
541 lines
18 KiB

// istanbul ignore file
import type {Menus} from "webextension-polyfill";
import browser from "webextension-polyfill";
import {copyIf} from "./model";
import type {ShowWhatOpt, StashWhatOpt} from "./model/options";
import type {Tab, TabID, WindowID} from "./model/tabs";
import service_model from "./service-model";
import {asyncEvent, backingOff, nonReentrant, urlToOpen} from "./util";
import {logErrorsFrom} from "./util/oops";
logErrorsFrom(async () => {
// Migrations -- these are old DBs which are in the wrong format
// Start our various services and set global variables used throughout the rest
// of this file.
const model = await service_model();
(<any>globalThis).model = model;
// User-triggered commands thru menu items, etc. IDs in the menu items
// correspond to field names in the commands object.
function menu(
idprefix: string,
contexts: Menus.ContextType[],
def: string[][],
) {
// Only create menus in contexts this browser understands.
const allowed_ctxs = Object.values((<any>browser.contextMenus).ContextType);
contexts = contexts.filter(x => allowed_ctxs.includes(x));
for (let [id, title] of def) {
if (id) {
browser.contextMenus.create({contexts, title, id: idprefix + id});
} else {
type: "separator",
enabled: false,
const SHOW_TAB_NAME = browser.sidebarAction
? "Show Stashed Tabs in a Tab"
: "Show Stashed Tabs";
["tab", "page", "tools_menu"],
["show_tab", SHOW_TAB_NAME],
? [["show_sidebar_or_tab", "Show Stashed Tabs in Sidebar"]]
: []),
["", ""],
["stash_all", "Stash Tabs"],
["stash_one", "Stash This Tab"],
["stash_one_newgroup", "Stash This Tab to a New Group"],
["", ""],
["copy_all", "Copy Tabs to Stash"],
["copy_one", "Copy This Tab to Stash"],
["", ""],
["options", "Options..."],
// These should only have like 6 items each
["show_tab", SHOW_TAB_NAME],
? [["show_sidebar_or_tab", "Show Stashed Tabs in Sidebar"]]
: []),
["", ""],
["stash_all", "Stash Tabs"],
["copy_all", "Copy Tabs to Stash"],
["show_tab", SHOW_TAB_NAME],
? [["show_sidebar_or_tab", "Show Stashed Tabs in Sidebar"]]
: []),
["", ""],
["stash_one", "Stash This Tab"],
["stash_one_newgroup", "Stash This Tab to a New Group"],
["copy_one", "Copy This Tab to Stash"],
const commands: {[key: string]: (t?: Tab) => Promise<void>} = {
// NOTE: Several of these commands open the sidebar. We have to open the
// sidebar before the first "await" call, otherwise we won't actually have
// permission to do so per Firefox's API rules.
// Also note that some browsers don't support the sidebar at all; in these
// cases, we open the tab instead.
show_sidebar_or_tab: () =>
: commands.show_tab(),
async show_popup() {
// Ugh, this hack where we set and then clear the popup is necessary
// because if the (Chrome) browser thinks ANY popup is set, either
// programmatically or thru manifest.json, it will just show the popup
// rather than running the browserAction.onClicked callback (which might
// do other things besides setting the popup).
try {
await browser.browserAction.setPopup({
popup: "stash-list.html?view=popup",
await browser.browserAction.openPopup();
} finally {
await browser.browserAction.setPopup({popup: ""});
async show_tab() {
await model.restoreTabs(
title: "Tab Stash",
url: browser.runtime.getURL("stash-list.html"),
async stash_all(tab?: Tab) {
await stash_something({what: "all", copy: false, tab});
async stash_one(tab?: Tab) {
await stash_something({what: "single", copy: false, tab});
async stash_one_newgroup(tab?: Tab) {
if (!tab) return;
await model.putItemsInFolder({
items: [tab],
toFolderId: (await model.bookmarks.createStashFolder()).id,
async copy_all(tab?: Tab) {
await stash_something({what: "all", copy: true, tab});
async copy_one(tab?: Tab) {
await stash_something({what: "single", copy: true, tab});
async options() {
await browser.runtime.openOptionsPage();
// Shows the Tab Stash UI in the manner requested by /show_what/. NOTE that to
// be able to open the sidebar, this function must be invoked in a
// user-initiated event handler context BEFORE any async operations are done.
