
718 lines
25 KiB

import {computed, reactive, ref, watch, type Ref} from "vue";
import type {Tabs, Windows} from "webextension-polyfill";
import browser from "webextension-polyfill";
import {
type OpenableURL,
} from "../util";
import {trace_fn} from "../util/debug";
import {logErrorsFrom} from "../util/oops";
import {EventWiring} from "../util/wiring";
import {setPosition, type TreeNode, type TreeParent} from "./tree";
export interface Window extends TreeParent<Window, Tab> {
readonly id: WindowID;
readonly position: undefined;
readonly children: Tab[];
export interface Tab extends TreeNode<Window, Tab> {
id: TabID;
status: Tabs.TabStatus;
title: string;
url: string;
favIconUrl: string;
cookieStoreId: string | undefined;
pinned: boolean;
hidden: boolean;
active: boolean;
highlighted: boolean;
discarded: boolean;
export type WindowID = number & {readonly __window_id: unique symbol};
export type TabID = number & {readonly __tab_id: unique symbol};
const trace = trace_fn("tabs");
/** The key of the stashed tab's bookmark ID in the browser's session store. */
export const SK_HIDDEN_BY_TAB_STASH = "hidden_by_tab_stash";
/** How many tabs do we want to allow to be loaded at once? (NOTE: This is
* approximate, since the model may not be fully up to date, and the user can
* always trigger tab loading on their own.) */
const MAX_LOADING_TABS = navigator.hardwareConcurrency ?? 4;
/** A Vue model for the state of all open browser windows and their tabs.
* This model basically follows the WebExtension API, but some things are
* tweaked from the WebExtension types to deal with the fact that we're
* maintaining a persistent, JSON-serializable data structure and not simply
* passing tab info around transiently.
* We avoid any classes or circular references in the data itself so it is
* JSON-serializable (for transmission between contexts).
export class Model {
private readonly windows = new Map<WindowID, Window>();
private readonly tabs = new Map<TabID, Tab>();
private readonly tabs_by_url = new Map<OpenableURL, Set<Tab>>();
/** The initial window that this model was opened with (if it still exists). */
readonly initialWindow: Ref<Window | WindowID | undefined> = ref();
/** The window that currently has the focus (if any). */
readonly focusedWindow: Ref<Window | WindowID | undefined> = ref();
/** The "target" window that this model should be for. Controls for things
* like which window is shown in the UI, tab selection, etc. This isn't
* precisely the same as `focusedWindow`, because it accounts for the fact
* that the user could tear off the Tab Stash tab into a new window, and yet
* still want to manage the window that the tab was originally opened in. */
readonly targetWindow = computed(() => {
if (typeof this.initialWindow.value === "object") {
return this.initialWindow.value;
if (typeof this.focusedWindow.value === "object") {
return this.focusedWindow.value;
return undefined;
/** The number of tabs being loaded. */
readonly loadingCount = ref(0);
/** A queue of tabs to load. We only want to allow so many tabs to load at
* once (to avoid overwhelming the user's machine), so every single call that
* could cause a tab to be loaded must go through here. */
private _loading_queue = new AsyncTaskQueue();
/** Did we receive an event since the last (re)load of the model? */
private _event_since_load: boolean = false;
// Loading data and wiring up events
/** Construct a model by loading tabs from the browser. The model will keep
* itself updated by listening to browser events. */
static async from_browser(bg?: "background"): Promise<Model> {
const win = bg ? undefined : await;
const model = new Model(win?.id as WindowID | undefined);
await model.reload();
return model;
private constructor(initial_window?: WindowID) {
this.initialWindow.value = initial_window;
trace("Wiring events");
const wiring = new EventWiring(this, {
onFired: () => {
this._event_since_load = true;
// istanbul ignore next -- safety net; reload the model in the event
// of an unexpected exception.
