
112 lines
3.2 KiB

error[E0308]: `match` arms have incompatible types
--> $DIR/
LL | let _ = match true {
| _____________-
LL | | true => {
LL | | async_dummy();
| | -------------- this is found to be of type `()`
LL | |
LL | | }
LL | | false => async_dummy(),
| | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `()`, found future
... |
LL | |
LL | | };
| |_____- `match` arms have incompatible types
note: calling an async function returns a future
--> $DIR/
LL | false => async_dummy(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: consider `await`ing on the `Future`
LL | false => async_dummy().await,
| ++++++
help: consider removing this semicolon
LL - async_dummy();
LL + async_dummy()
error[E0308]: `match` arms have incompatible types
--> $DIR/
LL | let _ = match true {
| _____________-
LL | | true => {
LL | | async_dummy();
| | -------------- this is found to be of type `()`
LL | |
LL | | }
LL | | false => async_dummy2(),
| | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `()`, found future
... |
LL | |
LL | | };
| |_____- `match` arms have incompatible types
note: calling an async function returns a future
--> $DIR/
LL | false => async_dummy2(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: consider `await`ing on the `Future`
LL | false => async_dummy2().await,
| ++++++
help: consider removing this semicolon and boxing the expressions
LL ~ Box::new(async_dummy())
LL |
LL | }
LL ~ false => Box::new(async_dummy2()),
error[E0308]: `match` arms have incompatible types
--> $DIR/
LL | let _ = match true {
| _____________-
LL | | true => async_dummy(),
| | ------------- this is found to be of type `impl Future<Output = ()>`
LL | |
LL | | false => async_dummy2(),
| | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected future, found a different future
LL | |
LL | |
LL | | };
| |_____- `match` arms have incompatible types
= note: distinct uses of `impl Trait` result in different opaque types
help: consider `await`ing on both `Future`s
LL ~ true => async_dummy().await,
LL |
LL ~ false => async_dummy2().await,
error[E0308]: `match` arms have incompatible types
--> $DIR/
LL | let _ = match true {
| _____________-
LL | | true => {
LL | | dummy();
| | --------
| | | |
| | | help: consider removing this semicolon
| | this is found to be of type `()`
LL | |
LL | | }
LL | | false => dummy(),
| | ^^^^^^^ expected `()`, found `i32`
LL | |
LL | | };
| |_____- `match` arms have incompatible types
error: aborting due to 4 previous errors
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0308`.