
27 lines
708 B

//! This test used to ICE because, while an error was emitted,
//! we still tried to remap generic params used in the hidden type
//! to the ones of the opaque type definition.
//@ edition: 2021
use std::future::Future;
type FutNothing<'a> = impl 'a + Future<Output = ()>;
//~^ ERROR: unconstrained opaque type
async fn operation(_: &mut ()) -> () {
//~^ ERROR: concrete type differs from previous
//~^ ERROR: expected generic lifetime parameter, found `'any`
async fn call<F>(_f: F)
for<'any> F: FnMut(&'any mut ()) -> FutNothing<'any>,
//~^ ERROR: expected generic lifetime parameter, found `'any`
fn main() {}