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Copyright 2020 The Vouch Proxy Authors.
Use of this source code is governed by The MIT License (MIT) that
can be found in the LICENSE file. Software distributed under The
MIT License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES
OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
package handlers
import (
// Provider each Provider must support GetuserInfo
type Provider interface {
GetUserInfo(r *http.Request, user *structs.User, customClaims *structs.CustomClaims, ptokens *structs.PTokens, opts ...oauth2.AuthCodeOption) error
const (
base64Bytes = 32
var (
sessstore *sessions.CookieStore
log *zap.SugaredLogger
fastlog *zap.Logger
provider Provider
// Configure see main.go configure()
func Configure() {
log = cfg.Logging.Logger
fastlog = cfg.Logging.FastLogger
// http://www.gorillatoolkit.org/pkg/sessions
sessstore = sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte(cfg.Cfg.Session.Key))
sessstore.Options.HttpOnly = cfg.Cfg.Cookie.HTTPOnly
sessstore.Options.Secure = cfg.Cfg.Cookie.Secure
sessstore.Options.SameSite = cookie.SameSite()
sessstore.Options.MaxAge = cfg.Cfg.Session.MaxAge * 60 // convert minutes to seconds
provider = getProvider()
func getProvider() Provider {
switch cfg.GenOAuth.Provider {
case cfg.Providers.IndieAuth:
return indieauth.Provider{}
case cfg.Providers.ADFS:
return adfs.Provider{}
case cfg.Providers.Azure:
return azure.Provider{}
case cfg.Providers.HomeAssistant:
return homeassistant.Provider{}
case cfg.Providers.OpenStax:
return openstax.Provider{}
case cfg.Providers.Google:
return google.Provider{}
case cfg.Providers.GitHub:
return github.Provider{PrepareTokensAndClient: common.PrepareTokensAndClient}
case cfg.Providers.Nextcloud:
return nextcloud.Provider{}
case cfg.Providers.OIDC:
return openid.Provider{}
case cfg.Providers.Alibaba:
return alibaba.Provider{}
// shouldn't ever reach this since cfg checks for a properly configure `oauth.provider`
log.Fatal("oauth.provider appears to be misconfigured, please check your config")
return nil