onError: () => {
logErrorsFrom(() => this.reload());
wiring.listen(, this.whenWindowCreated);
wiring.listen(, this.whenWindowFocusChanged);
wiring.listen(, this.whenWindowRemoved);
wiring.listen(browser.tabs.onCreated, this.whenTabCreated);
wiring.listen(browser.tabs.onUpdated, this.whenTabUpdated);
wiring.listen(browser.tabs.onAttached, this.whenTabAttached);
wiring.listen(browser.tabs.onMoved, this.whenTabMoved);
wiring.listen(browser.tabs.onReplaced, this.whenTabReplaced);
wiring.listen(browser.tabs.onActivated, this.whenTabActivated);
wiring.listen(browser.tabs.onHighlighted, this.whenTabsHighlighted);
wiring.listen(browser.tabs.onRemoved, this.whenTabRemoved);
dumpState(): any {
return {
windows: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(,
tabs: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(this.tabs))),
/** Fetch tabs/windows from the browser again and update the model's
* understanding of the world with the browser's data. Use this if it looks
* like the model has gotten out of sync with the browser (e.g. for crash
* recovery). */
readonly reload = backingOff(async () => {
// We loop until we can complete a reload without receiving any
// concurrent events from the browser--if we get a concurrent event, we
// need to try loading again, since we don't know how the event was
// ordered with respect to the query().
this._event_since_load = true;
while (this._event_since_load) {
this._event_since_load = false;
trace("(Re-)loading the model");
const cur_win = await;
this.focusedWindow.value = as WindowID;
let tabs = await browser.tabs.query({});
// We sort tabs by index so that they always get inserted into their
// parent windows in the correct order, even if they're provided to
// us out of order.
tabs = tabs.sort((a, b) => a.index - b.index);
for (const t of tabs) this.whenTabCreated(t);
// Clean up any old tabs/windows that don't exist anymore.
const old_tabs = new Set(this.tabs.keys());
const old_windows = new Set(;
for (const t of tabs) {
old_tabs.delete( as TabID);
old_windows.delete(t.windowId as WindowID);
for (const t of old_tabs) this.whenTabRemoved(t);
for (const w of old_windows) this.whenWindowRemoved(w);
"Model (re-)load finished; seen events since load started =",
// Accessors
window(id: number): Window | undefined {
return as WindowID);
tab(id: number): Tab | undefined {
return this.tabs.get(id as TabID);
/** Returns the active tab in the specified window (or in
* `this.current_window`, if no window is specified). */
activeTab(windowId?: WindowID): Tab | undefined {
if (windowId === undefined) windowId = this.targetWindow.value?.id;
if (windowId === undefined) return undefined;
const window = this.window(windowId);
if (!window) return undefined;
return window.children.filter(t =>[0];
/** Returns a reactive set of tabs with the specified URL. */
tabsWithURL(url: string): Set<Tab> {
let index = this.tabs_by_url.get(urlToOpen(url));
if (!index) {
index = reactive(new Set<Tab>());
this.tabs_by_url.set(urlToOpen(url), index);
return index;
/** Checks if the tab was hidden by us or by some other extension. */
async wasTabHiddenByUs(tabId: TabID): Promise<boolean> {
const res = await browser.sessions.getTabValue(
return res ?? false;
// User-level operations on tabs
/** Creates a new tab and waits for the model to reflect its existence.
* Note that creation of non-discarded is rate-limited, to avoid
* overwhelming the user's system with a lot of loading tabs. */
async create(tab: browser.Tabs.CreateCreatePropertiesType): Promise<Tab> {
const create_tab = Object.assign({}, tab);
if (!browser.tabs.hide || !tab.url || tab.url.startsWith("about:")) {
// This is Chrome; it doesn't support discarded tabs, so we can only load
// so many at once. This is a little awkward because to the user, it will
// look like there is a big delay in opening tabs.
// (It could also be Firefox, which doesn't support creating discarded
// `about:` tabs.)
delete create_tab.discarded;
delete create_tab.title;
return await () => {
await this._safe_to_load_another_tab();
trace("creating tab", create_tab);
const t = await browser.tabs.create(create_tab);
return await shortPoll(
() => this.tabs.get( as TabID) || tryAgain(),
// This is Firefox; it DOES support discarded tabs. We can be fancier and
// create the discarded tab immediately, and then try to load it in the
// background only if it's "safe" (i.e. the user's machine can handle it).
create_tab.discarded = true;
// Create the tab and find its equivalent in the model
trace("creating tab", create_tab);
const t = await browser.tabs.create(create_tab);
const m = await shortPoll(() => this.tabs.get( as TabID) || tryAgain());
// If the caller requested that we load the tab, do so as soon as we
// can--but don't try to load too many at once so we don't overwhelm the
// user's machine.
