
1.9 KiB


Woodpecker does support Kubernetes as a backend. See the Kubernetes backend configuration for backend-specific options.

:::caution Kubernetes support is still experimental and not all pipeline features are fully supported yet.

Check the current state :::

Deploy with HELM

Deploying Woodpecker with HELM is the recommended way. Have a look at the values.yaml config files for all available settings.


# create agent secret
kubectl create secret generic woodpecker-secret \
  --namespace <namespace> \
  --from-literal=WOODPECKER_AGENT_SECRET=$(openssl rand -hex 32)

# add credentials for your forge
kubectl create secret generic woodpecker-github-client \
  --namespace <namespace> \

kubectl create secret generic woodpecker-github-secret \
  --namespace <namespace> \

# add helm repo
helm repo add woodpecker https://woodpecker-ci.org/

Woodpecker server

# Install
helm upgrade --install woodpecker-server --namespace <namespace> woodpecker/woodpecker-server

# Uninstall
helm delete woodpecker-server

Woodpecker agent

# Install
helm upgrade --install woodpecker-agent --namespace <namespace> woodpecker/woodpecker-agent

# Uninstall
helm delete woodpecker-agent


To mount volumes a persistent volume (PV) and persistent volume claim (PVC) are needed on the cluster which can be referenced in steps via the volume: option. Assuming a PVC named "woodpecker-cache" exists, it can be referenced as follows in a step:

  "Restore Cache":
    image: meltwater/drone-cache
      - woodpecker-cache:/woodpecker/src/cache
        - "woodpecker-cache"