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# Vouch Proxy configuration
# you should probably start with one of the other example configs in this directory
# Vouch Proxy does a fairly good job of setting its config to sane defaults
# be aware of the yaml indentation, the only top level elements are `vouch` and `oauth`.
# Vouch Proxy can also be configured using Environmental Variables. The associated env var for
# each configuration is shown such as VOUCH_LOGLEVEL.
# logLevel: debug # VOUCH_LOGLEVEL
logLevel: info
# testing: false - VOUCH_TESTING
# force all 302 redirects to be rendered as a webpage with a link
# if you're having problems, turn on testing
testing: true
listen: # VOUCH_LISTEN
port: 9090 # VOUCH_PORT
# Listen can specify a Unix domain socket instead.
# listen: unix:/path/to/socket # VOUCH_LISTEN
# Optionally set the mode of the Unix domain socket. The default if not specified is 0777.
# socket_mode: 0770 # VOUCH_SOCKETMODE
# Optionally set the group owner of the Unix domain socket.
# socket_group: users # VOUCH_SOCKETGROUP
# The default read, write and idle timeouts are 15 seconds.
# If you have a load balancer or proxy in front that has its
# own idle timeout, you may need to ensure that the Vouch idle
# timeout is longer than the proxy's, to avoid intermittent
# 502 errors.
# See https://github.com/vouch/vouch-proxy/issues/317 for more
# information.
writeTimeout: 15 # VOUCH_WRITETIMEOUT
readTimeout: 15 # VOUCH_READTIMEOUT
idleTimeout: 15 # VOUCH_IDLETIMEOUT
# document_root - VOUCH_DOCUMENT_ROOT
# see README for `Vouch Proxy "in a path"` - https://github.com/vouch/vouch-proxy#vouch-proxy-in-a-path
# document_root: vp_in_a_path
# domains - VOUCH_DOMAINS
# each of these domains must serve the url https://vouch.$domains[0] https://vouch.$domains[1] ...
# so that the cookie which stores the JWT can be set in the relevant domain
# you usually *don't* want to list every individual website that will be protected
# if you have siteA.internal.yourdomain.com and siteB.internal.yourdomain.com
# then your domains should be set as yourdomain.com or perhaps internal.yourdomain.com
# usually you'll just have one.
# Comment `domains:` out if you set allowAllUser:true
- yourdomain.com
- yourotherdomain.com
# Set allowAllUsers: true to use Vouch Proxy to just accept anyone who can authenticate at the configured provider - VOUCH_ALLOWALLUSERS