if (!tab.discarded) { () => {
await this._safe_to_load_another_tab();
if (this.tabs.get( !== m) return; // Tab was closed
if (!m.discarded) return; // Tab was already loaded
// Load the tab if it's still discarded.
trace("loading tab after creation", create_tab);
await browser.tabs.update(, {url: m.url});
await shortPoll(
() => this.tabs.get( !== m || !m.discarded || tryAgain(),
return m;
/** Moves a tab such that it precedes the item with index `toIndex` in
* the destination window. (You can pass an index `>=` the length of the
* windows's tab list to move the item to the end of the window.) */
async move(id: TabID, toWindow: WindowID, toIndex: number): Promise<void> {
// This method mainly exists to provide consistent behavior between
// bookmarks.move() and tabs.move().
const tab = expect(, () => `Tab ${id} does not exist`);
// Unlike browser.bookmarks.move(), browser.tabs.move() behaves the same
// on both Firefox and Chrome.
const pos = tab.position;
if (pos? === toWindow && toIndex > pos.index) toIndex--;
trace("moving tab", id, {toWindow, toIndex});
await browser.tabs.move(id, {windowId: toWindow, index: toIndex});
await shortPoll(() => {
const pos = tab.position;
if (!pos) tryAgain();
if ( !== toWindow || pos.index !== toIndex) tryAgain();
/** Shows a tab that was previously hidden. */
async show(tid: TabID): Promise<void> {
// We expect SK_HIDDEN_BY_TAB_STASH to be cleared automatically by
// whenTabUpdated(). We do it there, instead of here, because some other
// extension or the user could have un-hid the tab without going thru us.
/** Hides the specified tabs, optionally discarding them (to free up memory).
* If the browser does not support hiding tabs, closes them instead. */
async hide(tabIds: TabID[], discard?: "discard"): Promise<void> {
if (!!browser.tabs.hide) {
trace("hiding tabs", tabIds);
await this.refocusAwayFromTabs(tabIds);
await browser.tabs.hide(tabIds);
if (discard) await browser.tabs.discard(tabIds);
for (const t of tabIds) {
await browser.sessions.setTabValue(t, SK_HIDDEN_BY_TAB_STASH, true);
} else {
await this.remove(tabIds);
/** Close the specified tabs, but leave the browser window open (and create
* a new tab if necessary to keep it open). */
async remove(tabIds: TabID[]): Promise<void> {
trace("removing tabs", tabIds);
await this.refocusAwayFromTabs(tabIds);
await browser.tabs.remove(tabIds);
await shortPoll(() => {
if (tabIds.find(tid => this.tabs.has(tid)) !== undefined) tryAgain();
/** Closes the specified browser windows. */
async removeWindows(windows: Window[]) {
await Promise.all( =>;
await shortPoll(() => {
if (windows.find(w => !== undefined) tryAgain();
/** If any of the provided tabIds are the active tab, change to a different
* active tab. If the tabIds include all open tabs in a window, create a
* fresh new tab to activate.
* The intention here is to prep the browser window(s) so that it stays open
* even if we close every tab in the window(s), and to move away from any
* active tabs which we are about to close (so the browser doesn't stop us
* from closing them).
async refocusAwayFromTabs(tabIds: TabID[]): Promise<void> {
const closing_tabs = filterMap(tabIds, id => this.tabs.get(id));
const active_tabs = closing_tabs.filter(t =>;
// NOTE: We expect there to be at most one active tab per window.
for (const active_tab of active_tabs) {
const pos = expect(
() => `Couldn't find position of active tab ${}`,
const win = pos.parent;
const tabs_in_window = win.children.filter(t => !t.hidden && !t.pinned);
const closing_tabs_in_window = closing_tabs.filter(
t => t.position?.parent === active_tab.position?.parent,
if (closing_tabs_in_window.length >= tabs_in_window.length) {
// If we are about to close all visible tabs in the window, we
// should open a new tab so the window doesn't close.
trace("creating new empty tab in window",;
await browser.tabs.create({active: true, windowId:});
} else {
// Otherwise we should make sure the currently-active tab isn't
// a tab we are about to hide/discard. The browser won't let us
// hide the active tab, so we'll have to activate a different
// tab first.
