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# Vouch Proxy configuration
# bare minimum to get Vouch Proxy running with github enterprise
# see config.yml_example for all options
# domains:
# valid domains that the jwt cookies can be set into
# each of these domains must serve the url https://login.$domains[0] https://login.$domains[1] ...
# the callback_urls will be to these domains
- yourdomain.com
- yourothersite.io
# - OR -
# instead of setting specific domains you may prefer to allow all users...
# set allowAllUsers: true to use Vouch Proxy to just accept anyone who can authenticate at the configured provider
# allowAllUsers: true
# allow the jwt/cookie to be set into http://yourdomain.com (defaults to true, requiring https://yourdomain.com)
secure: false
# vouch.cookie.domain must be set when enabling allowAllUsers
# domain: yourdomain.com
# set teamWhitelist: to list of teams and/or GitHub organizations
# When putting an organization id without a slash, it will allow all (public) members from the organization.
# The client will try to read the private organization membership using the client credentials, if that's not possible
# due to access restriction, it will try to evaluate the publicly visible membership.
# Allowing members form a specific team can be configured by qualifying the team with the organization, separated by
# a slash.
# teamWhitelist:
# - myOrg
# - myOrg/myTeam
# In case both vouch.teamWhitelist AND oauth.scopes is configured, make sure read:org scope is included
# create a new OAuth application at:
# https://githubenterprise.yourdomain.com/settings/applications/new
provider: github
client_id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
client_secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
auth_url: https://githubenterprise.yourdomain.com/login/oauth/authorize
token_url: https://githubenterprise.yourdomain.com/login/oauth/access_token
user_info_url: https://githubenterprise.yourdomain.com/api/v3/user?access_token=
# relevant only if teamWhitelist is configured; colon-prefixed parts are parameters that
# will be replaced with the respective values.
user_team_url: https://githubenterprise.yourdomain.com/api/v3/orgs/:org_id/teams/:team_slug/memberships/:username?access_token=
user_org_url: https://githubenterprise.yourdomain.com/api/v3/orgs/:org_id/members/:username?access_token=
# these GitHub OAuth defaults are set for you..
# scopes:
# - user
# In case both vouch.teamWhitelist AND oauth.scopes is configured, make sure read:org scope is included