
489 lines
15 KiB

uBlock Origin - a comprehensive, efficient content blocker
Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Raymond Hill
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}.
Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock
'use strict';
import punycode from '../lib/punycode.js';
import { LineIterator } from './text-utils.js';
import {
} from './uri-utils.js';
// Object.create(null) is used below to eliminate worries about unexpected
// property names in prototype chain -- and this way we don't have to use
// hasOwnProperty() to avoid this.
const supportedDynamicTypes = Object.create(null);
Object.assign(supportedDynamicTypes, {
'3p': true,
'image': true,
'inline-script': true,
'1p-script': true,
'3p-script': true,
'3p-frame': true
const typeBitOffsets = Object.create(null);
Object.assign(typeBitOffsets, {
'*': 0,
'inline-script': 2,
'1p-script': 4,
'3p-script': 6,
'3p-frame': 8,
'image': 10,
'3p': 12
const nameToActionMap = Object.create(null);
Object.assign(nameToActionMap, {
'block': 1,
'allow': 2,
'noop': 3
const intToActionMap = new Map([
[ 1, 'block' ],
[ 2, 'allow' ],
[ 3, 'noop' ]
// For performance purpose, as simple tests as possible
const reBadHostname = /[^0-9a-z_.\[\]:%-]/;
const reNotASCII = /[^\x20-\x7F]/;
const decomposedSource = [];
const decomposedDestination = [];
function is3rdParty(srcHostname, desHostname) {
// If at least one is party-less, the relation can't be labelled
// "3rd-party"
if ( desHostname === '*' || srcHostname === '*' || srcHostname === '' ) {
return false;
// No domain can very well occurs, for examples:
// - localhost
// - file-scheme
// etc.
const srcDomain = domainFromHostname(srcHostname) || srcHostname;
if ( desHostname.endsWith(srcDomain) === false ) {
return true;
// Do not confuse 'example.com' with 'anotherexample.com'
return desHostname.length !== srcDomain.length &&
desHostname.charAt(desHostname.length - srcDomain.length - 1) !== '.';
class DynamicHostRuleFiltering {
constructor() {
reset() {
this.r = 0;
this.type = '';
this.y = '';
this.z = '';
this.rules = new Map();
this.changed = false;
assign(other) {
// Remove rules not in other
for ( const k of this.rules.keys() ) {
if ( other.rules.has(k) === false ) {
this.changed = true;
// Add/change rules in other
for ( const entry of other.rules ) {
if ( this.rules.get(entry[0]) !== entry[1] ) {
this.rules.set(entry[0], entry[1]);
this.changed = true;
copyRules(from, srcHostname, desHostnames) {
// Specific types
let thisBits = this.rules.get('* *');
let fromBits = from.rules.get('* *');
if ( fromBits !== thisBits ) {
if ( fromBits !== undefined ) {
this.rules.set('* *', fromBits);
} else {
this.rules.delete('* *');
this.changed = true;
let key = `${srcHostname} *`;
thisBits = this.rules.get(key);
fromBits = from.rules.get(key);
if ( fromBits !== thisBits ) {
if ( fromBits !== undefined ) {
this.rules.set(key, fromBits);
} else {
this.changed = true;
// Specific destinations
for ( const desHostname in desHostnames ) {
key = `* ${desHostname}`;
thisBits = this.rules.get(key);
fromBits = from.rules.get(key);
if ( fromBits !== thisBits ) {
if ( fromBits !== undefined ) {
this.rules.set(key, fromBits);
} else {
this.changed = true;
key = `${srcHostname} ${desHostname}` ;
thisBits = this.rules.get(key);
fromBits = from.rules.get(key);
if ( fromBits !== thisBits ) {
if ( fromBits !== undefined ) {
this.rules.set(key, fromBits);
} else {
this.changed = true;
return this.changed;
// - * * type
// - from * type
// - * to *
// - from to *
hasSameRules(other, srcHostname, desHostnames) {
// Specific types
let key = '* *';
if ( this.rules.get(key) !== other.rules.get(key) ) { return false; }
key = `${srcHostname} *`;
if ( this.rules.get(key) !== other.rules.get(key) ) { return false; }
// Specific destinations
for ( const desHostname in desHostnames ) {
key = `* ${desHostname}`;
if ( this.rules.get(key) !== other.rules.get(key) ) {
return false;
key = `${srcHostname} ${desHostname}`;
if ( this.rules.get(key) !== other.rules.get(key) ) {
return false;
return true;
setCell(srcHostname, desHostname, type, state) {
const bitOffset = typeBitOffsets[type];
const k = `${srcHostname} ${desHostname}`;
const oldBitmap = this.rules.get(k) || 0;
const newBitmap = oldBitmap & ~(3 << bitOffset) | (state << bitOffset);
if ( newBitmap === oldBitmap ) { return false; }
if ( newBitmap === 0 ) {
} else {
this.rules.set(k, newBitmap);
this.changed = true;
return true;
unsetCell(srcHostname, desHostname, type) {
this.evaluateCellZY(srcHostname, desHostname, type);
if ( this.r === 0 ) { return false; }
this.setCell(srcHostname, desHostname, type, 0);
this.changed = true;
return true;
evaluateCell(srcHostname, desHostname, type) {
const key = `${srcHostname} ${desHostname}`;
const bitmap = this.rules.get(key);
if ( bitmap === undefined ) { return 0; }
return bitmap >> typeBitOffsets[type] & 3;
clearRegisters() {
this.r = 0;
this.type = this.y = this.z = '';
return this;
evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, desHostname, type) {
decomposeHostname(srcHostname, decomposedSource);
this.type = type;
const bitOffset = typeBitOffsets[type];
for ( const srchn of decomposedSource ) {
this.z = srchn;
let v = this.rules.get(`${srchn} ${desHostname}`);
if ( v === undefined ) { continue; }
v = v >>> bitOffset & 3;
if ( v === 0 ) { continue; }
return (this.r = v);
// srcHostname is '*' at this point
this.r = 0;
return 0;
evaluateCellZY(srcHostname, desHostname, type) {
// Pathological cases.