// We do this search a little strangely--first looking only at
// tabs AFTER the tabs we're focusing away from, followed by
// looking only at tabs BEFORE the tabs we're focusing away
// from, to mimic the browser's behavior when closing the front
// tab.
let candidates = tabs_in_window.slice(pos.index + 1);
let focus_tab = candidates.find(
t => !== undefined && !tabIds.find(id => === id),
if (!focus_tab) {
candidates = tabs_in_window.slice(0, pos.index).reverse();
focus_tab = candidates.find(
t => !== undefined && !tabIds.find(id => === id),
// We should always have a /focus_tab/ at this point, but if we
// don't, it's better to fail gracefully by doing nothing.
// We filter out tabs with undefined IDs above #undef
if (focus_tab) {
trace("switching focus to tab",!);
await browser.tabs.update(!, {active: true});
// Events which are detected automatically by this model; these can be
// called for testing purposes but otherwise you can ignore them.
// (In contrast to onFoo-style things, they are event listeners, not event
// senders.)
whenWindowCreated(win: Windows.Window): Window {
const wid = as WindowID;
let window =;
if (!window) {
window = reactive({
id: wid,
position: undefined,
children: [],
} as Window);, window);
trace("event windowCreated",, win);
// istanbul ignore else
if (win.tabs !== undefined) {
for (const t of win.tabs) this.whenTabCreated(t);
// HACK: If we know the window ID, but not the window object, for the
// initial window, we must update here, otherwise reactive effects that
// depend on the contents of the initialWindow will never happen. Same goes
// for focusedWindow.
if ( === this.initialWindow.value) {
this.initialWindow.value = window;
if ( === this.focusedWindow.value) {
this.focusedWindow.value = window;
return window;
whenWindowFocusChanged(winId: number) {
if (winId === {
this.focusedWindow.value = undefined;
const win = this.window(winId);
this.focusedWindow.value = win ?? (winId as WindowID);
whenWindowRemoved(winId: number) {
const win = as WindowID);
trace("event windowRemoved", winId, win);
if (!win) return;
if (this.initialWindow.value === winId) {
this.initialWindow.value = undefined;
if (this.focusedWindow.value === winId) {
this.focusedWindow.value = undefined;
// We clone the array to avoid disturbances while iterating
for (const t of Array.from(win.children)) this.whenTabRemoved(; as WindowID);
whenTabCreated(tab: Tabs.Tab) {
"event tabCreated",
let t = this.tabs.get( as TabID);
if (!t) {
// CAST: Tabs.Tab says the id should be optional, but it isn't...
t = reactive({
position: undefined,
id: as TabID,
status: (tab.status as Tabs.TabStatus) ?? "loading",
title: tab.title ?? "",
url: tab.url ?? "",
favIconUrl: tab.favIconUrl ?? "",
cookieStoreId: tab.cookieStoreId,
pinned: tab.pinned,
hidden: tab.hidden ?? false,
highlighted: tab.highlighted,
discarded: tab.discarded ?? false,
} satisfies Tab);
this.tabs.set( as TabID, t);
} else {
if (t.status === "loading") --this.loadingCount.value;
t.status = (tab.status as Tabs.TabStatus) ?? "loading";
t.title = tab.title ?? "";
t.url = tab.url ?? "";
t.favIconUrl = tab.favIconUrl ?? "";
t.cookieStoreId = tab.cookieStoreId;
t.pinned = tab.pinned;
t.hidden = tab.hidden ?? false; =;
t.highlighted = tab.highlighted;
t.discarded = tab.discarded ?? false;
// Insert the tab in its new position in the window
const wid = tab.windowId as WindowID;
let win =;
if (!win) {
win = this.whenWindowCreated({
id: tab.windowId,
focused: false,
incognito: false,
alwaysOnTop: false,
setPosition(t, {parent: win, index: tab.index});
// Insert the tab in its index
if (t.status === "loading") ++this.loadingCount.value;
whenTabUpdated(id: number, info: Tabs.OnUpdatedChangeInfoType) {
trace("event tabUpdated", id, info.url, info);
const t = as TabID);
if (!t) {
// Firefox sometimes sends onUpdated events for a tab after it has been
// closed. Worse, the usual technique of reloading the model breaks
// things even more, because the closed tab hasn't been cleared out of
// Firefox's internal state at the time we receive the onUpdated event, so
// browser.tabs.query() still returns the closed tab. We work around this
// by simply ignoring onUpdated events for tabs we don't recognize.