# allowAllUsers: false
# vouch.cookie.domain must be set below when enabling allowAllUsers
# Setting publicAccess: true will accept all requests, even without a valid jwt/cookie. - VOUCH_PUBLICACCESS
# If the user is logged in, the cookie will be validated and the user header will be set.
# You will need to direct people to the Vouch Proxy login page from your application.
# publicAccess: false
# whiteList (optional) allows only the listed usernames - VOUCH_WHITELIST
# usernames are usually email addresses (google, most oidc providers) or login/username for github and github enterprise
- bob@yourdomain.com
- alice@yourdomain.com
- joe@yourdomain.com
# only used for github orgs/teams
# teamWhitelist:
# - vouch
# - myOrg
# - myOrg/myTeam
# cert: /path/to/signed_cert_plus_intermediates # VOUCH_TLS_CERT
# key: /path/to/private_key # VOUCH_TLS_KEY
# profile - defines the TLS configuration profile (modern, intermediate, old, default)
profile: intermediate # VOUCH_TLS_PROFILE
# signing_method: the algorithm used to sign the JWT. # VOUCH_JWT_SIGNING_METHOD
# Can be one of HS256, HS384, HS512, RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512
# Default is HS256 (HMAC) - and requires jwt.secret to be set
# Both RS* (RSA) and ES* (ECDSA) methods require jwt.private_key_file and
# jwt.public_key_file to be set.
# signing_method: HS256
# a random string used to cryptographically sign the jwt when signing_method is set to HS256, HS384 or HS512
# Vouch Proxy complains if the string is less than 44 characters (256 bits as 32 base64 bytes)
# if the secret is not set here then Vouch Proxy will..
# - look for the secret in `./config/secret`
# - if `./config/secret` doesn't exist then randomly generate a secret and store it there
# in order to run multiple instances of vouch on multiple servers (perhaps purely for validating the jwt),
# you'll want them all to have the same secret
secret: your_random_string
# Path to the public/private key files when using an RSA or ECDSA signing method.
# public_key_file: # VOUCH_JWT_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE
# private_key_file: # VOUCH_JWT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE
# issuer: Vouch # VOUCH_JWT_ISSUER
# number of minutes until jwt expires - VOUCH_JWT_MAXAGE
maxAge: 240
# compress the jwt - VOUCH_JWT_COMPRESS
compress: true
# name of cookie to store the jwt - VOUCH_COOKIE_NAME
name: VouchCookie
# optionally force the domain of the cookie to set
# domain: yourdomain.com # VOUCH_COOKIE_DOMAIN
# Set `secure: false` when protecting a non-https site such as http://app.yourdmain.com - VOUCH_COOKIE_SECURE
secure: true
# httpOnly: true # VOUCH_COOKIE_HTTPONLY
# Number of minutes until session cookie expires - VOUCH_COOKIE_MAXAGE
# Set cookie maxAge to 0 to delete the cookie every time the browser is closed.
# Must not be longer than jwt.maxAge
maxAge: 240
# Set SameSite attribute to restrict browser behaviour wrt sending the cookie along with cross-site requests. - VOUCH_COOKIE_SAMESITE
# Possible attribute values lax, strict, none.
# If attribute not specified then cross-site behaviour will depend on the browser used. If sameSite=none then secure must be set to true
# More context: https://github.com/vouch/vouch-proxy/issues/210
sameSite: lax
# name of session variable stored locally - VOUCH_SESSION_NAME
name: VouchSession
# number of minutes for maximum session age, configuring how long the user has to login at their IdP (defaults to 5) - VOUCH_SESSION_MAXAGE
maxAge: 5
# key - a cryptographic string used to store the session variable - VOUCH_SESSION_KEY
# if the key is not set here then it is generated at startup and stored in memory
# Vouch Proxy complains if the string is less than 44 characters (256 bits as 32 base64 bytes)
# you only want to set this if you're running multiple user facing vouch.yourdomain.com instances
# where each instance may rely on a session cookie for state or the original requested URL
# key: your_random_key
jwt: X-Vouch-Token # VOUCH_HEADERS_JWT
querystring: access_token # VOUCH_HEADERS_QUERYSTRING
redirect: X-Vouch-Requested-URI # VOUCH_HEADERS_REDIRECT
# all of these config elements can cause performance impacts due to the amount of information being
# moved around. They will get added to the Vouch cookie and (possibly) make it large. The Vouch cookie will
# get split up into several cookies. But if you need it, you need it.
# With large cookies and headers it will require additional nginx config to open up the buffers a bit..
# see `large_client_header_buffers` http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#large_client_header_buffers
# and `proxy_buffer_size` http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_proxy_module.html#proxy_buffer_size
# claims - a list of claims that will be stored in the JWT and passed down to applications via headers - VOUCH_HEADERS_CLAIMS
# By default claims are sent down as headers with a prefix of X-Vouch-IdP-Claims-ClaimKey
# Only when a claim is found in the user's info will the header exist. This is optional. These are case sensitive.
- groups
- given_name
# these will result in two headers being passed back to nginx as the headers
# X-Vouch-IdP-Claims-Groups: groupa, groupb, groupc
# X-Vouch-IdP-Claims-Given-Name: Robert
# nginx will populate the variables
# $auth_resp_x_vouch_idp_claims_groups
# $auth_resp_x_vouch_idp_claims_given-name
# see https://github.com/vouch/vouch-proxy/issues/183 regarding claims and header naming
# claimheader - Customizable claim header prefix (instead of default `X-Vouch-IdP-Claims-`) - VOUCH_HEADERS_CLAIMHEADER
# claimheader: My-Custom-Claim-Prefix
# accesstoken - Pass the user's access token from the provider. This is useful if you need to pass the IdP token to a downstream - VOUCH_HEADERS_ACCESSTOKEN
# application. This is optional.
# accesstoken: X-Vouch-IdP-AccessToken
# idtoken - Pass the user's Id token from the provider. This is useful if you need to pass this token to a downstream - VOUCH_HEADERS_IDTOKEN
