
45 lines
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// These are all the possible variations of this error I could think of for.
// `` contains the subset of these that
// can be fixed with `rustfix`.
trait Trait<T = Self> {
type A;
fn func(&self) -> Self::A;
fn funk(&self, _: Self::A);
fn funq(&self) -> Self::A {} //~ ERROR mismatched types
fn foo(_: impl Trait, x: impl Trait) {
qux(x.func()) //~ ERROR mismatched types
fn bar<T: Trait>(x: T) {
qux(x.func()) //~ ERROR mismatched types
fn foo2(x: impl Trait<i32>) {
qux(x.func()) //~ ERROR mismatched types
fn bar2<T: Trait<i32>>(x: T) {
x.funk(3); //~ ERROR mismatched types
qux(x.func()) //~ ERROR mismatched types
fn baz<D: std::fmt::Debug, T: Trait<A = D>>(x: T) {
qux(x.func()) //~ ERROR mismatched types
fn bat(x: &mut dyn Trait<(), A = ()>) {
qux(x.func()) //~ ERROR mismatched types
fn ban<T>(x: T) where T: Trait {
qux(x.func()) //~ ERROR mismatched types
fn qux(_: usize) {}
fn main() {}