`Got onUpdated event for an unknown tab ${id}; ignoring it.`,
if (info.status !== undefined) {
if (t.status === "loading") --this.loadingCount.value;
t.status = info.status as Tabs.TabStatus;
if (t.status === "loading") ++this.loadingCount.value;
if (info.title !== undefined) t.title = info.title;
if (info.url !== undefined) {
t.url = info.url;
if (info.favIconUrl !== undefined) t.favIconUrl = info.favIconUrl;
if (info.pinned !== undefined) t.pinned = info.pinned;
if (info.hidden !== undefined) {
if (t.hidden !== info.hidden && !info.hidden) {
// We must clear the "hidden by Tab Stash" flag because somebody (could
// have been us or someone else) un-hid this tab, and if the tab is
// hidden again later by some other extension, we don't want to believe
// it was hidden by Tab Stash.
logErrorsFrom(() =>
browser.sessions.removeTabValue(, SK_HIDDEN_BY_TAB_STASH),
t.hidden = info.hidden;
if (info.discarded !== undefined) t.discarded = info.discarded;
whenTabAttached(id: number, info: Tabs.OnAttachedAttachInfoType) {
this.whenTabMoved(id, {
windowId: info.newWindowId,
toIndex: info.newPosition,
whenTabMoved(tabId: number, info: {windowId: number; toIndex: number}) {
trace("event tabMoved", tabId, info);
const t = as TabID);
if (!t) {
console.warn(`Got move event for unknown tab ${tabId}`);
let newWindow = this.window(info.windowId as WindowID);
if (!newWindow) {
// Sometimes Firefox sends tabAttached (aka tabMoved) events before
// (or instead of) the window-creation event itself. This usually
// happens when tearing a tab off of an existing window to make a
// new window. Handle this by synthesizing a new window.
// There's unfortunately no way to synthesize this in a unit test
// because it would require the WebExtension API to allow us to move
// a tab to an invalid window...
newWindow = this.whenWindowCreated({
id: info.windowId,
focused: false,
incognito: false,
alwaysOnTop: false,
setPosition(t, {parent: newWindow, index: info.toIndex});
whenTabReplaced(newId: number, oldId: number) {
trace("event tabReplaced", oldId, "=>", newId);
const t = as TabID);
if (!t) {
console.warn(`Got replace event for unknown tab ${oldId} (-> ${newId})`);
} = newId as TabID;
this.tabs.delete(oldId as TabID);
this.tabs.set(, t);
whenTabActivated(info: Tabs.OnActivatedActiveInfoType) {
trace("event tabActivated", info.tabId, info);
const tab = as TabID);
if (!tab) {
console.warn(`Got activated event for unknown tab ${info.tabId}`);
// Chrome doesn't tell us which tab was deactivated, so we have to
// find it and mark it deactivated ourselves...
const win = this.window(info.windowId as WindowID);
if (win) for (const t of win.children) = false; = true;
whenTabsHighlighted(info: Tabs.OnHighlightedHighlightInfoType) {
trace("event tabsHighlighted", info);
const win = this.window(info.windowId as WindowID);
if (!win) {
console.log(`Got highlighted event for unknown window ${info.windowId}`);
for (const t of win.children) {
t.highlighted = info.tabIds.findIndex(id => id === !== -1;
whenTabRemoved(tabId: number) {
trace("event tabRemoved", tabId);
const t = this.tabs.get(tabId as TabID);
if (!t) return; // tab is already removed
const pos = t.position;
setPosition(t, undefined);
trace("event ...tabRemoved", tabId, pos);
if (t.status === "loading") --this.loadingCount.value;
private _add_url(t: Tab) {
private _remove_url(t: Tab) {
const index = this.tabs_by_url.get(urlToOpen(t.url));
// istanbul ignore if -- internal consistency
if (!index) return;
/** Wait until the number of tabs being loaded concurrently drops below a
* reasonable threshold. This prevents us from opening so many tabs at once
* that we lock up the user's whole machine. :/ */
private _safe_to_load_another_tab(): Promise<void> {
return new Promise<void>(resolve => {
const check = () => {
if (this.loadingCount.value >= MAX_LOADING_TABS) return;
const cancel = watch(this.loadingCount, check);