type `Option<UnsafeCell<extern "C" fn()>>`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn no_niche_a(a: Option<UnsafeCell<extern fn()>>);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
= help: consider adding a `#[repr(C)]`, `#[repr(transparent)]`, or integer `#[repr(...)]` attribute to this enum
= note: enum has no representation hint
error: `extern` block uses type `Option<UnsafeCell<&i32>>`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn no_niche_b(b: Option<UnsafeCell<&i32>>);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
= help: consider adding a `#[repr(C)]`, `#[repr(transparent)]`, or integer `#[repr(...)]` attribute to this enum
= note: enum has no representation hint
error: `extern` block uses type `u128`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub static static_u128_type: u128;
| ^^^^ not FFI-safe
= note: 128-bit integers don't currently have a known stable ABI
error: `extern` block uses type `u128`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub static static_u128_array_type: [u128; 16];
| ^^^^^^^^^^ not FFI-safe
= note: 128-bit integers don't currently have a known stable ABI
error: aborting due to 27 previous errors