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# Vouch Proxy configuration
# bare minimum to get Vouch Proxy running with Slack
- yourdomain.com
# set allowAllUsers: true to use Vouch Proxy to just accept anyone who can authenticate at Gitea
# allowAllUsers: true
# cookie:
# secure: false
# vouch.cookie.domain must be set when enabling allowAllUsers
# domain: yourdomain.com
# create a new OAuth application at:
# https://api.slack.com/apps
# use the manifest at `examples/slack/vouch-slack-oidc-app-manifest.yml`
# but be sure to match the `callback_url`'s below to the `redirect_urls` in the manifest
# then install the new app to your slack instance
provider: oidc
# careful! the slack client_id must be single quoted so that the yaml parser
# doesn't interpret it as a number (because yaml is actually javascript)
client_id: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
client_secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
callback_url: https://vouch.yourdomain.com/auth
# from https://slack.com/.well-known/openid-configuration
auth_url: https://slack.com/openid/connect/authorize
token_url: https://slack.com/api/openid.connect.token
user_info_url: https://slack.com/api/openid.connect.userInfo