# application. This is optional.
# idtoken: X-Vouch-IdP-IdToken
# test_url - add this URL to the page which vouch displays during testing (a convenience for testing) - VOUCH_TESTURL
test_url: http://yourdomain.com
# post_logout_redirect_uris - VOUCH_POST_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URIS
# in order to prevent redirection attacks all redirected URLs to /logout must be specified
# the URL must still be passed to Vouch Proxy as https://vouch.yourdomain.com/logout?url=${ONE OF THE URLS BELOW}
# in line with the OIDC spec https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-session-1_0.html#RedirectionAfterLogout
# your apps login page
- http://myapp.yourdomain.com/login
# your IdPs logout enpoint
# from https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration
- https://oauth2.googleapis.com/revoke
# you may be daisy chaining to your IdP
- https://myorg.okta.com/oauth2/123serverid/v1/logout?post_logout_redirect_uri=http://myapp.yourdomain.com/login
# OAuth
# environmental variables for OAuth config:
# provider: OAUTH_PROVIDER
# client_id: OAUTH_CLIENT_ID
# client_secret: OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET
# auth_url: OAUTH_AUTH_URL
# token_url: OAUTH_TOKEN_URL
# end_session_endpoint: OAUTH_END_SESSION_ENDPOINT
# callback_url: OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL
# user_info_url: OAUTH_USER_INFO_URL
# user_team_url: OAUTH_USER_TEAM_URL
# user_org_url: OAUTH_USER_ORG_URL
# preferreddomain: OAUTH_PREFERREDDOMAIN
# callback_urls: OAUTH_CALLBACK_URLS
# scopes: OAUTH_SCOPES
# claims: OAUTH_CLAIMS
# code_challenge_method: OAUTH_CODE_CHALLENGE_METHOD
# relying_party_id OAUTH_RELYING_PARTY_ID
# configure ONLY ONE of the following oauth providers
# Google
provider: google
# create new credentials at:
# https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials
- http://vouch.yourdomain.com:9090/auth
- http://vouch.yourotherdomain.com:9090/auth
preferredDomain: yourdomain.com
# optionally set scopes, defaults to 'email'
# https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes#google_sign-in
# scopes:
# - email
# GitHub
# https://developer.github.com/apps/building-integrations/setting-up-and-registering-oauth-apps/about-authorization-options-for-oauth-apps/
provider: github
# callback_url is configured at github.com when setting up the app
# Set to e.g. https://vouch.yourdomain.com/auth
# defaults (uncomment and change these if you are using github enterprise on-prem)
# auth_url: https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize
# token_url: https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token
# user_info_url: https://api.github.com/user?access_token=
# scopes:
# - user
# Generic OpenID Connect
provider: oidc
auth_url: https://{yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default/v1/authorize
token_url: https://{yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default/v1/token
user_info_url: https://{yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default/v1/userinfo
# end_session_endpoint is usually the IdP's logout URL
# see https://github.com/vouch/vouch-proxy/pull/258
end_session_endpoint: https://{yourOktaDomain}/oauth2/default/v1/logout
- openid
- email
- profile
callback_url: http://vouch.yourdomain.com:9090/auth
# optionally set the "claims" request parameter (see https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#ClaimsParameter)
# required by Twitch, resolves issue https://github.com/vouch/vouch-proxy/issues/414
# claims:
# userinfo:
# given_name:
# essential: true
# nickname: null
# email:
# essential: true
# email_verified:
# essential: true
# picture: null
# "http://example.info/claims/groups": null
# id_token:
# auth_time:
# essential: true
# acr:
# values:
# - "urn:mace:incommon:iap:silver"
# PKCE method if enabled, S256 is currently supported (check https://www.oauth.com/oauth2-servers/pkce/)
# resolves issue https://github.com/vouch/vouch-proxy/issues/303
code_challenge_method: S256
# IndieAuth
# https://indielogin.com/api
provider: indieauth
client_id: http://yourdomain.com
auth_url: https://indielogin.com/auth
callback_url: http://vouch.yourdomain.com:9090/auth
# adfs
provider: adfs
auth_url: https://adfs.yourdomain.com/adfs/oauth2/authorize/
token_url: https://adfs.yourdomain.com/adfs/oauth2/token/
# vouch-proxy use RedirectURL as relying party identifier by default, if you want a custom one:
# see https://github.com/vouch/vouch-proxy/issues/189
# relying_party_id: 487d8ff7-80a8-4f62-b926-c2852ab06e94
- openid
- email
- profile
callback_url: https://vouch.yourdomain.com/auth