function show_something(show_what?: ShowWhatOpt) {
switch (show_what) {
case "none":
case "tab":
case "popup":
case "sidebar":
async function stash_something(options: {
what?: StashWhatOpt;
copy?: boolean;
tab?: Tab;
}) {
if (! || === undefined) return;
switch (options.what) {
case "all":
await model.stashAllTabsInWindow( as WindowID,
{copy: !!options.copy},
case "single":
await model.putItemsInFolder({
items: copyIf(!!options.copy, []),
toFolderId: (await model.ensureRecentUnnamedFolder()).id,
case "none":
function show_setup_page() {
model.attempt(() =>
title: "Tab Stash - Setup",
url: browser.runtime.getURL("setup.html"),
// Top-level/user facing event bindings, which mostly just call commands.
browser.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener((info, tab) => {
// #cast We only ever create menu items with string IDs
const cmd = (<string>info.menuItemId).replace(/^[^:]*:/, "");
const t = tab?.id ? : undefined;
if (browser.browserAction) {
// In order for show_something('popup') to work, we must preconfigure the
// browser to know which popup to show. This cannot be done at the time of
// show_something() because doing so requires an async call, and Firefox
// doesn't allow us to then show the popup after the async call
// returns--because we're no longer in a user event context.
function setupPopup() {
model.attempt(async () => {
if (model.options.sync.state.browser_action_show === "popup") {
// As soon as we configure a popup, the onClicked handler below
// will no longer run (the popup will be shown instead). This
// unfortunately means that we can't stash and show the popup at
// the same time. Sigh.
await browser.browserAction.setPopup({
popup: "stash-list.html?view=popup",
} else {
// If the user turns off the popup, we must clear the popup in
// the browser if we expect anything else to work.
await browser.browserAction.setPopup({popup: ""});
asyncEvent(async tab => {
const opts = model.options.sync.state;
// Special case so the user doesn't think Tab Stash is broken
if (!opts.browser_action_show || !opts.browser_action_stash) {
await stash_something({
what: opts.browser_action_stash,
if (browser.pageAction) {
asyncEvent(async tab => {
if (!model.options.sync.state.open_stash_in) {
// User hasn't decided what this button should do yet
// Check for a fresh install and note which version we are, so we can notify the
// user when updates are installed.
if (model.options.local.state.last_notified_version === undefined) {
// This looks like a fresh install, (or an upgrade from a version that
// doesn't keep track of the last-notified version, in which case, we
// just assume it's a fresh install). Record our current version number
// here so we can detect upgrades in the future and show the user a
// whats-new notification.
model.attempt(async () =>
last_notified_version: (await,
// Check which options are selected for the browser and page actions, and change
// their icons accordingly.
model.options.sync.onChanged.addListener(opts =>
model.attempt(async () => {
function getTitle(stash?: StashWhatOpt): string {
switch (stash) {
case "all":
return "Stash all (or selected) tabs";
case "single":
return "Stash this tab";
case "none":
return "Show stashed tabs";
return "Set up Tab Stash";
if (browser.browserAction) {
await browser.browserAction.setTitle({
title: getTitle(opts.state.browser_action_stash),
// Setup GC events to close hidden tabs which are removed from the stash. This
// GC is triggered by any bookmark event which could possibly change the set of
// URLs stored in the stash.
// We garbage-collect (close) hidden tabs with URLs that correspond to bookmarks
// which are removed from the stash. Unfortunately, because Firefox doesn't
// provide a comprehensive accounting of all bookmarks that are removed (in
// particular, if a subtree is removed, we only get one notification for the
// top-level folder and NO information about the children that were deleted),
// the only way we can reliably identify which hidden tabs to throw away is by
// diffing the bookmark trees.
// This may be a bit over-aggressive if the user is using multiple extensions to
// manage hidden tabs, but there's unfortunately not much we can do about this.
// The alternative is to allow hidden tabs which belong to deleted folders to
// pile up, which will cause browser slowdowns over time.
logErrorsFrom(async () => {
let managed_urls = model.bookmarks.urlsInStash();
const close_removed_bookmarks = backingOff(() =>
model.attempt(async () => {
// Garbage-collect hidden tabs by diffing the old and new sets of URLs
// in the tree.
const new_urls = model.bookmarks.urlsInStash();
let windows = await{
windowTypes: ["normal"],
populate: true,
// Ugh, why am I open-coding a set-difference operation? This
// should be built-in!
let removed_urls = new Set();
for (let url of managed_urls) {
if (!new_urls.has(url)) removed_urls.add(url);
let tids = [];
for (let w of windows) {
// #undef We only asked for 'normal' windows, which have tabs
for (let t of w.tabs!) {
if (!t.hidden) continue;
if ( === undefined) continue;
if (!removed_urls.has(urlToOpen(t.url!))) continue;
tids.push( as TabID);
await model.tabs.remove(tids);
managed_urls = new_urls;
// Setup a background job to discard (unload, but keep open) hidden tabs that
// haven't been touched in a while.
