
30 lines
765 B

//@ check-pass
//@ revisions: current next
//@ ignore-compare-mode-next-solver (explicit revisions)
//@[next] compile-flags: -Znext-solver
//! This test checks that we can successfully infer
//! the hidden type of `FooImpl` to be `Foo<i32, {closure}>`
//! and `ImplT` to be `i32`. This test used to fail, because
//! we were unable to make the connection that the closure
//! argument is the same as the first argument of `Foo`.
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
struct Foo<T: Debug, F: FnOnce(T)> {
f: F,
_phantom: PhantomData<T>,
type ImplT = impl Debug;
type FooImpl = Foo<ImplT, impl FnOnce(ImplT)>;
fn bar() -> FooImpl {
Foo::<i32, _> { f: |_| (), _phantom: PhantomData }
fn main() {}