
39 lines
644 B

//! Check that non-defining assoc items can use the opaque type
//! opaquely.
//@ check-pass
trait Trait: Sized {
type Assoc;
fn foo();
fn bar() -> Self::Assoc;
impl Trait for () {
type Assoc = impl std::fmt::Debug;
fn foo() {
let x: Self::Assoc = Self::bar();
fn bar() -> Self::Assoc {
trait Trait2: Sized {
type Assoc;
const FOO: ();
const BAR: Self::Assoc;
impl Trait2 for () {
type Assoc = impl Copy;
const FOO: () = {
let x: Self::Assoc = Self::BAR;
const BAR: Self::Assoc = "";
fn main() {}