// Since under normal usage, we can accumulate a LOT of hidden tabs if the user
// leaves their browser open for a while, this is mostly a light-touch,
// precautionary measure to keep the user's memory usage from becoming
// surprisingly high over time.
// We could immediately discard a tab when stashing/hiding it, but this causes
// performance problems if the user wants to temporarily stash a bunch of tabs
// for a short period of time (e.g. if they are interrupted at their desk by,
// "Can you just check on this thing for me really quick?").
// We try to be relatively intelligent about the age (defined as "time since
// last access") of hidden tabs, to account for the fact that there will be
// periods of higher and lower activity (where more or fewer hidden tabs might
// be generated). We do this by setting a target tab count and age, and scaling
// the age boundary according to the number of loaded tabs. The target
// count/age are used as a reference point--when the target number of tabs are
// open, we want to discard tabs older than the target age (in this case, 50
// tabs and 10 minutes). If there are MORE than the target number of tabs open,
// the age will scale asymptotically towards 0. If there are FEWER than the
// target number of tabs open, we are more lax on the age, and we will always
// keep a certain minimum number of tabs open (for which the age is effectively
// infinite).
// Note that active (non-hidden) tabs are counted towards the total, so if the
// user has a lot of tabs open, we will discard hidden tabs more aggressively to
// stay within reasonable memory limits.
const discard_old_hidden_tabs = nonReentrant(async function () {
// We setTimeout() first because the enable/disable flag could change at
// runtime.
model.options.local.state.autodiscard_interval_min * 60 * 1000,
if (!model.options.local.state.autodiscard_hidden_tabs) return;
let now =;
let tabs = await browser.tabs.query({discarded: false});
let tab_count = tabs.length;
let candidate_tabs = tabs
.filter(t => t.hidden && !== undefined)
.filter(t => ! || t.mutedInfo?.muted)
.sort((a, b) => (a.lastAccessed ?? 0) - (b.lastAccessed ?? 0));
const min_keep_tabs = model.options.local.state.autodiscard_min_keep_tabs;
const target_tab_count =
const target_age_ms =
model.options.local.state.autodiscard_target_age_min * 60 * 1000;
while (tab_count > min_keep_tabs) {
// Keep discarding tabs until we have the minimum number of tabs
// remaining, we run out of candidates, OR the age of the oldest tab
// is less than the cutoff (as a function of the number of
// non-discarded tabs).
// You'll have to graph /age_cutoff/ as a function of /tab_count/ to
// (literally) see why this makes sense--it's basically a hyperbola
// with the vertical asymptote at /MIN_KEEP_TABS/ and the horizontal
// asymptote at 0. I recommend
// for a good graphing calculator.
let age_cutoff =
((target_tab_count - min_keep_tabs) * target_age_ms) /
(tab_count - min_keep_tabs);
let oldest_tab = candidate_tabs.pop();
if (!oldest_tab) break;
const age = now - (oldest_tab.lastAccessed ?? 0);
if (age > age_cutoff) {
// #undef We filter no-id tabs out of /candidate_tabs/ above
await browser.tabs.discard([!]);
} else {
// We use setTimeout rather than setInterval here because the interval could
// change at runtime if the corresponding option is changed. This will
// cause some drift but it's not a big deal--the interval doesn't need to be
// exact.
model.options.local.state.autodiscard_interval_min * 60 * 1000,
// Setup a periodic background job to cleanup various deleted items and caches.
// Needed to prevent Tab Stash from consuming an unbounded amount of the user's
// local storage.
const gc = nonReentrant(() =>
model.attempt(async () => {
// Hard-coded to a day for now, for people who don't restart their browsers
// regularly. If this ever needs to be changed, we can always add an option
// for it later.
setTimeout(gc, 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
await model.gc();
// Here we call gc() on browser restart to ensure it happens
// at least once.