
27 lines
705 B

#![feature(pattern_types, rustc_attrs)]
//@ check-pass
//! check that pattern types can actually be part of code that compiles successfully.
use std::pat::pattern_type;
type X = std::num::NonZero<u32>;
type Y = pattern_type!(u32 is 1..);
type Z = Option<pattern_type!(u32 is 1..)>;
struct NonZeroU32New(pattern_type!(u32 is 1..));
fn main() {
let x: Y = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(42_u32) };
let z: Z = Some(unsafe { std::mem::transmute(42_u32) });
match z {
Some(y) => {
let _: Y = y;
None => {}
let x: X = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(x) };