if ( desHostname === '' ) {
this.r = 0;
return 0;
// Precedence: from most specific to least specific
// Specific-destination, any party, any type
decomposeHostname(desHostname, decomposedDestination);
for ( const deshn of decomposedDestination ) {
if ( deshn === '*' ) { break; }
this.y = deshn;
if ( this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, deshn, '*') !== 0 ) {
return this.r;
const thirdParty = is3rdParty(srcHostname, desHostname);
// Any destination
this.y = '*';
// Specific party
if ( thirdParty ) {
// 3rd-party, specific type
if ( type === 'script' ) {
if ( this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, '*', '3p-script') !== 0 ) {
return this.r;
} else if ( type === 'sub_frame' || type === 'object' ) {
if ( this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, '*', '3p-frame') !== 0 ) {
return this.r;
// 3rd-party, any type
if ( this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, '*', '3p') !== 0 ) {
return this.r;
} else if ( type === 'script' ) {
// 1st party, specific type
if ( this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, '*', '1p-script') !== 0 ) {
return this.r;
// Any destination, any party, specific type
if ( supportedDynamicTypes[type] !== undefined ) {
if ( this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, '*', type) !== 0 ) {
return this.r;
if ( type.startsWith('3p-') ) {
if ( this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, '*', '3p') !== 0 ) {
return this.r;
// Any destination, any party, any type
if ( this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, '*', '*') !== 0 ) {
return this.r;
this.type = '';
return 0;
mustAllowCellZY(srcHostname, desHostname, type) {
return this.evaluateCellZY(srcHostname, desHostname, type) === 2;
mustBlockOrAllow() {
return this.r === 1 || this.r === 2;
mustBlock() {
return this.r === 1;
mustAbort() {
return this.r === 3;
lookupRuleData(src, des, type) {
const r = this.evaluateCellZY(src, des, type);
if ( r === 0 ) { return; }
return `${this.z} ${this.y} ${this.type} ${r}`;
toLogData() {
if ( this.r === 0 || this.type === '' ) { return; }
return {
source: 'dynamicHost',
result: this.r,
raw: `${this.z} ${this.y} ${this.type} ${intToActionMap.get(this.r)}`
srcHostnameFromRule(rule) {
return rule.slice(0, rule.indexOf(' '));
desHostnameFromRule(rule) {
return rule.slice(rule.indexOf(' ') + 1);
toArray() {
const out = [];
for ( const key of this.rules.keys() ) {
const srchn = this.srcHostnameFromRule(key);
const deshn = this.desHostnameFromRule(key);
const srchnPretty = srchn.includes('xn--') && punycode
? punycode.toUnicode(srchn)
: srchn;
const deshnPretty = deshn.includes('xn--') && punycode
? punycode.toUnicode(deshn)
: deshn;
for ( const type in typeBitOffsets ) {
if ( typeBitOffsets[type] === undefined ) { continue; }
const val = this.evaluateCell(srchn, deshn, type);
if ( val === 0 ) { continue; }
const action = intToActionMap.get(val);
if ( action === undefined ) { continue; }
out.push(`${srchnPretty} ${deshnPretty} ${type} ${action}`);
return out;
toString() {
return this.toArray().join('\n');
fromString(text, append) {
const lineIter = new LineIterator(text);
if ( append !== true ) { this.reset(); }
while ( lineIter.eot() === false ) {
validateRuleParts(parts) {
if ( parts.length < 4 ) { return; }
// Ignore hostname-based switch rules
if ( parts[0].endsWith(':') ) { return; }
// Ignore URL-based rules
if ( parts[1].includes('/') ) { return; }
if ( typeBitOffsets[parts[2]] === undefined ) { return; }
if ( nameToActionMap[parts[3]] === undefined ) { return; }
// https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/840
// Discard invalid rules
if ( parts[1] !== '*' && parts[2] !== '*' ) { return; }
// Performance: avoid punycoding when only ASCII chars
if ( punycode !== undefined ) {
if ( reNotASCII.test(parts[0]) ) {
parts[0] = punycode.toASCII(parts[0]);
if ( reNotASCII.test(parts[1]) ) {
parts[1] = punycode.toASCII(parts[1]);
// https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/1082
// Discard rules with invalid hostnames
if (
(parts[0] !== '*' && reBadHostname.test(parts[0])) ||
(parts[1] !== '*' && reBadHostname.test(parts[1]))
) {
return parts;
addFromRuleParts(parts) {
if ( this.validateRuleParts(parts) !== undefined ) {
this.setCell(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], nameToActionMap[parts[3]]);
return true;
return false;
removeFromRuleParts(parts) {
if ( this.validateRuleParts(parts) !== undefined ) {
this.setCell(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], 0);
return true;
return false;
toSelfie() {
return {
magicId: this.magicId,
rules: Array.from(this.rules)
fromSelfie(selfie) {
if ( selfie.magicId !== this.magicId ) { return false; }
this.rules = new Map(selfie.rules);
this.changed = true;
return true;
DynamicHostRuleFiltering.prototype.magicId = 1;
export default DynamicHostRuleFiltering;